



机构:Venture for America(VFA)

    安德鲁•杨认为,最出类拔萃的大学毕业生竟然争先恐后地想挤进金融和管理咨询行业,让人觉得非常遗憾。杨希望引导这些优秀人才加入创业的行列,他认为创业才是美国经济的发动机。“没错,我们需要《财富》百强(Fortune 100)公司,但我们也得接受现实:就算是埃克森美孚(Exxon Mobil)也不可能增加太多的工作岗位。”

    37岁的杨曾经做过公司律师,2011年夏,他成立了Venture for America项目。VFA的理念与“为美国而教”类似,它向底特律、辛辛那提、拉斯维加斯、新奥尔良和普罗维登斯的初创企业总计派驻了40位项目成员(他们每年获得的薪酬是32,000美元至38,000美元)。项目为期两年,期望在明年能够招募80至200名成员,并向更多城市扩张。

    VFA声称,传统创业过程如同摸着石头过河,而VFA将在混沌的河水上架起一座桥梁。杨认为,那些胸怀大志的名牌大学毕业生之所以把金融和咨询行业作为首选,原因之一是希望获得声誉和保障。VFA则认为,它能给年轻人提供VFA特有的身份符号;并且,去一个不足10人的小公司工作也可以缓解向高盛(Goldman Sachs)或麦肯锡(McKinsey)这类大公司申请工作机会所带来的压力。杨说,这是最好不过的事。

Andrew Yang

Organization: Venture for America

    Andrew Yang thinks it's a shame that the best and brightest from universities across the nation are entering finance and management consulting in droves. Yang wants to channel that talent into what he views as the nation's economic engine: the world of startups. "We need the Fortune 100 companies, but let's face it: Exxon Mobil's not going to be adding that many jobs."

    The 37-year-old former corporate lawyer launched Venture for America in the summer of 2011. Similar in concept to Teach for America, VFA places its 40 fellows (who are paid between $32,000 and $38,000 a year) at start-ups in Detroit, Cincinnati, Las Vegas, New Orleans, and Providence. The competitive two-year program aims to recruit 80 to 200 fellows and to expand to several additional cities next year.

    VFA claims that it provides a clear bridge over the traditionally murky waters of entrepreneurship. Yang believes that one of the reasons ambitious, Ivy League grads wound up at those institutions in the first place is that they were looking for prestige and security. VFA argues that it offers a status marker of its own, which reduces the pain of passing up that job at Goldman Sachs (GS,Fortune 500) or McKinsey to work at a company with fewer than 10 people. And, Yang says, it's all for the best.

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