

Katie Fehrenbacher 2015年09月30日




    这就是打算在某些方面和特斯拉一较高下的最新电动车制造商。几个月前,新“特斯拉对手”这个头衔还属于设在加州加迪纳市的初创公司Faraday Future。据报道,这家公司去年成立,已有200名员工,其中一些来自特斯拉。它定于2017年推出首款电动汽车,还不清楚其资金来源。

    从事电池制造的初创企业Boston Power也曾被称为“特斯拉对手”,主要原因是该公司计划建立一家规模可观的电池厂,并和中国汽车厂商合作生产低成本电动车。Boston Power最初设在美国,2011年迁至中国,原因是当时很难在美国为电池科技公司筹得资金。

    Boston Power的投资人是金沙江创业投资基金,后者专门为立足于中国的企业提供资金。Boston Power董事长伍伸俊(也是金沙江创投的董事总经理)在该公司进行最后一轮融资时对《华尔街日报》表示,金沙江创投向Boston Power出资的原因是必须有人跟埃隆·穆斯克(特斯拉汽车公司CEO)一决高下。

    去年,设在旧金山湾区的高档电动车厂商Renovo Motors在悄然开发四年后推出了真正的高档电动超跑Renovo Coupe,使用锂离子电池。Renovo Motors获得了硅谷投资者支持,俨然是跑车版的特斯拉。

    此外,被中国汽车零部件龙头万向集团收购后,两年前一败涂地的电动车厂商Fisker Automotive(已更名为NewFisker)计划东山再起。该公司打算在加州莫里诺市建立一座工厂,并聘用150名员工。它表示,设在加州科斯塔梅萨市的总部另有员工240人。

    这些新成立的初创公司都试图追寻特斯拉的足迹,而且都冒险独立推出电动汽车,这里有几个原因。毫无疑问,特斯拉的成功鼓舞了其中多家企业。特斯拉的创立者和早期员工都成了富人,它的Model S轿车非常受欢迎,乃至于美国《消费者报告》杂志给出了历史最高评级。


    短短几年时间里,已经折戟沉沙的汽车公司包括Aptera、Coda Automotive、Think Automotive、Wheego和FiskerAutomotive(不知是否有遗漏)。


    今后特斯拉仍可能陷入困境。为了推出新车Model X和Model 3并让大型电池厂Gigafactory投入运作,它仍在借款和集资。该公司的经营状态仍然如同一家初创企业,承担的风险也和后者别无二致。特斯拉无疑还会遇到障碍,出现这种情况时,上述急不可耐的初创公司会不会望而却步呢?












    Another day brings another new electric automaker. Call them “Tesla rivals.” Maybe, if you’re feeling especially bold, “Tesla killers.” All of these new ambitious ventures demonstrate the growing interest in electric transportation. But they also reveal a collective amnesia about just how difficult it really is to build a new automotive startup from scratch.

    The newest one comes courtesy of a Reuters report,which describes a brand-new, Shanghai-based startup called NextEV backed by a group of Chinese Internet entrepreneurs. The company says it will launch anelectric supercar in 2016.

    Investors in NextEV reportedly include Hillhouse Capital, which also backed Uber, and Chinese Internet giant Tencent. The company appears to have hired executives from Ford F , Tesla TSLA , and BMW BAMXY .

    And that’s just the latest company aiming to compete on some level with Tesla. A couple of months ago the new “Tesla rival” was Faraday Future, a startup based in Gardena, Calif. That company was reportedlyfounded last year, and already has 200 employees—including some from Tesla. The plan is to launch their first electric car in 2017. It’s unclear who’s funding the venture.

    At one point battery startup Boston Power was alsodubbed a Tesla rival, largely due to its plans to build a sizable battery factory and partner with Chinese automakers to build a low-cost electric car. Boston Power was originally founded in the U.S., but moved to China in 2011 when the funding for battery tech in the U.S. got difficult.

