
3月,索尼的一则声明在虚拟现实领域掀起波澜。 这家日本公司终于宣布将在今年10月份发售其PlayStaion VR虚拟现实头盔。凭借这款产品,索尼加入了其他大型科技公司的行列,如Facebook、HTC和三星等。这些公司均将虚拟现实视为一种全新的娱乐形式,它将改变人们看电影、玩游戏和进行社交的方式。 既然有机会置身于一个虚拟的沙滩,看着海水拍打着你的脚趾,为何还要在电视上观看宁静的海滩来消磨时光? 在媒体活动上,索尼和多家视频游戏与媒体公司,让记者们亲身体验了一把正在开发的虚拟现实产品。下面是《财富》杂志发现的一些有趣的游戏和视频。 1. 在虚拟现实世界体会自由落体 一款名为《Social VR》的游戏将玩家置入一个可爱的虚拟世界,这里有绿色的小山和沙滩,玩家们可以一起玩沙滩球,甚至可以参加舞会。没错,你可以在虚拟世界里跳手摇摆舞。 在这个充满卡通气息的可爱世界里,我用一个虚拟沙滩球将自己弹到空中,体会到了肾上腺素飙升的感觉。最后,在弹到足够高的时候,我可以看到下方渺小的树木、山顶和跨越地平线的深蓝色大海。当然,弹上去自然要落下,我很快便发现自己正在以自由落体状态回到地面。在现实当中,我的两条腿并没有离开会议室的地板。但在虚拟世界里,随着身体急速下降,看着地面越来越近,我的心开始下沉,心跳加速。 我从来没有参加过跳伞,但虚拟现实却让我体会到了跳伞的刺激。 |
Sony made a big virtual splash last month. The company finally said that its PlayStation VR virtual reality headset will debut in October. With the premiere, Sony joins several other big tech companies like Facebook, HTC, and Samsung that see virtual reality as radical new form of entertainment that will change how people watch movies, play games, and socialize with each other. Why just laze away watching a serene beach on television when you can instead be transported—virtually—to the sand with water seemingly lapping at your toes? As part of its press event, Sony and a handful of video game and media companies gave journalists a chance to try out some of the virtual reality products that are being developed. Here’s a list of some of the interesting games and video that Fortune tried out. 1. Free-falling in virtual reality Social VR, one of the games being shown off, puts players in a cutesy virtual world of green hills and sandy beaches where they can toss beach balls to one another and even attend a dance party. Yes, you can finally do the hand-jive in virtual reality. It was in this cartoony and adorable world where I felt my adrenaline rush after using a virtual beach ball to bounce myself up into the sky. Eventually, I bounced so high that I could see tiny trees below, hilltops, and the vast dark blue ocean across the horizon. But of course, what goes up must come down, and I soon found myself free-falling back to Earth. In reality, my legs were firmly planted on the conference room floor. But seeing the horizon get bigger and closer as I plummeted was enough to cause my stomach to drop and my heart to race. I’ve never skydived, but I got a little taste of it in virtual reality. |

2. 被机器巨人袭击 《RIGS机械化战斗联盟》(RIGS Mechanized Combat League)是一款简单直接的游戏。游戏刚一开始,便有一群全副武装的士兵喘着气向我敬礼,而我则被束缚在一台巨大的战斗机器人里面,然后被带到一个位于迪拜,充满未来主义气息的竞技场。在那里,我与其他巨型机器人展开搏斗,其外形与电影《铁甲威龙》中的反派机器人颇为类似。这种竞争有点像一场变异版的篮球赛,我要跳进一个大洞里为我的队伍得分,我的战友包括那些由其他玩家操控的机器人。 在这个虚拟世界里,传统第一人称射击游戏的爱好者会感觉如鱼得水一般,因为他们可以使用标准的PlayStation控制器,发射激光炮弹,跳跃,并在竞技场里移动。由于我要不断回头查看背后是否潜伏着敌人,我有些头晕,但在虚拟竞技场里四处移动所带来的兴奋感,足以让我乐此不疲地玩下去。 |
2. What being attacked by giant robots is like There’s no subtlety involved in RIGS Mechanized Combat League. As soon as the game begins, armor-clad soldiers pumped their chests and saluted me as I was strapped into a giant combat robot and was taken to a futuristic arena in Dubai. There, in the arena, I battled other giant machines that resembled variants of Robocop’s iconic robotic villain in a sort of bizarre version of basketball in which I had to jump into a giant hole to score goals for my team that included other players who also piloted machines. Fans of traditional first-person shooters will feel at home in this world because they use the standard PlayStation controller to fire laser canons, jump, and move around the arena. I got a bit dizzy as I constantly turned my head to see if an enemy was creeping up behind me, but the exhilaration of moving around in the virtual arena was enough to keep me going. |

