  • 电动汽车时代,丰田继续押宝内燃机

    MARCO QUIROZ-GUTIERREZ 2024-06-01 03:30

    丰田(Toyota)首席执行官佐藤浩二(Koji Sato)与斯巴鲁(Subaru)和马自达(Mazda)的首席执行官一起出席了一场新闻发布会,宣布推出新型内燃机。图片来源:KIYOSHI OTA—BLOOMBERG VIA GETTY IMAGES当许多汽车制造商预测纯电动汽车时代即将到来时,丰田...

  • 5 things to watch for in AOL's earnings

    Colin Barr 2010-02-06 02:20

    By Colin BarrAOL is back. Should you buy it?The New York-based Internet company is due to report quarterly earnings Wednesday morning for the first ti...

  • Big changes in the cast at Disney

    Richard Siklos 2009-11-18 10:56

    The media giant swaps roles for two top executives, setting up more players as potential CEO candidates.By Richard SiklosIf you work at Walt Disney, y...

  • Sparks still fly in a recession

    财富中文网 2009-07-04 12:01

    Never mind the headlines -- for some fireworks companies, there's no slump.By Josh GlasserInside the businessFireworks have been a hallmark of July 4t...

  • 美国第四剂加强针开打,只有这一类人有资格接种

    Brett Haensel 2021-10-29 12:36

    根据美国疾病控制与预防中心(Centers for Disease Control)的最新指南,美国一些完全接种过疫苗的免疫力低下人群,现在可以接受第四针新冠疫苗。该中心称,如果已经接受了Moderna或者辉瑞(Pfizer)的系列疫苗,免疫系统中度或严重受损的成年人现在有资格在接受第三剂疫苗的六个...

  • Will bonus backlash pay for investors?

    Colin Barr 2010-01-19 06:09

    By Colin BarrThanks to the outcry against Wall Street pay, bank shareholders are in line for a little bonus of their own.Assailed for their profligate...

  • 惠普四季度财报喜人,施乐计划展开敌意并购

    Jonathan Vanian 2019-12-03 05:00

    图片来源:GettyImages惠普公司(HP Inc.)的最新财报足以让投资者感到满意,他们迫切想知道面对施乐(Xerox)气势汹汹的收购要约,这家硅谷科技巨头打算如何应对。这家个人电脑和印刷公司于11月26日宣布今年第四财季的收入为154亿美元,优于分析师预计的153亿美元。公司还表示,第四季度...

  • Who will rule the auto world of the future?

    Alex Taylor III 2010-07-06 12:58

    Like few other industries, auto companies measure their output in number of vehicles built and then report that data publicly.Besides contributing to ...

  • 辉瑞首席执行官称还要打第四针疫苗

    Nicholas Gordon 2022-03-17 03:30

    3月13日,辉瑞公司(Pfizer)的首席执行官艾伯乐(Albert Bourla)表示,“需要”打第四针疫苗,才能够保护人们免受新冠病毒的侵害。近期,公共卫生官员们正在辩论,随着新冠病毒变种不断出现,是否意味着我们都需要再打一针加强针。“首先,我们非常努力地想要走在病毒前面,因为……还会有许多变种...

  • 第九讲:重温“刺猬理念”

    《财富》(中文版) 2011-02-09 10:36

    双语访谈实录:Thomas D. Gorman: Speaking of Proctor and Gamble and enduring sustainability and enduring greatness. Central to your research and writing in th...
