

Entrepreneur 2014年12月11日




    百胜餐饮集团(Yum Brands)同样受到了这起肉类供应商丑闻的影响。10月份,百胜估计,该区域业绩的恢复需要至少6到9个月的时间。所以,至少在国际层面上,麦当劳面临的是一场等待游戏。(财富中文网)


    审稿: 李翔

    McDonald’s maintains that to restore momentum in the U.S., it is “diligently working” to simplify the menu. However, in an October survey, the vast majority of franchisees stated that McDonald’s had failed so far to fulfill its promise to streamline the menu, something that has been on the company’s to-do list for about a year.

    Regain China’s trust.McDonald’s U.S. same-store sales slump is disturbing for the chain in large part because there is no one problem the brand can focus on. At least in Asia, McDonald’s knows what the issue is.

    The scandal surrounding a McDonald’s supplier selling expired meat has continued to damage McDonald’s performance in Japan and China. Currently, the chain hopes to fix the problem by leveraging menu options and deals, but ultimately the only fix is to wait it out.

    Yum Brands, who was also affected by the meat supplier scandal, estimated in October that recovery in the region would take at least six to nine months. So, internationally at least, it’s a waiting game for McDonald’s.

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