

Peter Gerstenzang 2013年03月19日








    “我的感觉从来没像这样好。凭借我的河屋唱片公司(River House Records),我可以把我所有创造性想法付诸实践。没有人能妨碍我,也没有人能使唤我。”


    “2011年,我雇佣了一个宣传员,他叫卡里•贝克。他帮忙让我的唱片《天真的人》(The Innocent ones)上了《今日美国》(USA Today)的版面。报社的人写了篇很精彩的报道。而且由于很多媒体转载,我开了好多场演唱会。”


    “除了录唱片和巡演,我还要处理大大小小的所有事情。我要审核插图,接订单,还要送货。一切让人精疲力竭。但是为了我下一张专辑《美国旅行》(American Ride)的发行,我的粉丝只用4天时间就凑齐了发行的费用!这给了我走下去的动力。不能辜负粉丝的信任。”(财富中文网)


    Elliott Murphy

    Once hailed as "The New Dylan" (just like his friend Bruce Springsteen), Murphy "invented" being his own CEO. Based in Paris, selling lots of records, he loves being boss.

    "In 1979, after recording for the majors, I found myself without a label," Murphy recalls. "I started my own, overseeing everything from recording to pressing. One day, I dropped off an album re-order to a Manhattan store. The manager looked at me, confused. 'You're Elliott Murphy?' he asked. 'Right,' I replied. 'You deliver the records yourself?' 'Right again,' I replied. 'Why?' he demanded. 'Total artistic control!' I said 'Smart artist!' he said."

    Aside from playing 100 dates a year and selling CDs -- "My wife is my staff, although she'd kill me for saying so" -- Murphy now manages his son's band.

    "I tell him to do what I do: Get involved in every decision that concerns your career, keep longevity in mind as your goal."

    Willie Nile

    After making acclaimed albums for Arista and Columbia, Willie Nile found success and happiness piloting his own ship. Here's what this CEO says about running things.

    "It's never been better. With my River House Records, I can realize all my creative decisions, unencumbered. I answer to no one."

    Nile says being his own boss, he spends his bucks wisely. Hiring the right employee turned things around.

    "In 2011, I got a publicist, Cary Baker. He got my record The Innocent Ones to USA Today. They wrote a great story about it. And because it hit the wire services, I got a ton of gigs out of it."

    Still, there are drawbacks to running one's own business.

    "Along with recording and touring, I'm always attending to details. There's artwork to approve, booking issues, shipping. It's exhausting. But for my upcoming album, American Ride, my fans raised my recording money in four days! That gives you the energy to go on. So you can justify your fans' faith in you."

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