

Doron Levin 2014年03月12日

    标致308 SW

    来自这家法国汽车生产商的新款掀背车尽管面临着激烈的竞争,但仍然在日内瓦车展赢得“年度汽车”(Car of the Year)荣誉。这款车未来不会在美国上市,标致已经在1991年退出美国市场。不过从全球发展的角度看,308可能会是一款重要的汽车,因为标致现在处境艰难,财务状况非常糟糕。这家公司刚刚接受了来自中国汽车生产商东风(Dongfeng)的一笔巨额投资,削弱了创始家族的影响力。考虑到已经将“年度汽车”大奖揽入怀中,标致在欧洲的销售有望很快出现复苏,东风可能是在草丛中找到钻石了。(财富中文网)



    Peugeot 308 SW

    The new hatchback from the French automaker, in the face of tough competition, has won "Car of the Year" honors at the show. It will never be seen on U.S. roads, Peugeot having exited from the market in 1991. But the 308 might turn out to be an important car in global terms because Peugeot is a fragile automaker in extremely weak financial condition. The company has just accepted a major investment from Chinese automaker Dongfeng, while reducing the influence of its founding family. With "Car of the Year" in its pocket, Peugeot sales in Europe might be energized just in the nick of time -- and Dongfeng may have found a diamond in the rough.

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