
- 崔霁松
- 联合创始人、董事长兼CEO
崔霁松博士是北京诺诚健华医药科技有限公司(以下简称“诺诚健华”)的联合创始人、董事长兼CEO。诺诚健华是一家植根于中国且具全球视野的新药创制公司,专注于肿瘤和自身免疫新型治疗药物的研究和开发。崔博士有超过20年的医药研究与开发经验。在建立诺诚健华之前,崔霁松博士曾任PPD旗下的BioDuro总经理及首席科学官,全面负责BioDuro的研发、运营、商业及资源管理。在BioDuro之前,崔博士曾在默克公司工作14年,担任药物早期开发委员会主席。崔霁松博士在普渡大学 (Purdue University) 获得分子生物学博士学位,在霍华德休斯医学研究所 (Howard Hughes Medical Institute) 完成博士后研究。担任美中医药开发协会(SAPA)第17任主席,现任SAPA 中国主席,也是SAPA首位女主席,目前担任SAPA中国主席。
Dr. Jasmine Cui is the Co-founder, Chairman & CEO of InnoCare Pharma Ltd. InnoCare is a biopharmaceutical company rooted in China with the global vision to discover and develop novel treatment for cancer and autoimmune diseases.
Prior to founding InnoCare, Dr. Cui was the General Manager of BioDuro (2011-2015), responsible for BioDuro’s overall scientific and operational management, as well as business & resource management. Before BioDuro, Dr. Cui worked at Merck Research Laboratories for 14 years serving as Director of Cardiovascular Diseases where she provided project leadership for delivering more than 10 drug candidates. She also served as the Chair of Early Development Team for development of drug candidates from preclinical to clinical phase 2a for POC in humans. Additionally, she headed the hypertension exploratory biomarker department for identifying and developing preclinical and translatable biomarkers in cardiovascular diseases.
Dr. Cui received her Ph.D. in molecular biology from Purdue University and completed her postdoctoral fellowship at Howard Hughes Medical Institute affiliated with the University of Michigan. Dr. Cui was the 17th SAPA President and now serves as the President of SAPA China.
Dr. Jasmine Cui is the Co-founder, Chairman & CEO of InnoCare Pharma Ltd. InnoCare is a biopharmaceutical company rooted in China with the global vision to discover and develop novel treatment for cancer and autoimmune diseases.
Prior to founding InnoCare, Dr. Cui was the General Manager of BioDuro (2011-2015), responsible for BioDuro’s overall scientific and operational management, as well as business & resource management. Before BioDuro, Dr. Cui worked at Merck Research Laboratories for 14 years serving as Director of Cardiovascular Diseases where she provided project leadership for delivering more than 10 drug candidates. She also served as the Chair of Early Development Team for development of drug candidates from preclinical to clinical phase 2a for POC in humans. Additionally, she headed the hypertension exploratory biomarker department for identifying and developing preclinical and translatable biomarkers in cardiovascular diseases.
Dr. Cui received her Ph.D. in molecular biology from Purdue University and completed her postdoctoral fellowship at Howard Hughes Medical Institute affiliated with the University of Michigan. Dr. Cui was the 17th SAPA President and now serves as the President of SAPA China.

