






专栏 - 苹果2_0


Philip Elmer-DeWitt 2012年06月20日



    唯冠科技(深圳)有限公司(Proview Technology(Shenzhen))不仅令苹果公司头疼,它对中国政府来说同样是个大麻烦。

    大家可能还记得,濒临破产的电子产品制造商唯冠公司成功地通过中国南方省份广东的一家地方法院要求禁售苹果产品iPad。唯冠公司声称,尽管苹果公司于2009年从唯冠国际控股公司(Proview International Holdings)收购了所谓的全球范围内的iPad商标权,但由于后者并不能代表深圳唯冠,所以此交易在中国大陆无效。

    据我所知,不仅仅是广东省政府,中国最高权力机构全国人民代表大会(the National People's Congress)也并未对这一省级法院的裁决做出评论。苹果公司依然在大批量生产iPad,其中很多恰恰是在广东省最大城市之一深圳生产的。三月底,中国质量认证中心(China's Quality Certification Center)为新iPad授予了强制认证(compulsory certification)。虽然存在地方性的禁售令,但该强制认证为苹果公司产品在中国大陆的销售扫清了道路。







    You have to wonder whether Proview Technology (Shenzhen) is as big a thorn in the Chinese government's side as it is in Apple's (AAPL).

    As you may recall, the nearly-bankrupt electronics manufacturer succeeded in getting a court in the southern Chinese province of Guangdong to ban the sale of iPads on the strength of Proview's claim that although Apple in 2009 purchased what it thought were the worldwide rights to the iPad trademark from Proview International Holdings, the deal was invalid on mainland China because Proview (Shenzhen) was not represented.

    As far as I know, the National People's Congress -- which governs all of China, not just Guangdong province -- has not commented on the provincial court's ruling. But Apple continues to manufacturer iPads by the millions, many of them in Shenzhen, one of Guangdong's largest cities. And in late March China's Quality Certification Center granted the new iPad compulsory certification, clearing it for release on the mainland despite the local ban.

    Now the government of Hainan, an island province just across a narrow strait from Guangdong, has further complicated matters. It is requiring seafood restaurants in Sanya, a coastal resort city that draws tourists by the tens of thousands, to take food orders on iPads. The region was rocked by a price gouging scandal after the most recent Chinese New Year holiday, and the more-easily monitored iPads are part of the local government's solution to the problem.

    How can China ban iPads on one side of the Qiongzhou Strait and require their use on the other?

    It probably can't. Although a ruling on Apple's appeal of the original ban was due at the end of May, the Higher People's Court of Guangdong said last week that it won't issue one as long as the two sides are engaged in settlement talks.

    But the two sides are reported to be far apart, and Apple -- one of China's largest foreign manufacturers -- shows no inclination to settle.

    Which makes Proview a thorn in everybody's side.

    Below the fold: For readers haven't been to Hainan recently, I've added a 2005 photo of Sanya Bay (via Wikipedia).





