

Amanda Pouchot 2012年07月09日



    我需要明白:即使我失败了,也不要紧。我还可以重整旗鼓,东山再起,吉尔特集团(Gilt Groupe)董事长苏珊•莱恩2004年失去ABC娱乐总裁的职位后,她当时的所作所为就是我的榜样。我需要知道:如果攀登巅峰是一段旅程,那么心烦意乱、工作和家庭的艰难抉择、感觉失去诚信乃至犯错,这些都是这段旅程的一部分。


    阿曼达•庞特和卡罗琳•戈恩共同创建了面向年轻职业女性的社交网络The Levo League(后者的父亲卡洛斯•戈恩是日产-雷诺公司总裁——译注)。

    If women don't feel that there are currently safe spaces to share, this is where we need to start; it's time to create those environments, online and off.

    There is no single sweeping solution that will help all women. And there's no reason there should be. Having a diverse array of opinions is a sign of life within the community of professional women, not a symbol of disarray or cattiness. And knowing about the different paths and options can only help younger women starting their careers. Attacking one another and those of the opposite sex will not. It all goes back to the idea of safe spaces - we need to be able to have open and honest discussions, and we need to respect those who we disagree with, not attack them.

    I need to know that if I do fail, it is okay. That I will get up and bounce back, just as Gilt Groupe Chairman Susan Lyne did after getting let go from her position as president of ABC Entertainment in 2004. I need to hear that being upset, facing impossible work-life decisions, feeling like a fraud, or making mistakes is all a part of the journey to reaching the top.

    Sharing these stories doesn't make professional women weak. In fact, it shows strength. I need to hear the stories of women who have made it to the top rather than the complaints that there aren't enough of them there. Complaining teaches me nothing, but honest and open role models give me an insight into the difficulties I will face. And most of all, these women's honest stories let me know that while I may feel alone at times, I am not.

    Amanda Pouchot co-founded The Levo League with Caroline Ghosn.

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