- 董炜
- 耐克全球副总裁、耐克大中华区总经理
董炜于 2005 年加入耐克中国,目前担任耐克全球副总裁、耐克大中华区总经理,负责规划制 订耐克大中华区的远景目标以及增长策略,从而持续提升耐克品牌影响力及增强与消费者的 联系。任职期间,董炜在促进大中华区业务持续增长和盈利中起到了关键作用。此前,董炜 曾担任耐克大中华区的首席财务官。自董炜 2015 年 6 月 1 日正式就任耐克大中华区总经理以来,耐克大中华区年营收增长近 37 亿美元,至 2020 财年营收达 66.79 亿美元。截止 2020财年,耐克大中华区在董炜的领导下实现了连续五个财年双位数的强劲增长。董炜丰富的商界阅历、出色的业绩、对大中华区市场的洞察力和对数字业务的前瞻之见,令她成为耐克全球领导团队的重要成员之一。从 2017 年迄今,董炜连续四年荣登《财富》杂志“中国最具影响力的 25 位商界女性”榜单,同时她还连续多次被《福布斯》杂志评为“中国最杰出商界女性” 之一。2020 年 4 月,董炜被《财富》评为 2020 年中国最具影响力的 50 位商界领袖之一。
Angela joined Nike China in 2005. She is currently the Vice President of Nike Inc. and General Manager of Nike Greater China, and is responsible for shaping the vision and growth strategy for Greater China – all while continuing to elevate the Nike brand and create strong consumer connections. During her tenure, Angela has played a critical role in driving the Greater China business and delivering sustainable and profitable growth. Prior to her current position, she acted as the CFO for Greater China. After Angela officially assumed the role of General Manager on June 1st, 2015, Nike Greater China enjoyed nearly $3.7 billion in revenue growth, landing FY20 revenue at $6.679 billion. By the end of FY20, Nike Greater China under Angela’s leadership maintained five consecutive fiscal years of double-digit growth. Angela’s solid business experience, proven track record, knowledge of the Greater China marketplace and foresight of digital business have made her a crucial member of Nike’s global leadership team. Angela was named as one of the Most Powerful Businesswomen in China by Fortune China in 2020 for the 4th consecutive time, and also honored as one of the Top 100 Businesswomen in China by Forbes China a number of consecutive times. In April 2020, Angela was listed as one of the 50 most influential business leaders in China by Fortune China.
• VP/GM of Nike Greater China (June 2015 - Present)
• VP/CFO & GM of Territories for Nike Greater China (January 2015 - June 2015)
• VP/CFO, Nike Greater China (September 2011 - December 2014)
Before joining Nike, Angela worked in management positions for Coca-Cola China and P&G. She holds a Master’s in Business Administration from the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University.
Angela joined Nike China in 2005. She is currently the Vice President of Nike Inc. and General Manager of Nike Greater China, and is responsible for shaping the vision and growth strategy for Greater China – all while continuing to elevate the Nike brand and create strong consumer connections. During her tenure, Angela has played a critical role in driving the Greater China business and delivering sustainable and profitable growth. Prior to her current position, she acted as the CFO for Greater China. After Angela officially assumed the role of General Manager on June 1st, 2015, Nike Greater China enjoyed nearly $3.7 billion in revenue growth, landing FY20 revenue at $6.679 billion. By the end of FY20, Nike Greater China under Angela’s leadership maintained five consecutive fiscal years of double-digit growth. Angela’s solid business experience, proven track record, knowledge of the Greater China marketplace and foresight of digital business have made her a crucial member of Nike’s global leadership team. Angela was named as one of the Most Powerful Businesswomen in China by Fortune China in 2020 for the 4th consecutive time, and also honored as one of the Top 100 Businesswomen in China by Forbes China a number of consecutive times. In April 2020, Angela was listed as one of the 50 most influential business leaders in China by Fortune China.
• VP/GM of Nike Greater China (June 2015 - Present)
• VP/CFO & GM of Territories for Nike Greater China (January 2015 - June 2015)
• VP/CFO, Nike Greater China (September 2011 - December 2014)
Before joining Nike, Angela worked in management positions for Coca-Cola China and P&G. She holds a Master’s in Business Administration from the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University.

