

Stanley Bing 2013年11月05日


9. 周五上午,当你开始整理行李准备离开时,一大堆的问题、麻烦和杂事都会迎面而来。有时候,你不太走运就要忙得焦头烂额才能解决。有时候,别人可能会非常担心,希望你不要走,因为他们快抓狂了。你可以平静地安慰他们说,你会不时地注意你黑莓上的邮件,但他们可能会因为一点小事就来打扰你,而这些事你回来时一下子解决了。确保你的办公桌是干净的。在你的电子邮箱里留一条“离开”的信息。和你的同事说再见,谢谢他们在你不在时顶替你的工作。然后就等着有电话找你吧,那是不可避免的。

10. 在晚上5点45分,你度假前最后一次离开办公室时,老板打电话给你。其实没什么事儿。你们会笑着互相吹捧几句。他会说非常期盼周末。你对自己的假期只字不提,但是可以说你等不及要逃离办公室了。然后,当你要结束这愉快的谈话时,他会说,“那么,下周一再见了。”这时,你要倒吸一口气。在话筒前务必保持平静。“老板,”你就只需说这么一句就行。十之八九的情况就是,停了一会儿,他会回复说“哦,对了,你要出去两个星期,”显得非常悲哀和受伤,就像被主人抛弃的小狗一样,然后你回答说,“是的。”他会祝你一路顺风,可能还会告诉你他的假期计划。若有意外的话,他是不是很可能会为难你呢?我能说什么呢。做你想做的吧。那个人是疯子,但是疯子也要有分寸,甚至比常人需要更多。


8. Wednesday before your last Friday, Bob will inform you of an important meeting/project that will have to be done “next week.” This is a critical moment. Fools and wimps will in a trembling voice remind Bob of their vacation plans, but promise to be “reachable” when necessary. Do not do this. Executive amnesia is a form of authoritarian terrorism that must be fought. “Bob,” you may say as calmly and inoffensively as possible, “As I told you several times, I’m out next week and the week after.” Bob will look confused and hurt. He may even lightly question your loyalty or dedication. That’s all right. A display of spine is seldom out of place in what we do. Of course, if the corporation is being sold, or you are about to be named to a big new position, all bets may be off. Organizations can spoil the best of plans and often do. But 99.99% of the time, the ability to disregard other people’s needs is pure executive brain flatulence. Manage it.

9. On Friday morning, as you begin the process of packing up to leave, a host, a myriad, a phalanx of problems, challenges and effluvia will fly up and hit you in the face. In some cases, this will be just bad luck and you will have to work your head off to get rid of them. Sometimes it will be other people’s anxieties surfacing in the knowledge that you are actually not going to be there, a notion that is making them freak out. You may soothe them by telling them quietly that you will be on BlackBerry now and then, but that if they bother you with little stuff you will rip off their noses when you return. Make sure your desk is clear. Leave an away message on your e-mail. Say goodbye to your colleagues and thank them for covering your butt while you’re away. Then wait for the inevitable phone call.

10. At 5:45 in the evening of the day you are leaving the office for the last time in the next couple of weeks, Bob will call. It will be about nothing. You will laugh and scratch for a while. He will mention that he’s looking forward to the weekend. You will say NOTHING about your vacation, but allow how you can’t wait to get out of the office either. Then, as you are wrapping up this pleasant conversation, Bob will say, “So, I’ll see you Monday, then.” Breathe. Let the silence grow between you on the phone line. “Bob,” you may then say, but that is all. Nine times out of ten, that will be enough. “Oh, right,” Bob will reply after some time, very sad, very hurt, a tiny puppy being abandoned by its owner, “You’re flaking out for a couple of weeks.” To which you may say, “Right.” He will then wish you bon voyage, and probably tell you all about his vacation plans. The one time out of ten that he gives you a hard time? What can I say. Do what you have to do. The guy’s a madman. But even madmen need limits, maybe more than other people, even.

Now… breaking your desire to stay in touch while you’re away? That’s another story.

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