






专栏 - 人间烟火


查大伟 2014年12月02日

查大伟(David Chard)是一位领导力培养顾问,在亚太地区拥有30年的从业经验。作为联心管理顾问有限公司(EngagingMinds)的创始人,他全身心致力于通过领导力和领导策略实现个人和组织向敬业型转变。他普通话流利,经常来往中国。他的联系方式是:info@engagingminds.biz





    4. 建立共同点。将了解客户的一切当作事业来做,包括:











    Remember:no one can put you down without your permission.

    2. Customers Are Just People Like You.Regardless of their position, age, experience or power, customers are just ordinary people. They have families, problems, pressures, hopes and dreams. They have the same human needs that you do. They have experienced joys and tragedies. When you treat a customer as “Lord” you are actually dehumanizing them. So start today to “re-humanize” they way you think about your customers and begin looking at them in the context of a potential human relationship. Start to become curious about what their personal lives are like, what’s important to them, what are their frustrations and how you can help. They are just people with flaws and doing the best they can for now.

    Remember:Never, ever, take anything personally! It is NOT about you! Even if people seem rude, distant, cold, whatever. That’s about them, not you. All grown-ups know this. Taking things ‘personally’ is a sign you think the world revolves around you. It doesn’t so get over it.

    3. Focus on Relationships,Not ‘Transactions.’Do you sometimes see your customer as an ATM machine?A source of money at the end of a transaction? This is more common than you may thing. And if you see a customer only in terms of “getting the order” or “making a profit” they will not fail to act as Lords! After all, its clear you care nothing for them as people, you are like everyone else, trying to get their money, take advantage of the, etc. So if you want to be seen as a Partner, on an equal footing, start seeing and treating each customer as part of a long term relationship. Most people give ‘lip service’ to doing this but it is clear from their actual behavior that they don’t actually play a “Win-Win” game. In your close relationships, how much do you know about the people you are close to? The answer is, you know a lot and they know a great deal about you. Why don’t you know as much about your customers? Is it because you don’t really seem them as potential friends or long term partners.

    4. Establish Common Ground.Make it your business to learn everything about your customers, including:

     Personal History, including birth date

     ·Family Members

     ·Favorite sports

     ·Favorite celebrities

     ·Hobbies

     ·Books they like

     ·Favorite Movies

     ·Foods they like

     ·What they dislike

     ·Dreams, aspirations, goals

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