  • 财富箴言——今日发声:布莱恩·切斯基

    《财富》(中文版) 2012-12-19 01:00

    Sometimes all you have to do is stand back. If you抮e really close to the details, you can agonize, but if you step 10 feet away, you see the whole pic...

  • 财富箴言——今日发声:布莱恩•切斯基

    《财富》中文版 2012-07-25 01:00

    There area so many things we can do; the most challenging part of this is to figure out what not to do.——布莱恩•切斯基 (Brian Chesky,美国Airbnb公司首席执行官)...

  • 财富箴言——今日发声:布莱恩·切斯基

    《财富》(中文版) 2015-09-25 12:00

    If you stop going to fairs, concerts, and bars, and you're just working, you lose touch with all that. You have to refill the reservoir.——布莱恩·切斯基(Bri...

  • 财富箴言:今日发声——约翰·罗斯基

    财富中文网 2015-05-21 12:00

    "What we think or what we know or what we believe is, in the end, of little consequence.The only consequence is what we do."——约翰·罗斯基(John Ruskin,英国文学...

  • 财富箴言:今日发声——威廉•詹宁斯•布莱恩

    财富中文网 2014-09-10 08:00

    Destiny is no matter of chance. It is a matter of choice. It is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved.——威廉•詹宁斯•布莱恩 (William Jenn...

  • 对话布莱恩·切斯基

    乐文澜 (Michal Lev-Ram) 2022-07-13 05:00

    交易的艺术现年40岁的布莱恩·切斯基并没有科技公司创始人常见的那种简历: 他毕业于罗德岛设计学院 (Rhode Island School of Design), 并对此深感自豪。图片来源:视觉中国为篇幅和简明起见,以下问答做了摘编。“我们都在争夺同样的人才。如果某家科技公司下调了员工薪资,而我们没...

  • 财富箴言:今日发声——查尔斯·布可夫斯基

    财富中文网 2014-07-10 08:00

    The problem with the world is that the intelligent people are full of doubts, while the stupid ones are full of confidence.——查尔斯·布可夫斯基(Charles Bukows...

  • 财富箴言:今日发声——布莱恩•克鲁普

    《财富》(中文版) 2012-02-08 01:00

    The best way is not to test. Like people like to spend time with like people. That is where networks come in.——布莱恩•克鲁普(Brian Kropp,公司执行委员会常务董事)...

  • 财富箴言:今日发声——安克雷斯·格鲁斯基

    财富中文网 2014-12-12 12:00

    When I was growing up, I noticed that my Mom spent a lot of time on the telephone in silence. I asked her why she didn't talk more, and she said: “Yo...

  • 财富箴言:今日发声——加布•鲁纳-奥斯特拉塞斯基

    财富中文网 2014-11-03 08:00

    I’ve noticed that one of the biggest ways founders sabotage their success is by thinking they have to do everything themselves.——加布•鲁纳-奥斯特拉塞斯基(Gabe Lu...