3. 亲自扮演哥斯拉 哥斯拉和金刚为什么那么喜欢摧毁建筑物?即将面世的游戏《Playroom VR》的试玩版,让我身临其境体验了一回像巨型雷龙一样的怪兽,这个怪兽显然不开心,需要用摩天大厦来发泄内心的怒火。 我的头每一次左右摇摆,都会让游戏里的怪兽摧毁一栋建筑。受到“瓦力”启发的小型机器人惊慌四散,而我则继续着自己的“暴行”。 最终,局势扭转,这些小机器人开始朝我扔木箱和小罐子,迫使我四处躲避。 |
3. Act out your inner Godzilla Why should Godzilla and King Kong have all the fun when it comes to smashing buildings? One of the demos I played from the upcoming Playroom VR game put me in the shoes (or talons?) of a huge brontosaurus-like monster that apparently had a rough day and needed to take out its aggression on skyscrapers. Every bob of my head to the left or right would cause my creature to mow down a building. As little WALL-E inspired robots panicked and scattered, I continued my rampage. The tables would eventually turn, and the little robots started hurling crates and canisters at me, forcing me to duck. |

4. 你的私人小提琴音乐会 在体验过从高空坠落、暴击机器人和摧毁建筑物之后,我希望放松一下,听听舒缓的古典音乐。于是,我尝试着观看了一场零距离接触的音乐表演。这场演奏使用360度摄像机提前录制而成,演奏者是著名小提琴家约书亚•贝尔。 在虚拟现实场景下,当贝尔激情演奏小提琴的时候,我可以站到贝尔身边,并不会打扰到他。在真实的音乐会现场,如果你像这样接近演奏者,肯定会被当成跟踪狂扔出剧场。 回过头,我可以看到电影制作者为录制表演安装的录音装置和话筒。能够看到如此细微的细节,让360度观看贝尔表演的体验变得更加令人记忆深刻。 一个小故障让贝尔静止了几秒钟,这样的意外也让人感觉有趣。一个人突然在你面前停止移动,然后开始快速旋转摇摆,这样的情形可不是每天都能看到的。 5. 虚拟现实里的哈利波特 如果你想知道成为哈利波特是一种什么体验,《Waltz of the Wizard》是最好的选择。这款游戏让玩家变身成一位巫师,四处收集魔法球,然后把它们放到一个大坩埚里,来获得特殊的力量。我把一个魔法球放到坩埚里之后,便可以通过轻轻移动动作控制器,用双手发射闪电。 当然,试玩的过程并不顺利。有几次在我没有移动的时候,虚拟场景里的手就移动到了屏幕右侧。 一位代表强调称,这是一款初期版本,与动作控制器配合的摄像机跟踪,有时候会变得有些奇怪。无论如何,我在从桌子上拿起物品的时候遇到过麻烦,不得不向左挥动手臂,让虚拟的手回到中央。 |
4. Your own private violin concert After my experience falling from the skies, blasting robots, and smashing buildings, I wanted to relax and listen to some soothing classical music. For this, I tried an intimate musical performance—previously recorded with a 360-degree camera—by acclaimed violinist Joshua Bell. In virtual reality, I could stand up close and personal next to Bell without bothering him as he furiously played his violin. If this close to a performer at an actual concert, I probably would be tossed out of the theater like some sort of stalker. Turning to look behind me, I could see the recording gear and microphones that the filmmakers had set up to capture the performance. Being able to see those little details made watching Bell in 360 degrees much more memorable. Even a glitch in the software that caused Bell to freeze for a couple of seconds was interesting. It’s not everyday that someone suddenly stops moving in front of you and then rapidly gyrates. 5. Harry Potter in virtual reality If you’ve ever wanted to know what it’s like to be Harry Potter, Waltz of the Wizard might be what you’re looking for. The game puts players in the shoes of a wizard who gathers magical spheres and dumps them into a big cauldron to obtain special powers. After I placed a sphere into the cauldron, I could shoot bolts of lightning from my hands by flicking the motion controller. Still, not everything went smoothly. A couple of times my virtual hand would drift to the right of the screen without me actually moving the controller. A representative stressed that this is still an early version of the game, and sometimes the camera tracking that works in conjunction with the motion controllers can get a little funky. Whatever the case, I had trouble picking up objects on the table, and I’d have to swipe my arm left just to get my virtual hand centered. |

