
国际战略投资集团(ISI Group)的布莱恩•马绍尔在发给客户的文件中着重强调了苹果公司(Apple)88页的Form 10-K文件(上周三晚公布)中两个“有价值的信息”: • 苹果预计2014财年的资本开支为110亿美元,在本财年的基础上呈两位数增长。目前,在马绍尔所谓的“7家超大型公司”中,苹果是资本开支最多的一家。“7家超大型公司”分别是苹果、谷歌(Google)、微软(Microsoft)、亚马逊(Amazon)、EBay、Facebook和雅虎(Yahoo)。参阅:苹果110亿美元用于工厂、设备和宇宙飞船。 • 苹果员工人均创收能力在马绍尔统计的IT和网络公司中名列前茅。参阅所附图表。
马绍尔写道:“苹果公司的规模只能用‘令人震惊’来形容。” 不论事实是否如此,和2012财年的215万美元相比,苹果公司2013全职员工人均创造的收入(213万美元)还是略有下降。(财富中文网) 译者:刘进龙/汪皓 |
In his note to clients Thursday, ISI's Brian Marshall highlighted two "nuggets" from the 88-page Form 10-K that Apple released late Wednesday: • Apple's $11 billion in projected capital expenditures for fiscal 2014. That, he notes, is a double-digit increase from a company that was already "the single largest CapEx spender" in Marshall's "Big 7 Hyperscale group" -- Apple (AAPL), Google (GOOG), Microsoft (MSFT), Amazon (AMZN), EBay (EBAY), Facebook (FB) and Yahoo (YHOO.) See $11 billion for plants, equipment and a spaceship. • Apple's "off-the-charts" revenue-per-head metric compared with the other IT and networking companies he covers. See attached chart. "The scale the company is executing on," he writes, "is nothing less than astonishing." For what it's worth, Apple's $2.13 million per full-time-equivalent employee in fiscal 2013 is actually a tad less than the $2.15 million it produced in 2012. |