






专栏 - Geoff Colvin


Geoff Colvin 2012年06月19日

杰奥夫·科尔文(Geoff Colvin)为《财富》杂志高级编辑、专栏作家。美国在管理与领导力、全球化、股东价值创造等方面最犀利也是最受尊重的评论员之一。拥有纽约大学斯特恩商学院MBA学位,哈佛大学经济学荣誉学位。



    聪明的投资也意味着灵活地利用我们的自然偏见为自己服务。行为经济学家已经发现我们在大脑中将花费划分到不同的类别中:比方说,一个用来外出吃饭,一个用来旅游,另一个用在汽车上。这个倾向并不总是理性的,但卡内基梅隆(Carnegie Mellon)大学经济学家乔治•列文斯坦提出,退休人员可以利用它来设立分离的账号,比如“付房租”和“宠孙子”。房租账号需要保守投资,而孙子账号可以激进投资,追求增长。




Invest smarter

    Back when we all thought we'd get 11% long-term annual returns, we could maybe afford to ignore fees and expenses. No more. It's time to get tough on the "helpers," Buffett's sarcastic term for the intermediaries who take bits and pieces of our investment returns. As he and Vanguard founder John Bogle constantly preach: Over decades, tenths of a point matter. Some helpers, such as the best fee-only advisers, are emphatically worth their cost. But in today's environment, investors must know exactly how much they're paying and for what.

    Investing smarter may also mean cleverly using your natural biases in your favor. Behavioral economists have found that we think of our spending in buckets -- one for dining out, say, another for travel, another for car expenses. The tendency isn't always rational, but Carnegie Mellon economist George Loewenstein has proposed that retirees harness it by setting up separate "pay the rent" and "spoil the grandkids" accounts. The rent account could be invested conservatively; the grandkids account could be invested aggressively for growth.

Live smarter

    It's a hard reality that many people will be living a bit less large than they had hoped in retirement, and maybe before. Don't fight that thought. Embrace it. We're living through the first era in history when significant numbers of people are being made unhappy by having too much rather than too little. The term is "affluenza," now the subject of books and academic research.

    Why are you planning to retire at all? It isn't to maximize income. It's to be happy. Millions of people are finding that having less makes them happier. Spending less and saving more is kind of like sushi: You have to be made to try it, but then you may find you love it. That's also the potential exhilaration of sailing into the wind. As conditions change, reaching our goals demands a new course. With the right strategy you can still find your way to a great retirement. It could even be a happier one than you'd expected.

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