

Doron Levin 2014年03月12日

    雷克萨斯RC F

    丰田(Toyota')的豪华车部门将通过F版本,挑战宝马M4和梅赛德斯奔驰C-63 AMG跑车。这款车型采用一个强劲的V-8引擎,最大马力达到450匹,车身非常具有表现力,还带有卡通风格。车身尾部安装了一个灵活的扰流板。一段时间来,雷克萨斯一直在开发高性能车型,尽管这些车型的销量不高,但可以为雷克萨斯较传统的豪华车带来一个光环。如果雷克萨斯希望在全球范围内挑战德国的豪华车品牌,这些努力必不可少。

    Lexus RC F

    Toyota's (TM) luxury division is challenging the BMW M4 and Mercedes-Benz C-63 AMG coupes with F versions. This model wraps a powerful V-8 generating 450 horsepower, in a highly expressive, near-cartoonish body. The most distinctive feature of the exterior is its massive, unforgettable grille. The rear features a speed-sensitive active spoiler. For some time, Lexus has been working on performance models that will sell in low numbers but give a halo to its more conventional luxury cars. Such efforts are required if Lexus expects to challenge the German luxury brands on a worldwide basis.

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