- 董杏丽
- 能源自动化全球研发副总裁
Ms. DONG Xingli holds Bachelor, Master and Doctor’s Degree of Xi’an Jiaotong University, majored in Power System Automation of Electrical engineering. Her research directions include energy automation product development, primary and secondary integration of power transmission and distribution networks, the application of virtual technology and AI in energy automation products, and traveling wave protection algorithms. From 2004 to 2010, she served as the marketing engineer, software development engineer and software development manager of Areva Transmission and Distribution China Technology Center, where she witnessed the establishment and growth of AREVA's power transmission and distribution energy automation R&D team in China. From June 2010 to present, she has served as energy automation software development manager of Schneider Electric (China) Co., Ltd. Shanghai branch, energy automation China R&D director, and energy automation global relay protection R&D director. She is currently the Vice President of Global R&D of Schneider Electric Energy Automation, responsible for product R&D of multiple product lines in nine R&D centers around the world.
Ms. DONG Xingli holds Bachelor, Master and Doctor’s Degree of Xi’an Jiaotong University, majored in Power System Automation of Electrical engineering. Her research directions include energy automation product development, primary and secondary integration of power transmission and distribution networks, the application of virtual technology and AI in energy automation products, and traveling wave protection algorithms. From 2004 to 2010, she served as the marketing engineer, software development engineer and software development manager of Areva Transmission and Distribution China Technology Center, where she witnessed the establishment and growth of AREVA's power transmission and distribution energy automation R&D team in China. From June 2010 to present, she has served as energy automation software development manager of Schneider Electric (China) Co., Ltd. Shanghai branch, energy automation China R&D director, and energy automation global relay protection R&D director. She is currently the Vice President of Global R&D of Schneider Electric Energy Automation, responsible for product R&D of multiple product lines in nine R&D centers around the world.

- 葛越
- 副总裁及大中华区董事总经理
葛越担任 Apple 副总裁及大中华区董事总经理,向 CEO Tim Cook 和首席运营官 Jeff Williams 汇报,她负责领导并协调 Apple 中国团队。
葛越于 2008 年加入 Apple, 担任无线技术副总裁,专注于几乎每一款 Apple 产品的蜂窝、Wi-Fi、蓝牙、NFC, 定位和 motion 技术的开发。在为 iPhone 和 iPad 开发具有中国特色的功能方面,她发挥了至关重要的作用。
任职 Apple 之前,葛越曾在 Palm 担任无线软件工程副总裁,并在其他无线技术公司的技术与管理岗位担任重要角色。
Isabel Ge Mahe is Apple's vice president and managing director of Greater China, reporting to CEO Tim Cook and COO Jeff Williams. Isabel provides leadership and coordination across Apple's China-based team.
Isabel joined Apple in 2008 as vice president of Wireless Technologies, overseeing the development of cellular, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, NFC, location and motion technologies for nearly every Apple product. She also played a key role in developing new China-specific features for iPhone and iPad.
Before joining Apple, Isabel served as Vice President of Wireless Software Engineering at Palm and held key technical and managerial positions at other wireless companies.
Isabel holds Bachelor and Master of Electrical Engineering degrees from Simon Fraser University in British Columbia and an MBA from the University of California, Berkeley.
葛越于 2008 年加入 Apple, 担任无线技术副总裁,专注于几乎每一款 Apple 产品的蜂窝、Wi-Fi、蓝牙、NFC, 定位和 motion 技术的开发。在为 iPhone 和 iPad 开发具有中国特色的功能方面,她发挥了至关重要的作用。
任职 Apple 之前,葛越曾在 Palm 担任无线软件工程副总裁,并在其他无线技术公司的技术与管理岗位担任重要角色。
Isabel Ge Mahe is Apple's vice president and managing director of Greater China, reporting to CEO Tim Cook and COO Jeff Williams. Isabel provides leadership and coordination across Apple's China-based team.
Isabel joined Apple in 2008 as vice president of Wireless Technologies, overseeing the development of cellular, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, NFC, location and motion technologies for nearly every Apple product. She also played a key role in developing new China-specific features for iPhone and iPad.
Before joining Apple, Isabel served as Vice President of Wireless Software Engineering at Palm and held key technical and managerial positions at other wireless companies.
