

David Nield 2014年05月16日
微软语音助手Cortana异军突起、苹果语音助理服务Siri先发制人、谷歌个人助理Google Now后台强大。现在,三大科技巨头都在争夺管理人们数字生活的大权,最终将鹿死谁手目前还很难判断。


    苹果Siri、谷歌Google Now以及微软Cortana三者的又一关键区分点在于它们在手机之外所接入的生态系统。个人助理只有随时陪伴我们左右,才能真正发挥作用。因此,微软、苹果和谷歌正努力使各自的服务登陆更多设备,而不仅仅是手机和平板电脑。

    今年三月,谷歌宣布,Google Now的信息和建议将出现在已登陆用户的谷歌Chrome Web浏览器中。而当时Cortana已出现在必应主页上。至于Siri将则成为CarPlay平台的基石,CarPlay使iOS得以登陆汽车仪表盘。这些公司未来将向哪些领域扩张?桌面操作系统和搜索引擎都有可能,此外还有视频游戏机和电视机。比如微软的Xbox就已经能通过语音控制。至于新兴的可穿戴设备市场,那就更不用说了,其中就包括谷歌的智能眼镜产品Glass。在有限的小屏上,在恰当的时间显示合适的信息将是关键所在。




Beyond the smartphone

    Another crucial differentiating factor for these digital assistants are the ecosystems they're plugged into beyond the mobile phone. A personal assistant can only be truly useful if it follows us everywhere. This is why Microsoft, Apple, and Google are working to bring their respective services to many more devices, and not just phones and tablets.

    In March, Google announced that Google Now's information and suggestions would appear in the Google Chrome Web browser for users who were signed in. Cortana, meanwhile, has already appeared on the Bing homepage. As for Siri, it's set to be the cornerstone of the new CarPlay platform that brings iOS to automobile dashboards. Where can these companies expand next? Desktop operating systems and search engines are likely candidates as are video game consoles and television sets. Microsoft's Xbox can already be controlled by voice, for example. And that's to say nothing of the nascent market for wearable computers, of which Google's Glass is a part. On small, limited displays, presenting the right information at the right time will be crucial.

    In all of these channels, the digital assistant serves as a facade. In exchange for helping with our lives, technology companies receive endless streams of personalized data about us. That's not just good for business, it's also useful in helping the service continue to improve. At least, that's the argument given by companies that are promoting digital assistant technology.

    "It's about sharing the data and the same performance across multiple platforms, whether it's a laptop, Xbox, or tablet device," says Francisco Jeronimo, research director for IDC. "What's important for me as a user is bringing everything along the way in a very easy way, and having the content available in different places. Having the same experience at my desk or on a tablet or in the car when I'm driving ... that's really powerful and extremely valuable for users."

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