中国移动海外扩张 或通过收购进军美国市场

中国移动海外扩张 或通过收购进军美国市场

Erik Heinrich 2014年05月30日


    哪家美国公司会有兴趣与中国移动合作竞购频谱呢?答案是威瑞森。今年早些时候,威瑞森以1,300亿美元的价格从英国沃达丰公司(Vodafone)买断了威瑞森无线(Verizon Wireless)45%的股份。由于背负着巨额债务,威瑞森在明年的频谱竞拍中可能会将中国移动看作强有力的财务合作伙伴。


    中国移动的竞争对手中国电信就采用了这种策略。2012年,中国电信与英国移动运营商Everything Everywhere签署了批发协议。据中国电信估计,约有600,000名中国人居住在英国。虽然用户数量相对较少,但中国电信依然可以通过小规模投资和运营,来获取利润。中国电信目前正在采用类似的方式在德国、法国、意大利和西班牙寻求扩张。



    "The benefit of TD-LTE is to complement FD-LTE to increase capacity in peak hours and in congested cells," says Sandy Shen, research director in Gartner's Shanghai office, noting that the two wireless standards can be co-located on the same tower.

    Which U.S. company would be interested in partnering with China Mobile on a spectrum bid? Verizon. Earlier this year, the company completed the acquisition of the 45 percent stake it did not already own in Verizon Wireless from U.K.-based Vodafone in a massive deal valued at $130 billion. With so much debt on its balance sheet, Verizon might see China Mobile as a compelling financial partner in next year's spectrum auction.

    Finally, China Mobile could establish a toehold in the U.S. market as an MVNO. Though it's small potatoes for a wireless giant like China Mobile -- which has three times the number of subscribers to AT&T and Verizon combined -- the establishment of even a small presence in North America could pay dividends in the long run. "China Mobile has advantages in serving consumers and businesses that have a connection to China," Gartner's Shen says.

    It's a strategy that has worked for rival China Telecom, which signed a wholesale agreement with U.K. mobile operator Everything Everywhere in 2012. China Telecom estimates there are some 600,000 Chinese people living in the U.K., but even with a comparably small subscriber base the company makes money by keeping its investment small and operations lean. China Telecom is now looking at Germany, France, Italy, and Spain for similar expansion.

    Whatever decision it makes in the next 12 months, China Mobile has a number of viable options for achieving its goal of expanding into the U.S. Now it just needs to take the leap.

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