Isabel holds Bachelor and Master of Electrical Engineering degrees from Simon Fraser University in British Columbia and an MBA from the University of California, Berkeley.

- 雷焕丽
- 中国区总裁
Holly Lei has taken over as President of Covestro China based in Shanghai, effective July 1, 2019. With more than 20 years of experience in cross-cultural management around the world, Lei is the first local female leader for this position. With a strong technical background in chemical engineering and material science, Lei started her career at Bayer MaterialScience (the predecessor company of Covestro) in 1999 as a technical representative, and has since held various management positions of increasing responsibilities focusing on sales, technical service and R&D in Greater China and the APAC region. As a seasoned leader strong at managing dispersed teams, she devoted her cross-industry insights and customer centric mindset to develop focus industries for Covestro's Business Unit Polycarbonates in Greater China and the APAC region. Lei holds a bachelor’s degree in chemical engineering from Dalian University of Technology in China and a master's degree in material science from Université de Sherbrooke in Canada. She has also received executive training at INSEAD Business School in France. Lei is also a board member of the Shanghai Chapter of the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China, and Vice Chairman of the Shanghai Chemical Industry Park International Experts' Consultancy Forum.
Holly Lei has taken over as President of Covestro China based in Shanghai, effective July 1, 2019. With more than 20 years of experience in cross-cultural management around the world, Lei is the first local female leader for this position. With a strong technical background in chemical engineering and material science, Lei started her career at Bayer MaterialScience (the predecessor company of Covestro) in 1999 as a technical representative, and has since held various management positions of increasing responsibilities focusing on sales, technical service and R&D in Greater China and the APAC region. As a seasoned leader strong at managing dispersed teams, she devoted her cross-industry insights and customer centric mindset to develop focus industries for Covestro's Business Unit Polycarbonates in Greater China and the APAC region. Lei holds a bachelor’s degree in chemical engineering from Dalian University of Technology in China and a master's degree in material science from Université de Sherbrooke in Canada. She has also received executive training at INSEAD Business School in France. Lei is also a board member of the Shanghai Chapter of the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China, and Vice Chairman of the Shanghai Chemical Industry Park International Experts' Consultancy Forum.

- 梁戈碧
- 微软SharePoint及Teams中国区总经理
梁戈碧女士现任微软SharePoint及Teams中国区总经理,目前正在搭建一支世界级的工程团队,帮助开发全球增长最快的协作平台Teams。此外,梁戈碧女士还为全球最大的SaaS之一SharePoint Online提供增强功能,并负责SharePoint Server业务的相关发展。在担任这一职位之前,梁戈碧女士在微软公有云Azure领域深耕多年,主导了一系列Azure服务的落地,实现了真正的“从无到有”。梁戈碧女士还一手创建了中国云计算创新中心,面对中国本土客户在拥抱云计算过程中产生的独特需求,CCIC在技术层面发挥了十分关键的作用。一直以来,梁戈碧女士积极倡导多元化和包容性(Diversity & Inclusion)。在这一领域,她主导了多项工作,致力于推动女性员工人数的增长,并助力她们的后续职业发展,积极帮助推进微软对于员工及职场的D&I 承诺。在微软之外,梁戈碧女士还积极参与了一系列的STEM工作,以激励更多女性从事科技领域相关职业。
Ms. Gebi Liang is the GM of SharePoint & Teams China. She is currently building a world class engineering organization to help develop one of the world’s fastest growing collaboration platform, Teams. She is also responsible for enhancing SharePoint Online, one of the largest SaaS in the world, in addition to being accountable for SharePoint Server business. During her time in Microsoft before her current role, she worked for many years in Microsoft public cloud Azure area including launching a couple of Azure services starting from an idea. She established the China Cloud Innovation Center (CCIC), which played a key technical role in addressing the unique needs from China local customers as they embrace the journey of cloud. Ms. Liang has always been a passionate advocate for Diversity & Inclusion. She is leading multiple effort in this space focusing on driving female employee population increase and their career development to advance Microsoft's D&I commitment in the workplace. She is also actively participating in a broad set of STEM effort outside Microsoft inspiring more females pursuing their careers in technology space. Prior to joining Microsoft, Gebi was a 15-year veteran of Intel and held several key technical and leadership roles in the US & China. Gebi holds a master's degree in Computer Science from College of William & Mary and a Bachelor of Arts degree in English Literature from Beijing Normal University.
