

John Gaudiosi 2014年05月04日


    我们推出了ID@Xbox项目,帮助大小开发商自行在Xbox One上发布游戏。这个项目迄今为止的反响令我们十分满意:目前已有数以千计的开发者表示有意加入这个项目,我们已经向超过250名开发者发放了开发工具箱。上个月在游戏开发者大会(GDC)上,我们展示了25个通过ID@Xbox项目脱颖而出、未来将登陆Xbox One的游戏小样,其中包括我个人特别感兴趣的几款游戏,比如FRU和#IDARB。

    我们的目标是,向独立游戏制作者提供他们需要的工具和支持,帮助他们度过漫长而且往往成本高昂的游戏开发过程。我们提供的帮助十分广泛,其中包括免费使用Unity工具,以及向每位开发者免费提供两套开发工具箱。长远来看,我们还计划使所有零售的Xbox One都能成为开发工具箱,使游戏登陆这个平台变得更为简单。克里斯•查拉及其团队与ID@Xbox项目中的所有开发者都合作得很好,不断与后者进行沟通,确保开发人员获得鼎力支持,充分了解Xbox One平台,开发出有趣而创新的游戏。




    低门槛的免费游戏正迅速成为向玩家提供新鲜内容的新鲜方式,它们设计独特的游戏体验可能并不适合传统模式。我们很高兴在Xbox Live上继续支持这类游戏,除《坦克世界》外,还有Crytek公司推出的《战争前线》(Warface)以及今年晚些时候将推出的《星火计划》。


    对我来说,问题在于如何使第二屏体验真正为游戏增色,而不是让玩家分神。《丧尸围城3》是个很好的例子,Capcom公司将SmartGlass设备变成游戏角色的手机,使其完美的融入游戏中的虚拟城市Los Perdidos。这并不是硬性要求,但它是个有用的工具。其他游戏更多的将SmartGlass用于菜单导航,效果也不错。一切都取决于特定游戏的需要。我希望Capcom等团队对利用SmartGlass的思考也能给其他开发人员带来启发,从而进一步扩展这项功能。


    随着Facebook收购Oculus Rift,索尼推出虚拟现实头戴设备梦神项目(Project Morpheus),你认为虚拟现实未来将对游戏行业产生什么样的影响?


    随着Xbox Live持续发展,史蒂芬•斯皮尔伯格的《光环》系列视频以及《光环》游戏等跨平台项目将为微软带来哪些机遇?



    What is Microsoft doing to attract more independent developers to the Xbox platform?

    We launched ID@Xbox to help developers of all sizes self-publish games on Xbox One, and we've been thrilled at the response to date, as we've received interest from thousands of developers to join the program, shipping dev kits to more than 250 creators. Just last month at GDC, we shared a sample of 25 games coming to Xbox One via ID@Xbox, including several I'm particularly excited about like FRU and #IDARB.

    Our goal is to provide independent game creators with the tools and support they need to navigate the long and often expensive development process. This includes everything from free access to Unity tools to giving each developer two free dev kits. Long term, we also have plans to enable any retail Xbox One to become a dev kit, making it even easier for games to come to the platform. Chris Charla and his team have done an amazing job working with each developer in the program, providing constant communication to ensure developers have what they need to be successful, know the ins and outs of the Xbox One platform, and can build fun, innovative games.

    What role do you see indie games playing in the games business today?

    I love all kinds of games -- independent games, blockbuster franchises, new IP -- a good game is a good game, and we want as many as possible on our platforms. Independent developers are a vital part of that equation, and their games can range from niche fan bases to AAA titles on par with blockbuster first-party games. Independent creators are in a unique situation where they're able to really experiment and map to their own priorities and timelines. In a way, they challenge the rest of the industry to stay on their toes and continue to think outside of the box in creative and compelling ways. As a program, ID@Xbox was designed with these developers in mind, and I personally can't wait to see what's to come.

    With free-to-play dominating the PC and mobile games business, what opportunities do you see in this space beyond World of Tanks?

    With low barriers to entry, free-to-play games are quickly becoming an exciting new way to deliver fresh content to players, as well as uniquely designed gameplay experiences that might not otherwise fit into traditional models. We're excited to continue to support these types of games on Xbox Live, like World of Tanks, as well as Warface from Crytek and Project Spark coming later this year.

    What are the challenges of creating compelling second-screen experiences for Xbox games?

    For me the question is always, how do you create something on a second screen that's truly a companion experience that enhances the game without it being a distraction? Dead Rising 3 was a great example, where Capcom turned your SmartGlass device into your character's phone, so it meshed seamlessly into the world of Los Perdidos. It wasn't a requirement, but it was a helpful tool. Other games use SmartGlass less for gameplay and more for menu navigation, and that works well too. It all just depends on what's right for that particular game, and my hope is that as other developers see the kind of thinking teams like Capcom have put into their use of SmartGlass, we'll continue to see that functionality expand.

    That said, we know that most developers will focus first and foremost on the on-screen experience, as they should. But as we continue to support and build on the functionality of SmartGlass, and as SmartGlass-enabled devices get more and more powerful and dynamic, my hope is that we see developers continue to embrace the functionality to break new ground and enrich gameplay experiences overall.

    With Facebook acquiring Oculus Rift and Sony entering VR with Project Morpheus, what impact do you feel virtual reality will have on gaming moving forward?

    Virtual reality is a really interesting area, especially for games, and while it seems like it's been "just over the horizon" for the last 20 years or so, I think we could finally start seeing it prove out soon for both gamers and developers. As I talked about at GDC, our Microsoft research team has been playing with virtual reality for quite a while, and while we don't have anything to officially announce, it's clearly an area people are excited about. The potential is definitely there.

    As Xbox Live continues to grow, what opportunities do cross-platform projects like Steven Spielberg's Halo video series and the Halo game universe open up for Microsoft?

    We are starting a new chapter at Microsoft, with the strategy to create a family of devices and services that empower people around the globe for the activities they value most, and entertainment always ranks high on that list. We're looking for ways to marry amazing programming -- such as the Halo universe -- with the powerful technology and rich social community we have with Xbox within the larger Microsoft ecosystem. Whether you are using your Xbox, PC, tablet, or phone, we want you to have access to an immersive, personalized, and entertaining experience.

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