  • The future of the PC: Chrome or Fusion?

    Jon Fortt 2009-11-30 11:44

    by Jon ForttWill tomorrow’s PC be a nimble netbook or a high-def laptop? Google and AMD recently offered opposing views.If Google has its way, the mai...

  • 谷歌操作系统Chrome OS前景如何?

    David Nield 2014-03-17 10:23

    大家可能已经忘了谷歌(Google)曾经在2009年推出过自己的电脑操作系统,这也情有可原。虽然谷歌坚信未来所有数据和应用都将储存在云端上,但是它据此理念推出的Chrome OS系统却很少引起人们的注意。根据IDC公司发布的数据,2014年1月,Chrome OS占PC市场的份额只有1%。另一家名叫...

  • Google Chrome OS: Beyond the hype

    财富中文网 2009-07-10 12:06

    Google's new OS could spell trouble for Microsoft, but will Chrome really shine?By Jessi HempelIt's highly unlikely that the operating system Google a...

  • Google Chrome OS press event, 11/19

    Jon Fortt 2009-11-24 06:52

    by Jon ForttI'm at Google (GOOG), ready for the Chrome OS press event to begin.They're telling us they're getting started a little late because attend...

  • Is the PC a buggy whip?

    Stanley Bing 2010-06-10 02:14

    There was some discussion last week at the All Things Digital conference about the PC being the next great gizmo to be consigned to the garbage dump o...

  • World Cup vuvuzela filter: the future of Internet TV?

    Paul Smalera 2010-06-29 01:48

    In honor of the 2010 World Cup in South Africa, YouTube recently added a "vuvuzela" button that would enable the plastic horn's trademark buzzing on j...

  • Chrome时代的曙光

    Miguel Helft 2014-10-29 12:00

    David_Schwenn《财富》(中文版)-- 在全球对科技统治地位的争夺中,谷歌公司(Google)已经在奥克兰市(Oakland)悄悄建立了一个滩头阵地。今年春天,送货卡车开到了该市的各所公立学校,卸下了很多笔记本电脑。谷歌在全市范围内总共发送了大约10,000台。这些笔记本电脑安装了谷歌的C...

  • Driving change: Innovation is key to the future of the U.S. auto industry

    Steve Westly and Mindy Lubber 2009-12-09 07:22

    Government needs to support research for clean energy-powered cars. But auto makers need to make their own success.By Steve Westly and Mindy LubberAme...

  • The future of the 401(k)

    财富中文网 2009-09-02 12:29

    After the latest market drop, planners and investors are trying to figure out that means for their retirement plans.By Katie BennerLast year's meltdow...

  • Google预热Chrome操作系统

    Jon Fortt 2009-11-24 07:06

    作者:Jon Fortt我正在Google,等待着Chrome操作系统新闻发布会召开。我们被告知发布会将稍稍推后一会儿,因为与会者由于交通原因被困在路上。桑达•皮采(Sundar Pichai)站在报告台旁。皮采表示。Google在一年后才会推出Chrome操作系统,不过他们想展示一下迄今为止取得的...