6. 观看专为虚拟现实制作的电影 虚拟现实不止可以用来玩游戏。电脑动画短片《Allumette》充分体现了虚拟现实如何创造出在屏幕上讲故事的新方式。 在这部短片中,我看到一艘类似于西班牙大帆船的木制飞船,穿过厚厚的云层。通过在真实世界里走路,我靠近了这艘虚拟飞船,朝一个船舱里窥视,偷听一对母女的谈话。这种体验就像是置身于好莱坞导演蒂姆•伯顿创造的透视画一样。偷窥剧情的感觉让观看这部电影变成了一种亲密的体验。 不过,这部电影的时长只有15分钟,但我要一直站着观看。如果是超过一个小时的电影,一直站立观看恐怕不会舒服。但我可以更近距离欣赏影片里的风景。在一个场景中,我可以扭头观看闪烁的星星点亮夜空,这种体验让站立带来的不舒适变得更容易忍受。 7. 在虚拟现实世界进行一场漫长奇怪的旅程 在体验虚拟现实的过程中,《Megaton Rainfall》是我玩过的最奇怪的游戏。在游戏里,我扮演一位超级英雄,必须在城市里飞来飞去,帮助抵御外星人的攻击。 它在建筑之间自由滑翔。问题在于,那些土褐色的建筑看起来一模一样,这给人一种死气沉沉的感觉。游戏的褐色色调,让人感觉正在透过浓雾,在一座废弃已久的苏联城市废墟里飞行。 我要捕捉的外星飞船,类似于旧金山的地标建筑科伊特塔,当我用可能是世界上最慢的激光击中它们之后,它们的下半部分会打开,然后向风力涡轮机一样旋转。至少可以说,这是一次超现实的体验。 8. 现在,你可以在虚拟现实世界里工作 《模拟工作》(Job Simulator)游戏适合那些在工作中不顺心,想要在类似的办公室里发泄怒火,又无需担心被炒鱿鱼的上班族。在这款搞笑游戏里,我坐在一个小隔间里,它类似于现代化公司里沉闷的工作空间,里面有一台可以开关的老旧台式机,一台笨重的复印机,书架上是枯燥的工作审批文件。然后,我开始乱扔办公用品,制造混乱。 我把书扔到我前面的隔间,拔下所有电子设备的插座,试图在手上订订书针,狼吞虎咽地吃完了至少5个虚拟甜甜圈,然后打开咖啡机,但没放上杯子,结果咖啡流了一地。这种体验可以起到很好的发泄效果,我建议你每天进行一次,至少在虚拟世界里。(财富中文网) 译者:刘进龙/汪皓 审校:任文科 |
6. Watching movies made for virtual reality Virtual reality is not just for games. The computer-animated short film Allumette served as a great example of how virtual reality can create new ways to tell stories on screen. In Allumette, I watched a wooden airship resembling a galleon drift across an expanse of thick clouds. By walking in real life, I stepped closer to the virtual ship and peered inside one of its cabins to spy on a mother talking to her daughter. It was like being inside a diorama created by Hollywood director Tim Burton. The feeling of peeking into the set to see what was going on made the film an intimate experience. I had to stand during the roughly 15-minute movie, which could be uncomfortable to do for films that are more than an hour long. But being able to walk closer to the scenery and turn my head to see shimmering stars light up the night sky in one of the film’s scenes made the discomfort of standing more bearable. 7. A long, strange trip in virtual reality Megaton Rainfall was by far the strangest game I played on my virtual reality tour. In it, I took on the role of a super hero who must fly around a city and defend it from alien attacks. It glided past buildings with almost complete freedom. The problem was that the drab buildings all looked the same, which created a sort of lifeless experience. The game’s brownish tint made it seem like I was cruising through heavy smog and the remnants of a long-abandoned Soviet city. The alien ships I had to hunt resembled San Francisco’s iconic Coit Tower, and when I hit them with quite possibly the world’s slowest lasers, their bottom halves would open up and rotate like wind turbines. It was a surreal experience, to say the least. 8. Now you can work in virtual reality Job Simulator is the game for anyone who’s had a bad day at work and wants to rage in a generic office without the fear of getting fired. In the tongue-in-cheek game, I sat in a cubicle that resembled the typical dreary workspace of modern-corporate life. There was an old desktop computer that I could turn off and on, a bulky looking copy machine, and boring work-approved books in my cubicle’s bookshelf. Of course, I started throwing my office supplies to create some mayhem. I chucked some books at the cubicle in front of me, unplugged all the electronics in my space, tried to staple my hands, gorged on at least five virtual donuts, and turned on the coffee machine with no cup to catch what dripped out, causing a spill to spread across the floor. It was cathartic experience that I highly recommend once in your life, at least virtually. |