  • 财富箴言:今日发声——凯伦•卡普兰

    财富中文网 2014-10-29 08:00

    The worst career advice I ever had was to conform and not celebrate my differences. For me, I always wanted to highlight what makes me different and ...

  • 财富箴言——今日发声:爱德华·卡普兰

    财富中文网 2017-03-21 01:00

    If your ego is driving you to go into business, it's not the right reason.——爱德华·卡普兰(Edward L. Kaplan,美国斑马技术公司创始人) ...

  • 财富箴言——今日发声:爱德华·卡普兰

    财富中文网 2016-12-31 01:00

    If your ego is driving you to go into business, it's not the right reason.——爱德华·卡普兰(Edward L. Kaplan,美国斑马技术公司创始人) ...

  • 财富箴言——今日发声:

    财富中文网 2013-07-18 01:00

    The ideals which have lighted my way, and time after time have given me new courage to face life cheerfully have been kindness, beauty and truth.——爱因斯...

  • 财富箴言——今日发声:海明威

    财富中文网 2015-12-11 01:00

    But man is not made for defeat. A man can be destroyed but not defeated.——海明威(Ernest Hemingway,美国作家) ...

  • 财富箴言——今日发声:卢梭

    财富中文网 2015-12-04 01:00

    Ordinary readers, forgive my paradoxes: one must make them when one reflects; and whatever you may say, I prefer being a man with paradoxes than a ma...

  • 财富箴言——今日发声:本·卡森

    财富中文网 2015-11-19 01:00

    Successful people don't have fewer problems. They have determined that nothing will stop them from going forward.——本·卡森(Ben Carson,美国共和党2016年总统候选人、小儿...

  • 财富箴言——今日发声:歌德

    《财富》(中文版) 2015-11-02 01:00

    Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it; boldness has genius, power and magic in it.——歌德(Johann Wolfgang von Goethe,德国著名思想家、作家、科学家) ...

  • 财富箴言——今日发声:马云

    财富中文网 2017-04-01 01:00

    In any team, backbones are always those who understand how to withstand pressure and strive for success with the rest of teammates under the circumst...

  • 财富箴言——今日发声:卢梭

    财富中文网 2017-03-21 01:00

    Ordinary readers, forgive my paradoxes: one must make them when one reflects; and whatever you may say, I prefer being a man with paradoxes than a ma...
