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视网膜版MacBook Pro评测报告精选

Philip Elmer-DeWitt 2012年06月19日

视网膜版MacBook Pro是否不负众望?从各家科技媒体的测评报告来看,它的屏幕的确无可挑剔,但2199美元的起价有些令人望而却步。

    科技博客Engadget:评测配备视网膜显示器的苹果MacBook Pro

    “这款笔记本是否创建了新的产品类别?不完全是。这款笔记本将淘汰一个现有的产品类别,一个此前由苹果主宰的类别。新款Pro非常棒,足以让其它老款Pro(即便是升级版的MacBook Pro)无地自容,黯然失色。它提升并重新定义了MacBook Pro,使其到达了一个新高度,即便是苹果的其它笔记本也难以望其项背。如果你买得起这款产品,而且又对13寸笔记本不感冒,那么新款MacBook Pro一定是你不二的选择。”


    “正当其它笔记本制造商认为自己已接近苹果时,新款MacBook Pro横空出世,为整个业界树立了新标杆。对于新款视网膜版MacBook Pro,其显示器分辨率高达2880 x 1800像素,这无疑将成为其它厂商竞相追赶的对象。当然,要显示如此多的像素离不开强大的性能。下一代MacBook Pro(起价为2199美元)配备了四核i7处理器,英伟达(Nvidia)开普勒图形显示芯片和超高速闪存。我们是否提到MacBook Pro仅重4.5磅(约2千克——译注),和Air差不多薄?对头,这真是太不公平了。”

    Fortune.com:新款MacBook Pro的四个特点

    “散热(暂时)不成问题。去年发布的MacBook Air搭载了一颗1.8GHz的处理器,结果我发现当回放高清视频或打开多个应用程序时,笔记本会非常热,经常导致风扇嗡嗡轰鸣。新款MacBook Pro采用了一项名为“不对称风扇” 的新技术——在笔记本底部两侧都布有小气孔。苹果表示,该技术将使日常运行的噪音更低。现在就对其下结论还为时尚早,不过,在我们用MacBook Pro运行之前MacBook Air所进行的操作时,并未听到任何轰鸣声。”

    计算机世界:视网膜版MacBook Pro 与.PC笔记本谁更胜一筹?

    目前来看,下一代MacBook Pro不大可能吸引到现在的笔记本用户——不论是PC还是苹果的用户。标配版新款MacBook Pro的售价为2200美元,其配置仅为256GB硬盘空间、2.3 GHz的四核i7处理器。而华硕G75VW仅售1500美元,处理器和前者一样,存储空间则是前者6倍(是硬盘,不是闪存),还配有一款1920 x 1080分辨率的17寸显示器。”


    优点:MacBook Pro的视网膜显示器拥有史无前例的超高分辨率,图像——甚至文本的显示效果都清晰无比。虽然经过重新设计的笔记本非常轻巧,但其拥有英伟达图形处理器等众多高性能配件,可以完全取代最新的高端台式机。姗姗来迟的USB3.0和HDMI等新接口同样值得称道。缺点:起始价为2199美元,视网膜MacBook Pro的价格超过了美国一般个人信贷的额度。缺少以太网接口、火线和光驱,这在有时候颇为不便。虽然更为轻薄,但与真正的超级本或是MacBook Air相比,新款MacBook Pro仍然不适合旅行携带。结论:全新设计的视网膜版MacBook Pro将令人惊艳的屏幕和恰到好处的MacBook Air设计相结合,给人的感觉像是一款新产品,它是目前最好的MacBook。


    Engadget's Tim Stevens: Apple MacBook Pro with Retina display review. "So, then, is this a laptop that's creating its own new product category? Not exactly. This is a laptop that stands poised to kill an existing one, one that Apple has dominated. The new Pro is good enough to make the old Pro (even the updated version) look and feel obsolete. It pushes and redefines the category, raising the bar higher than even its brethren can jump. If you can afford the premium and aren't set on a 13-inch model there's no reason to buy any Pro other than this Pro."

    Laptop Magazine's Mark Spoonauer: Editor's Choice. "Just when the laptop competition thinks it's closing in on Apple, the company launches a new product that raises the bar for the entire industry. For the new MacBook Pro with Retina Display, it's the screen -- all 2880 x 1800 pixels of it -- that will leave others scrambling to play catch-up. Of course, to push that many pixels you need serious horsepower. And the next-gen MacBook Pro (starting at $2,199) delivers just that with a quad-core Core i7 processor, Nvidia Kepler graphics and super-fast flash memory. Did we mention the MacBook Pro is only 4.5 pounds and is nearly as thin as the Air? Yeah, it's almost not fair."

    Fortune.com's JP Mangalindan: 4 things to know about the new MacBook Pro. No. 4: "Heating isn't a problem (yet). As the owner of last year's 13-inch MacBook Air with a 1.8 GHz i7 processor, I've found the laptop can run hot under duress -- high-definition video playback, multiple apps open -- sometimes causing the fan to loudly kick in. The new MacBook Pro features a new "asymmetric fan," with small vents on either side of the notebook's bottom, which the company says encourages quieter day-to-day operations. It's too early to pass final judgment, but we will say we've never heard it whir as it does in the MacBook Air when performing the same tasks."

    ComputerWorld's Ian Paul: Retina MacBook Pro vs. PC Laptops: Who Wins? "For the moment, this next-generation laptop is not going to appeal to the current generation of laptop buyers - be it PC or Apple. The base model alone for the new MBP is priced at $2200 for just 256GB of hard drive space and a quad-core 2.3 GHz Core i7 processor. Compare that to the $1500 Asus G75VW gaming laptop featuring the same processor, six times the storage space (hard drive, not flash), and a 17-inch screen with 1920-by-1080 resolution."

    CNET's Dan Ackerman: Editors' Top Picks. The good: The unprecedented high-resolution screen on the new MacBook Pro with Retina Display makes images -- even simple text -- look beautifully clear. Despite a redesigned, lightweight body, the powerful components, including an Nvidia GPU, compare well to recent high-end desktop replacements. Overdue new ports, including USB 3.0 and HDMI, are welcome. The bad: With a $2,199 entry-level price tag, the MacBook Pro with Retina Display costs more than the typical American mortgage. The lack of onboard Ethernet jack, FireWire, or an optical drive can be inconvenient at times. Despite being thinner and lighter, it's not as travel-friendly as a true ultrabook or MacBook Air. The bottom line: The newly redesigned MacBook Pro with Retina Display combines an amazing screen with just enough of the MacBook Air design to feel like a new animal, and to take its place as the best of the current MacBook breed.

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