

Anne Fisher 2013年07月26日

2. 预测可能出现的问题,提前进行规划。李说:“我们整个团队会坐下来讨论不同情境的细节。我们会讨论:‘如果发生这个或那个,由谁来负责解决?如果我们都不在公司的时候,客户可以和谁联系?’”提前将日常任务分配给其他团队,同时做好详细介绍,高层的决策会传达给李的其他同事——等他们度假的时候,李和她的团队则会帮助处理他们的事务。

3. 如果第一次并不顺利,再次尝试。要想顺利推行“不插电”假期,“坦率地讲,需要提前做大量工作,我也并不是每次都会花时间做准备,所以最初也出现了许多始料不及的问题,”李承认。“但如果最开始出现了一些小问题,不要轻易放弃彻底远离工作、让自己身心放松的想法。只要在明年把学到的教训应用到计划当中就可以。”


    哈佛商学院(Harvard Business School)教授莱斯利•珀洛有一本书名为《与智能手机共眠》(Sleeping with Your Smartphone)。艾琳是这本书的忠实读者。她指出:“人们在休假时工作,很多情况都是自己强加的。完全把工作抛到脑后需要自我约束。”本月晚些时候,艾琳将在肯尼亚和坦桑尼亚开始为期四周的旅行。她说:“我不会带手机。所以,我也就不会忍不住去看手机了。”(财富中文网)


    2. Anticipate problems that might come up and plan for them. "We sit down as a team and think through the details of different scenarios," Lee says. "We talk about, 'If this or that happens, who's going to cover it? Whom can the client contact if we're not here?'" Day-to-day tasks get delegated to another team, thoroughly briefed ahead of time, while senior-level decisions (if any) go to one of Lee's fellow partners — for whom Lee and her team then cover when they take their own vacations.

    3. If it doesn't go smoothly the first time, try again. Making an unplugged vacation come off without a hitch "takes, frankly, a lot of work beforehand, and I didn't always take the time to do it, so there were a few unforeseen problems in the beginning," Lee admits. "But if there are some glitches early on, don't give up on the idea of getting away for a real break. Just incorporate what you've learned into your plan for next year."


    One additional suggestion, from Jennifer Allyn: Remember that no one, in the end, is indispensable. The TeamViewer survey found that, although well over half of employees anticipated toiling away on their time off, only one in five (20%) said their bosses expected them to.

    As Allyn, who is a fan of Harvard Business School prof Leslie Perlow's book Sleeping with Your Smartphone, points out, "So much of the work people do on vacation is self-imposed. It takes self-discipline to put work completely out of your mind." Later this month, Allyn is embarking on a four-week safari in Kenya and Tanzania. "I'm not bringing my phone," she says, "so I won't feel tempted to check it."

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