  • Larry Page to move Google to a Confederacy

    Seth Weintraub 2011-02-01 03:15

    Under the new management, autonomous groups within the company will not only operate more independently, but also represent themselves externally.The ...

  • 10 things Google has taught us

    Ken Auletta 2009-10-29 11:10

    What makes it so revolutionary? Ken Auletta, author of a new book on the company, shares his insights on why it's uniquely successful and what that me...

  • “登月队长”解密Google X

    Miguel Helft 2015-01-22 12:00

    说到塑造未来,阿斯特罗•泰勒鲜有对手。他的正式头衔是谷歌 “登月队长”——一个颇具谷歌风范的称谓;他的日常工作是负责Google X实验室的运营,谷歌将其称为“登月工厂”。在这里,谷歌正在开发无人驾驶汽车、谷歌眼镜、Loon项目(通过高空气球提供上网服务)、Makani项目(通过高空风轮机发电)以及...

  • Google's Schmidt wants to set the record straight

    Adam Lashinsky 2011-01-30 11:58

    Eric Schmidt opens up about his company's executive shuffle, whether or not Facebook poses a threat, and where Google is competing with Apple.Image vi...

  • Google chief's $334 million payday: Update

    Colin Barr 2011-01-25 12:05

    Like a harried regulator stepping into the revolving door to Wall Street, Google CEO Eric Schmidt will spend the next year restocking his bank account...

  • Facebook's #3 advertiser is Microsoft search hijacking page

    Seth Weintraub 2011-01-22 01:49

    1.75 billion Facebook ad impressions were purchased by the Microsoft proxy.In a post called "Facebook Books $1.86B in Advertising; Muscles In on Googl...

  • Google (still) loves YouTube

    财富中文网 2009-08-04 05:53

    By Jessi HempelThe video-sharing site loses money and has failed to attract quality studio programming. So why does Google continue to pump money into...

  • Profiting from Apple's war with Google

    Philip Elmer-DeWitt 2010-03-26 12:30

    It's been a busy couple of weeks for revelations about Steve Jobs' falling out with Google's Eric Schmidt.On March 12, we had Brad Stone and Michael H...

  • Google Instant

    Michael V. Copeland 2010-09-11 01:25

    The search leader unveils what it hopes is a fundamental change to how we search online: Search at the speed of thought.If you already thought Google ...

  • Marissa Mayer gets new gig (at Google)

    Seth Weintraub 2010-10-14 06:34

    The former vice president of search product and user experience at Google has shifted focus to Location based services.At Disrupt last month, Marisa M...
