

Christopher Tkaczyk 2014年06月23日
电子支付技术公司Allied Wallet

    • 总部所在地:洛杉矶

    • 员工人数:1,032人

    • 千禧一代比例:97%

    Allied Wallet是一家有着12年历史的电子支付处理公司。公司超过90%的员工年龄都在35岁以下。他们在办公室可以欣赏好莱坞日落大道的景观,参加特殊的活动,有趣的派对和免费的周五午餐。公司所有员工每周五聚在一起共进午餐。表现突出的员工每月可以获得礼品。去年年度员工的奖励是一辆全新的梅赛德斯奔驰(Mercedes Benz)敞篷车。


    • Headquarters: Los Angeles

    • Number of employees: 1,032

    • Millennial headcount: 97%

    More than 90% of the workforce at the 12-year old e-payment processing firm are less than 35 years old. They enjoy great office views on Hollywood's Sunset Strip, special events, fun parties and free Friday lunches where everybody sits and eats together. Top performers are given monthly gifts. Last year the employee of the year received a new Mercedes Benz convertible.

    Says one Millennial employee: "The office happy hour is unreal. The people are all off-the-hook."

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