

Doron Levin 2014年03月12日


    通用汽车( General Motors )希望全世界关注它的新一代科尔维特(Corvette)——这点无可非议,因而这家公司在日内瓦车展推出了高性能版本。批评者和评测者都对这款新车型感到惊叹。机械增压的V-8版本将提供大约625马力以及635英尺磅扭矩。很多人表示,新款科尔维特是首款性能不输给任何欧洲高性能汽车的科尔维特,而且价格还便宜几万美元。通用汽车最近宣布,雪佛兰品牌将退出欧洲,同时将精力集中于欧宝(Opel)。这个策略并不包括科尔维特或者科迈罗(Camaro),这两款运动车型将单独销售。通用汽车的问题在于,销售量是否能够为付出的费用和努力提供支撑,或者这种支撑什么时候才会来到。

    Corvette Z06

    General Motors (GM, Fortune 500) wants the world to pay attention to its latest-generation Corvette -- and justifiably -- so it's introducing the high-performance version in Geneva. Critics and reviewers are awestruck by the new model. The supercharged V-8 version will offer an estimated 625 horsepower and 635 foot-pounds of torque. Many are saying the new 'Vette is the first that challenges European performance cars on their own terms -- and at a price many tens of thousands of dollars cheaper. GM recently announced it will withdraw its Chevrolet brand from Europe and concentrate efforts on Opel. That strategy doesn't include Corvette or Camaro, two sport models that will be sold separately. The question for GM will be whether sales justify the expense and effort, or, perhaps how soon.

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