
埃森哲公司 埃森哲“鼓励我们积极行动,并为我们提供支持,协助我们完成决心要达到的任何目标。”一位员工说。埃森哲印度分公司的“川流”(Vaahini)和“人力开发者”项目也印证了这一说法。女性员工社交团体“川流”,主要功能是组织顾问指导、沟通和咨询活动。“人力开发者”项目则会请获得升职的员工提名一路上曾经帮助过他们的同事,这些同事将会收到来自公司领导层的亲自撰写的感谢邮件。在挪威,埃森哲每年都会为1,500余名员工、前员工、客户和合作伙伴举办“创意集市”。 |
Accenture Accenture employees are "encouraged to make things happen and are given the tools to accomplish anything we set our minds to do," says an employee. Programs like "Vaahini" and "People Developer" at Accenture India support that statement. Vaahini is a women's networking group that supports mentoring, communication, and counseling events. People Developer allows promoted employees to name colleagues who helped them along the way -- these individuals receive personal thank-you emails from company leaders. In Norway, Accenture hosts an "Innovation Fair" once a year for a crowd of over 1500 composed of employees, former employees, customers, and partners. |