  • Canalys: Android growth will double competition in 2011

    Seth Weintraub 2011-01-18 07:44

    Fragmentation and the Verizon iPhone will not limit Android growth.In a report today, Canalys remained rosy on Google's (GOOG) Android. According to i...

  • Canalys:Android增长迅猛,2011年竞争将加剧

    Seth Weintraub 2011-01-18 07:46


  • 2011 will be the year Android explodes

    Seth Weintraub 2010-12-29 05:42

    (Not this kind of smartphone growth.) Image by @boetter via FlickrEver-improving networks and a big hardware announcement that will send handset price...

  • The Droid: Serious iPhone competition

    财富中文网 2009-10-21 01:59

    By Philip Elmer-DeWittJust in time to rain on Apple's (AAPL) 2009 earnings report, a prime-time TV ad and a series of well-timed leaks have put the sp...

  • Piper: Android to become billion dollar business in 2011

    Seth Weintraub 2011-02-14 05:56

    It is all in the accounting.When you have two separate internal businesses, mobile and advertising, who do you give credit to when money is made in mo...

  • Colonel Punishment - The significance of the KFC Double Down

    Mina Kimes 2010-04-20 12:26

    Just two days after its nationwide launch, the KFC Double Down is a media sensation. The sandwich is a visual pun: In lieu of bread, there are two sla...

  • 苹果领衔,全球智能手机发货量首超PC

    Philip Elmer-DeWittF 2012-02-07 07:19

    资料来源:Canalys市场调研公司Canalys上周五宣布,据其统计,即使将平板电脑包括在内,2011年智能手机的发货量也超过了客户PC。报告中特别提到了苹果公司(Apple)。“苹果公司年底的突出表现令其成为2011年第四季度销量领先的智能手机和客户PC生产商,销售iPhone 手机3,700万...

  • 苹果领衔,全球智能手机发货量首超PC

    Philip Elmer-DeWittF 2012-02-07 07:19

    资料来源:Canalys市场调研公司Canalys上周五宣布,据其统计,即使将平板电脑包括在内,2011年智能手机的发货量也超过了客户PC。报告中特别提到了苹果公司(Apple)。“苹果公司年底的突出表现令其成为2011年第四季度销量领先的智能手机和客户PC生产商,销售iPhone 手机3,700万...

  • What's a double dip? No one really knows.

    Nin-Hai Tseng 2010-07-16 12:52

    Here's what we know about double dip recessions: The economy shrinks. Then grows. Then shrinks again. It's essentially a hilly economic recovery (or b...

  • 2011年第一季度,苹果占据74%的平板电脑市场份额

    Philip Elmer-DeWitt 2011-05-03 11:08