    Boston Power has been funded by GSR Ventures, a venture firm that funds businesses to grow in China. Boston Power chairman Sonny Wu (who’s also a managing partner with GSR Venures) told the Wall Street Journal at the time of the last funding round that the firm funded the company because “somebody” had to compete with Elon Musk.

    Last year Bay Area startup Renovo Motors emerged from stealth after four years in development with a really high-end electric supercar called the “Renovo Coupe.” With Silicon Valley backers, and the use of lithium-ion batteries, it’s like a racing-version of a budding Tesla.

    There’s also Fisker Automotive, which despite it’sspectacular crash and burn two years ago, still hasplans to re-launch under its new owner Chinese auto-parts giant Wanxiang. The company has plans to build a factory in Moreno Valley, Calif. that will employ 150 workers. Another 240 people work at the company’s headquarters in Costa Mesa, Fisker says.

    There are a variety of reasons why this group of new startups is attempting to follow in the footsteps of Tesla and tempt fate by launching an electric car out of an independent car company.

    Many of these startups have no doubt been encouraged by the successes of Tesla. The company has made its founder and early employees wealthy, and its Model S sedan has been so well-received that it aced its Consumer Reports rating.

    But launching a new car requires, on the very low end, hundreds of millions of dollars. On the higher end, it requires more than a billion dollars. The business is naturally at odds with the type of financing a tech startup can raise. That’s partly why Tesla made it through the hard times, because Musk already had money to support the company when it needed it.

    The list of car companies that haven’t worked in only the past few years include Aptera, Coda Automotive, Think Automotive, Wheego, and Fisker. (Am I forgetting anything?)

    Tesla’s success overshadows that the company spent over a decade beating all odds. The company almost died several times. It almost sold to Google GOOG during hard times two years ago. It almost went out of business as it was preparing to produce its first vehicle, the Roadster.

    Tesla will also likely go through some hard times ahead. It continues to borrow and raise money to get its next cars, the Model X and Model 3, out the door and its massive Gigafactory battery factory up and running. Tesla is still operating like a startup and taking on the risks of a startup. When Tesla hits some hurdles, which is no doubt will, will it scare off some of these eager startups?

    Meanwhile, it’s not surprising that new electric car startups would emerge out of China. China is very interested in building domestic electric car tech, offering support for battery and auto companies that are willing to build factories in China. The country also discourages vehicles that burn gasoline in certain regions, and is trying to cut down on car driving to reduce its infamously bad air pollutions.

    As the country did with solar panels, China is willing to heavily over-support domestic technology and markets that it wants to get into. This leads to a constant boom and bust cycle. There will likely be a bunch of Chinese electric car startups that will gain fame and potentially crash and burn.

    Reuters reports that the Chinese government has recently decided to encourage investment in the sector from non-automotive companies. The Chinese Internet investors in NextEV are just one group backing a new electric car startup, says Reuters.

    Alibaba and Xiaomi Technology are also considering investments in electric car companies, according to the report. Encouraging specifically non-automotive companies to invest in the sector will likely only heighten this boom and bust cycle.

    Chinese Internet companies could also partly be interested in backing electric car startups as a way to try to compete with electric car tech that Apple and Google are reportedly building. If you believe the reports, Apple is aggressively developing an electric car with the project name Titan.

    But overall, the trend of new entrepreneurs and investors becoming interested in electric car tech shows how the tide around electric transportation could slowly be turning. Electric cars make up only a fraction of cars sold in the U.S., but that’s ever so slowly starting to change. In certain countries, like Norway, electric cars make up an already large portionof new cars sold.

    When better and cheaper electric cars hit the market, more people will no doubt buy them. The reality is that there really are no Tesla competitors currently out there. The technology is at its very earliest stage, and is being pushed forward by Tesla.

    Real electric car competition will eventually be a very good thing. It will mean consumers and companies have embraced electric cars as a thriving and substantial market.

    But it could very well take a big auto maker with deep pockets to fund cars that could truly rival Tesla. The big auto companies just have to take the market seriously enough.

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