Ms. Gebi Liang is the GM of SharePoint & Teams China. She is currently building a world class engineering organization to help develop one of the world’s fastest growing collaboration platform, Teams. She is also responsible for enhancing SharePoint Online, one of the largest SaaS in the world, in addition to being accountable for SharePoint Server business. During her time in Microsoft before her current role, she worked for many years in Microsoft public cloud Azure area including launching a couple of Azure services starting from an idea. She established the China Cloud Innovation Center (CCIC), which played a key technical role in addressing the unique needs from China local customers as they embrace the journey of cloud. Ms. Liang has always been a passionate advocate for Diversity & Inclusion. She is leading multiple effort in this space focusing on driving female employee population increase and their career development to advance Microsoft's D&I commitment in the workplace. She is also actively participating in a broad set of STEM effort outside Microsoft inspiring more females pursuing their careers in technology space. Prior to joining Microsoft, Gebi was a 15-year veteran of Intel and held several key technical and leadership roles in the US & China. Gebi holds a master's degree in Computer Science from College of William & Mary and a Bachelor of Arts degree in English Literature from Beijing Normal University.

- 梁静
- 合伙人
松鼠Ai 1对1
曾连续打造多个快费品、年轻时尚餐饮品牌。一手打造“松鼠Ai”品牌,独创“360D”品牌塑造理论,扩展品牌国际影响力和美誉度,带领公司出现在央视、湖南卫视、浙江卫视、江苏卫视等十几家一线媒体和财富、福布斯、金融时报、MIT TR等全球媒体,抖音传播一亿播放量300万点赞。受邀在IJCAI、KDD、Slush、TechCrunch等国际峰会演讲,接受Bloomberg等媒体采访。
Squirrel Ai is the leading K12 AI+education unicorn. Within 3-years of product release, it has established 3,000+ learning centers and hosted the first series of human-vs-AI competitions in Asia-Pacific-region and proved AI’s success. Joleen has been spoken at World Summit AI together with Yoshua Bengio. She also had many EdTech/AI talks, such as ACM UMAP, IJCAI, Tsinghua-Uni, Tech Crunch, BETT, O’reilly, Slush.Joleen is the founder/director of AI+Adaptive Education International Conference (AIAED) focusing on important trends emerging from AI-tech applied to next-generation education and how these advances can impact adaptive human learning at scale. Joleen is a Ph.D candidate at Intelligent Science&System, MUST.
Squirrel Ai is the leading K12 AI+education unicorn. Within 3-years of product release, it has established 3,000+ learning centers and hosted the first series of human-vs-AI competitions in Asia-Pacific-region and proved AI’s success. Joleen has been spoken at World Summit AI together with Yoshua Bengio. She also had many EdTech/AI talks, such as ACM UMAP, IJCAI, Tsinghua-Uni, Tech Crunch, BETT, O’reilly, Slush.Joleen is the founder/director of AI+Adaptive Education International Conference (AIAED) focusing on important trends emerging from AI-tech applied to next-generation education and how these advances can impact adaptive human learning at scale. Joleen is a Ph.D candidate at Intelligent Science&System, MUST.

