美国前财长蒂姆•盖特纳: 批准雷曼兄弟破产是一个局

美国前财长蒂姆•盖特纳: 批准雷曼兄弟破产是一个局

Allan Sloan 2014年05月30日

    雷曼危在旦夕之时,这些危机救火队员正在努力突破那些在司法和政治层面限制他们阻止雷曼倒闭的障碍。但这并不是他们当时告诉局外人的状况。他们希望促进信心与安定,造成这样的印象:雷曼破产是他们做出的一个精心决定,他们坚信金融市场已为可能发生一场大灾难做好了充分准备——自6个月前贝尔斯登(Bear Stearns)接近破产,这个灾难就已经变得十分迫切。这就是美联储官员向媒体记者、他们在各个市场的联络人,甚至其他央行官员发出的信息。





    By the time Lehman was on the brink, the crisis fighters were running up against the legal and political limits of their ability to stop it from going under. That, however, wasn't what they told the outside world at the time. They wanted to project confidence and calm, to give the impression that the Lehman bankruptcy was a deliberate decision they'd made out of their convictions that the financial markets were sufficiently prepared for the possibility of such a failure -- which had seemed imminent ever since the near collapse of Bear Stearns six months earlier. That was the message Fed officials voiced to reporters, their contacts in the markets, and even other central bankers.

    I'm one of the reporters who got that message from the Fed -- off the record, of course. So although I like and respect Geithner, I'm less than sympathetic to his "It's poorly understood" lament. Besides, it's tacky for him to put all the blame on Bernanke and Paulson.

    Now, though, I'll come to Geithner's defense. He's gotten grief for writing that U.S. taxpayers have made money on the bailout of the financial system, rather than losing hundreds of billions of dollars as most people believe. Geithner puts the profit at $166 billion as of year-end 2013.

    I can relate. In 2011, my then-colleague Doris Burke and I wrote that taxpayers would come out ahead on the bailout. We got a lot of grief for saying that -- but it turned out to be true. I'm glad that Geithner pointed it out. By my math, the profit is probably about $300 billion.

    Yes, Geithner has feet of clay. But he has plenty of good moments in Stress Test -- and his bailout math is one of them.

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