

David A. Kaplan 2013年01月18日


    也许,最重要的一点是,在玛氏人们有巨大的发展空间,无论在其业务部门还是在整个公司。如果某位员工不想再做彩虹糖(Skittles)的品牌管理,那他也许能在Cesar的Canine Cuisine Sunrise早餐产品(“伴着肉汁的熏肉和煎蛋!”)质量控制部门找到让自己满意的位置。玛氏很欣赏培养跨部门人才的思路,而且幸运的是,没人会把Starbursts糖果和Little Champions的Butcher's Stew狗粮弄混。就拿吉姆•普莱斯来说,现在他是新泽西州哈基茨敦玛氏巧克力工厂的质量和食品安全经理,差不多27年前进入玛氏,第一份工作是在内华达州亨德森的精品巧克力工厂当门房。他的部门领导督促他去上晚间社区大学;学杂费由玛氏承担。普莱斯说:“在有些公司,如果你问公司愿景是什么,他们得去抽屉里面找;而在这里,你只需要看看周围就行了。”从这个故事可以看出玛氏的正派——还有精明。(财富中文网)


    And yet employees thrive. Once they get a job, they stay: Turnover in the U.S. is a low 5% or so (excluding the sales force). Some families can claim three generations of employees. The 78-year-old woman who runs the in-house candy shop at the plant in Slough, England, has loyally worked at Mars since the reign of George VI -- more than six decades. The demographics of the Mars workplace in the U.S. -- about 70% of it in manufacturing, almost entirely nonunionized -- are diverse; women constitute 38% of the managers. There are even some unusual perks, like every kid's fantasy come to life: vending machines that dispense free candy all day long. Chewing gum at meetings is encouraged (as long as it's Wrigley's).

    Perhaps most significant, employees have great latitude for advancement, both within their divisions and in the larger Mars ecosystem; if you've had enough of Skittles brand management, you might find satisfaction in quality control of Cesar Canine Cuisine Sunrise Breakfast ("with smoked bacon & eggs in meaty juices"!). The company prizes the idea of developing cross-division talent -- and fortunately, nobody confuses Starbursts with Little Champions Butcher's Stew. Consider Jim Price, who's now the site-quality and food-safety manager at the chocolate plant in Hackettstown, N.J. Almost 27 years ago he began his Mars career as a janitor in a boutique chocolate operation in Henderson, Nev. His supervisor urged him to attend community college at night; Mars paid for tuition and books. If "you ask some companies for their mission statement, they have to pull it out of a drawer," he says. "Here you just have to look around." Such a story reflects corporate decency -- and shrewdness.

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