- 龙宇
- 创始及管理合伙人
龙宇于2008年创建了BAI,并带领团队实现了从1亿到30亿美元的资金管理规模。在过去的十年中,BAI投中了超过10个IPO和超过20只独角兽,代表项目包括乐信集团(NASDAQ:LX)、蘑菇街(NYSE: MOGU)、易鑫集团(HK: 02858)、联易融、摩拜单车、网易云音乐、易久批、叮咚买菜、探探与Keep等。她曾获得《财富》“2019年30位中国最具影响力的投资人”。2016年起,龙宇女士成为Tapestry集团(NYSE:TPR,旗下品牌包括Coach, Stuart Weitzman与Kate Spade) 的董事会成员。2011年,她曾被世界经济论坛(World Economic Forum,简称WEF)评选为“全球青年领袖”,并积极参与论坛事务。她持有斯坦福大学商学院工商管理学硕士(MBA)学位,是斯坦福大学商学院顾问委员会的第一位华人成员。
Ms. Long founded BAI in 2008. She leads team to manage funds exceeding $3 billion and achieve 10+ IPOs and 20+ Unicorns with portfolios including Lexin Group (NASDAQ: LX), Mogu Street (NYSE: MOGU), Yixin Group (HK: 02858), Linklogis, Mobike, NetEase Cloud Music, YJP, Dingdong Fresh, Tantan and Keep. She was named Fortune 2020 China's Most Influential BusinessWomen.Since 2016, Ms. Long has sat on the board of Tapestry Inc. (NYSE: TPR, its portfolio includes Coach, Stuart Weitzman and Kate Spade). She was also named Young Global Leader (YGL) by World Economic Forum in 2011 and had active involvement in WEF. Ms. Long holds an MBA from the Stanford Graduate School of Business. She was also the first Chinese people who served as the member of Stanford Graduate School of Business Advisory Council.
Ms. Long founded BAI in 2008. She leads team to manage funds exceeding $3 billion and achieve 10+ IPOs and 20+ Unicorns with portfolios including Lexin Group (NASDAQ: LX), Mogu Street (NYSE: MOGU), Yixin Group (HK: 02858), Linklogis, Mobike, NetEase Cloud Music, YJP, Dingdong Fresh, Tantan and Keep. She was named Fortune 2020 China's Most Influential BusinessWomen.Since 2016, Ms. Long has sat on the board of Tapestry Inc. (NYSE: TPR, its portfolio includes Coach, Stuart Weitzman and Kate Spade). She was also named Young Global Leader (YGL) by World Economic Forum in 2011 and had active involvement in WEF. Ms. Long holds an MBA from the Stanford Graduate School of Business. She was also the first Chinese people who served as the member of Stanford Graduate School of Business Advisory Council.

- 潘小瓅
- 首席执行官
潘小瓅,“观视频” 创始人,2020年全国青联委员,中国青少年新媒体协会常务理事,复旦大学中国研究院研究员。毕业于伦敦大学国际关系学硕士,曾就职于上海电视台,并在北京大学和加拿大麦吉尔大学担任访问学者。“观视频”创立于2016年,专注于制作有深度有思想的知识类视频节目,是中国互联网短视频领域的头部账号。迄今为止,观视频工作室全网累计8000多万粉丝,总点播超过30亿;节目涵盖政治、经济、科技、产业、文化等多个领域,提供了当今互联网上极为匮乏的优质知识和思想内容。尤其在年轻人群体里,观视频的内容形成互联网市场上的正能量舆论标杆。
Pan Xiaoli, founder of Guan Video, is a member of the All-China Youth Federation in 2020, She is also the executive director of China Youth New Media Association and a researcher of China Institute in Fudan University. She graduated with a Master degree in International Relations from the University of London. She worked for Shanghai Media Group and was a visiting scholar at Peking University and McGill University in Canada. Guan Video was founded in 2016, focusing on the production of in-depth and thoughtful knowledge video programs, and it is the head account of China's Internet short video field. Till now, Guan Video has accumulated more than 80 million fans, and the total number of views has exceeded 3 billion. The programs cover politics, economy, science and technology, industry, culture and other fields, providing high-quality knowledge and ideological content that is scarce on the Internet today. Especially among young people, the content of Guan Video has formed a public opinion benchmark of positive energy in the Internet market.
