






专栏 - 苹果2_0


Philip Elmer-DeWitt 2013年02月04日




    而且,自从乔布斯在2008年的Macworld Expo展会上发布MacBook Air以来,苹果公司(Apple)董事长兼联合创始人就再也没有在这个备受推崇的展会上露过面。所以,上周四一早,旧金山莫斯考尼西会展中心门前便停放了许多辆卫星直播车,前来为克里斯托弗•艾什顿•库彻宣传《乔布斯传》(jOBS,注意是小写“j”)的粉丝排起了长队,队伍从长廊一直排到整个会展中心的四周。至太平洋时间上午9点,主会场已经人满为患。




    Okay, so it's not the Aaron Sorkin version we really want to see -- the one based on Walter Isaacson's biography. But it is the first Steve Jobs biopic to make it out of the gate (premiered at Sundance last week to mixed reviews, scheduled for release April 19), and it does have Demi Moore's ex in the title role.

    And this is, after all, Macworld Expo, which hadn't seen Apple's (AAPL) chairman and co-founder since Jobs unveiled the MacBook Air at the venerable tradeshow in 2008.

    So there were satellite trucks stationed in front of San Francisco's Moscone West Thursday morning, and the queue of fans lined up to see Christopher Ashton Kutcher promote "jOBS" (with a small j) stretched all the way down a long hall and around the corner. By 9 a.m. Pacific the Main Stage was standing room only.

    More when the event starts. All times Pacific.

    9:00 a.m. We're starting late. No photographs or video allowed. Violators will be escorted from the room.

    9:09: Paul Kent, who runs the Expo, takes the stage with white iPad and some announcements.




    9:13:库彻说:我小时候就有一台Apple IIGS电脑——现场掌声一片。“我只是用它来玩Number Munchers游戏。”直到上了大学,有一位教授告诉全班同学,他会将作业以电子邮件形式发给所有人,库彻才不得不学习什么是电子邮件,也是从那时起他才真正开始“使用”计算机。买过一台PC机,曾使用Fortran语言进行编程。直到iPod问世,为了方便音乐同步,他才选择使用Mac电脑。


    9:10: Introduces Ashton Kutcher and Josh Gad (who plays Steve Wosniak).

    9:11: Gad admits that he was a PC/Windows user before the iPod launched and his wife brought home a Mac. "It totally changed my view about what a computer could be."

    9:13: Kutcher: I had an Apple IIGS when I was a kid -- big applauded. "All I did was play this game Number Munchers." Didn't really use the computer until he went to college and a professor told the class he would e-mail assignments and he had to learn what e-mail was. Bought a PC, programmed in Fortran. It wasn't until the iPod came out and he had to synch his music that he switched to the Mac.

    9:15: Gad says he knew as little about computers as Woz knew about computers. He took a programming class to bone up for the part. Tells a story about Kutcher asking the prop department to remove some piece of equipment from a shot that he knew wouldn't have been out for a year.





