EXAMPLE: My sister wants me to give her son a job, but my business is so bad right now that I need a new employee like a hole in the head.
我妹妹想让我给她的儿子一份工作,但我的生意现在实在糟糕,完全不需要再增加一个新员工。  2013-04-09
EXAMPLE: Although she faced many problems as a woman in a difficult industry, my hard-working sister was able to fight her way to the top of her field.
尽管作为一位女性在一个困难的行业中面临诸多难题,我的勤奋的妹妹能够奋斗到她的行业的巅峰。  2013-04-08
EXAMPLE: I know he is busy, but I urgently need guidance, and I will camp on the doorstep of my boss until he answers the important question I asked him last week.
我知道他很忙,但我急需要指导。所以,我缠着我的老板,直到他答复我上周问他的那个重要问题。  2013-04-05
EXAMPLE: We will make a lot of changes in our company's procedures next year, and we hope the end product will be a significant increase in productivity.
我们将在下一年对公司的程序做出很多改变,我们希望结果能大幅提高劳动生产率。  2013-04-04
EXAMPLE: Unfortunately, a bad headache can be a side effect of the drug I must take for my illness.
真不幸,严重的头痛是我为治病不得不吃的药物的副作用。  2013-04-03
EXAMPLE: We need to ask the opinion of our investors before making large strategic decisions, since they have the purse strings.
我们在制定大战略之前要询问投资者的意见,因为他们有财务控制权。  2013-04-02
EXAMPLE: The people with whom I worked previously were poorly organized but intelligent, however my new co-workers are both disorganized and quite ignorant... I've jumped out of the frying pan and into the fire.
以前和我共事的人条理混乱但是聪明,可现在我的新同事不但没条理还笨得可以……我是刚出了油锅,又进了火炕啊。  2013-03-21
EXAMPLE: I know you refused the offer I made you last month regarding relocation to an overseas office, but the door is still open, and I hope an increase in salary will make you change your mind.
我知道,你上月拒绝了我提供的到海外办事处工作的机会,但一切还没有说死,我希望加薪会改变你的想法。  2013-03-20
EXAMPLE: While most people working in casinos are honest and respectable, the industry also includes a certain sleaze factor that can be annoying.
尽多大部分在赌场工作的人员都很诚实,值得尊敬,但这个行业也有一些讨厌的害群之马。  2013-03-19
EXAMPLE: My customers return to do business with me every year because they know I am always on the level with them.
每年,客户们都回来和我做生意,因为他们知道我总是对他们坦诚相待。  2013-03-18
EXAMPLE: To finish the huge project everyone in our company has been working morning, noon, and night.
为了完成这个庞大的项目,我们公司的每个人都在夜以继日地工作。  2013-03-15
EXAMPLE: I asked "for real?" when my shy brother told he was going to marry his beautiful neighbor and with a quiet smile he said yes.
我的腼腆的弟弟对我说,他准备娶美丽的邻家女郎,我问他:“是说真的吗?”他静静地微笑着,回答说是。  2013-03-14
EXAMPLE: Because it's located in a fashionable neighborhood, I may buy my friend's ugly old house because of its dirt value, and then later build a new home in its place.
我的朋友的老房子样子很丑,但它地处时尚社区,我可能因为看中它的地块价值而买下它,以后在那地方盖一座新房子。  2013-03-13
EXAMPLE: The company ingratiates itself with consumers at every price point by ranging $3,000 double-breasted cardigan sweaters from the Purple Label to Chaps brand clothing and home goods.
该公司的产品迎合了所有价位的消费者。它既出售3,000美元的紫标系列的双排扣羊毛开衫,又出售Chaps品牌服饰和居家用品。  2013-02-16
EXAMPLE: Each country is active in being against the money laundering crimes in the world, and advocates enlarging the scope of the laws relating to money laundering.
世界各国都在积极致力于反洗钱活动,并提倡扩大洗钱上游犯罪的范围。  2013-02-08
EXAMPLE: Germany is becoming no longer Europe's model but rather its whipping boy.
德国已经不再是欧洲效仿的榜样,而是欧洲问题的代罪羔羊。  2013-02-07
EXAMPLE: This scandal may well bring the president down at the next election.
这件丑闻也许会使总统在下次选举中失败。  2013-02-06
EXAMPLE: Successful students might also be termed teacher's pet attributing success to the teacher's favor.
优秀的学生还可能被贴上“老师的宠物”的标签,以示其成功来自教师的偏爱。  2013-02-05
EXAMPLE: Any unit or individual that accepts off-book rebate in secret shall be deemed and punished as taking bribes.
对方单位或者个人在帐外暗中收受回扣的,应该以受贿论处。  2013-02-04
EXAMPLE: My sister got an important promotion and a big raise at work yesterday and now she’s walking on air.
昨天,我的妹妹获得了重要提拨和大幅加薪,现在,她正春风得意。  2013-02-01

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