  • 财富箴言——今日发声:戴维·凯利

    《财富》(中文版) 2013-06-08 01:00

    Do stuff rather than plan. Experiment, let it fail, and do it two or three times.——戴维·凯利(David Kelley,IDEO设计公司联合创始人、董事长) ...

  • 哈雷-戴维森的啤酒肚

    Alex Taylor III 2001-12-01 08:00

    作者:亚历克斯•泰勒叁世(Alex Taylor III)哈雷-戴维森与通用汽车一样值钱?股票市场的确这样认为。看起来并不是所有的泡沫都破灭了。摩托车制造商哈雷-戴维森(Harley-Davidson)市值的增长速度比摩托车手的啤酒肚膨胀速度还要快。哈雷-戴维森的股票价格已经从 4 月份的 35 美...

  • 财富箴言——今日发声:阿琳•戴维奇

    财富中文网 2014-01-30 01:00

    The underlying belief is in order to be a successful entrepreneur you have to be hungry, flexible, and relentlessly persistent.——阿琳•戴维奇(Arlyn Davich,...

  • 财富箴言——今日发声:戴维·希罗

    《财富》(中文版) 2012-09-13 01:00

    If you look at the economic history of the world, problems come and problems go. There are problems, and they do have to be dealt with. And our view i...

  • 财富箴言——今日发声:戴维·玻姆

    财富中文网 2017-10-17 03:00

    It is clear that if we are to live in harmony with ourselves and with nature, we need to be able to communicate freely in a creative movement in whic...

  • 克利夫•戴维斯的绝唱

    Devin Leonard 2008-04-22 06:37

    索尼博德曼选择放弃过去的偶像以努力迎合数码时代。作者:Devin Leonard在这个星期之前,音乐界的规则都还不适用于克利夫•戴维斯(Clive Davis)。戴维斯今年76岁,在索尼博德曼(SonyBMG)的博德曼音乐集团(BMG Music Group)担任最高职务,旗下拥有众多青少年偶像,例...

  • 财富箴言:今日发声——戴维•莉西

    《财富》(中文版) 2012-01-23 01:00

    Feel okay to bring who they are to work. It's not like you're parking who you are in the parking lot and pretending to be somebody else at work.——戴维•莉...

  • 财富箴言——今日发声:戴维·皮特-沃特森

    《财富》(中文版) 2013-03-07 01:00

    Investors should intervene when things are going right, not just when they are going wrong.——戴维·皮特-沃特森 (David Pitt-Watson,赫莫斯焦点资产管理公司董事长) ...

  • 财富箴言——今日发声:戴维·希罗

    《财富》(中文版) 2012-10-09 01:00

    Everyone is so concerned about the macro overlay that you have panic buying and selling of certain sectors and regions, which means there is so much i...

  • 财富箴言——今日发声:戴维·希罗

    《财富》中文版 2012-09-05 01:00

    Trying to predict the macroeconomy is extremely similar to trying to predict the weather, you can抰 let the last storm impact the way you see the futur...
