






专栏 - 人间烟火


查大伟 2014年05月27日

查大伟(David Chard)是一位领导力培养顾问,在亚太地区拥有30年的从业经验。作为联心管理顾问有限公司(EngagingMinds)的创始人,他全身心致力于通过领导力和领导策略实现个人和组织向敬业型转变。他普通话流利,经常来往中国。他的联系方式是:info@engagingminds.biz

    11. 提供反馈并且要求别人做出反馈。有效地提供和接收反馈是高效团队的另一项关键能力。足够的相互尊重、信任和默契对团队成员自由进行反馈来说至关重要。通过反馈,下属和上级就能对政策和行为做出必要的调整。因此,如果某种情况让你感到受了挫折,你就可以积极而礼貌进行反馈。至少,你可以让上司知道,从你的角度来看实际情形如何,你的感受如何,以及此时你想要的结果是什么。反馈是“冠军的早餐”——要想出类拔萃,就得要求吃这样的早餐,而且还要经常在你认为可以解决问题时为别人提供这样的早餐。


    • “这是童话,不实用。”

    • “太理想化了……不可能……这个搞笑的人是谁?”

    • “只要尝试其中一半的建议,我就会被开除。”

    • “他不知道真实世界是怎么运作的……”


    • 人的一生中,你从来不会因为值得而得到……你只能通过争取而得到

    • 如果你把让自己不安的东西描述为“不可能”,你就是墨守成规

    • 实际上,这些“秘诀”在真实世界里很有效:要是老板不这么对你,别让自己受到妨碍,或者想一想可能有哪些出路

    • 如果从不冒险,就永远不会知道可能会出现什么样的情况

    • 冰冻三尺非一日之寒;积跬步以致千里

    • 你自己相信的行为,自己要以身作则,不要等着自己也变成别人讨厌的老板

    • 我发现,这套方法在90%的情况下都会起作用。它需要时间,大家要有耐心。

    祝大家都能非常成功地把老板变成伙伴。如果希望了解更多信息,请发邮件至:info@engagingminds.biz 报名参加我们即将在上海和北京设立的领导能力培训室。(财富中文网)


    11. Offer Feedback and Request Feedback. Giving and receiving feedback effectively is another of the key skills of a high-performing team. Having enough mutual respect, trust and rapport is vital for the free-flow of feedback among team members. Feedback allows us, and our supervisors, to make necessary adjustments to policies and behaviors. So if you feel frustrated in a situation you can proactively and respectfully offer feedback. At the very least, you can let your supervisor know the facts of the situation from your perspective, how you feel, and the outcome you want now. Feedback is “the breakfast of champions”---if you want to be a champion, ask for it and offer it frequently when you feel it can make a difference.

    I can already envision the comments that will follow this article!

    • “It’s fairy-tale material, not practical.”

    • “Idealistic…impossible…who is he kidding?”

    • “If I tried half of these things, I’d get fired!”

    • “He doesn’t understand how the real world works…”

    So I will pre-empt them by saying the following:

    • In life, you never get what you deserve…you only get what you negotiate.

    • If you declare something uncomfortable as ‘impossible’ then you are stuck in a rut

    • These “secrets” are what actually work in the real world: if your boss doesn’t treat you this way, don’t let that stop you or decide what is possible for you

    • If you never take a risk, you never find out what might happen

    • Rome wasn’t built in a day. Take small steps.

    • Model the behavior you believe in rather than waiting for your turn to be a lousy boss to others.

    • I have seen this approach work in 90% of cases, and, it takes time and patience.

    Wishing everyone great success in converting your boss to a partner. If you want to learn more, I invite you to enroll in our Leadership Workshops coming up soon in Shanghai and Beijing.

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