Pan Xiaoli, founder of Guan Video, is a member of the All-China Youth Federation in 2020, She is also the executive director of China Youth New Media Association and a researcher of China Institute in Fudan University. She graduated with a Master degree in International Relations from the University of London. She worked for Shanghai Media Group and was a visiting scholar at Peking University and McGill University in Canada. Guan Video was founded in 2016, focusing on the production of in-depth and thoughtful knowledge video programs, and it is the head account of China's Internet short video field. Till now, Guan Video has accumulated more than 80 million fans, and the total number of views has exceeded 3 billion. The programs cover politics, economy, science and technology, industry, culture and other fields, providing high-quality knowledge and ideological content that is scarce on the Internet today. Especially among young people, the content of Guan Video has formed a public opinion benchmark of positive energy in the Internet market.

- 邱寒
- PayPal 全球高级副总裁兼中国区首席执行官
邱寒女士现任PayPal全球高级副总裁兼中国区首席执行官,全面负责制定PayPal在中国的长期发展战略及全方位执行计划的实施。PayPal是第一家获准在中国市场提供在线支付的外资公司, 作为该全球金融科技和支付领域领头羊的中国区掌门人,邱寒女士将带领中国团队不断深化与诸多战略伙伴及中国金融机构与技术平台的合作关系,持续不断为中国支付产业生态系统发展贡献力量。作为深谙金融业务、人工智能、大数据科技与应用的综合性国际化资深管理者,邱寒女士在引领高科技技术革新、金融业转型和商务拓展方面拥有近20年的丰富经验。她曾就任金融壹账通联席总经理及首席创新官,被业界誉为平安集团的“大数据科学家”,主导创立了平安“加码人工智能研究院”并推出多项全球首创的人工智能场景化应用。
Hannah Qiu, Senior Vice President and China CEO of PayPal, is responsible for the development and execution of the company’s long-term business strategy in China. PayPal is the global payment leader in fintech, as well as the first foreign company licensed to provide online payment services in mainland China. Under Hannah’s leadership, the China division strives to become a trusted partner to financial institutions and technology companies within China, and a contributor to the continued development of the Chinese payment ecosystem.
Hannah brings nearly 20 years of experience in leading technology innovation, financial industry transformation, and business growth to PayPal. She was the co-general manager and Chief Innovation Officer of OneConnect, also known as the “Big Data Scientist” of PingAn Group. Hannah launched GammaLab for PingAn, the research institute which introduced a certain number of AI-empowered innovations to the market.
Hannah Qiu, Senior Vice President and China CEO of PayPal, is responsible for the development and execution of the company’s long-term business strategy in China. PayPal is the global payment leader in fintech, as well as the first foreign company licensed to provide online payment services in mainland China. Under Hannah’s leadership, the China division strives to become a trusted partner to financial institutions and technology companies within China, and a contributor to the continued development of the Chinese payment ecosystem.
Hannah brings nearly 20 years of experience in leading technology innovation, financial industry transformation, and business growth to PayPal. She was the co-general manager and Chief Innovation Officer of OneConnect, also known as the “Big Data Scientist” of PingAn Group. Hannah launched GammaLab for PingAn, the research institute which introduced a certain number of AI-empowered innovations to the market.

- 孙洁
- 首席执行官
孙洁女士以其专业的在线旅游业务运营管理、财务运营、合并收购及投资者关系经验而备受尊敬。2019年,她获亚洲协会颁发“亚洲创变者奖”并受邀担任亚洲协会董事会成员。2018年,她被《福布斯》评为25位亚洲新锐女性之一。2017年,她被《福布斯》评为中国最杰出商业女性之一,获选《财富》全球最具影响力50位商业女性之一,同年也被美国著名财经媒体《快公司》评为全球最具创新商业人物。任职携程期间,她获得了国际知名财经杂志《机构投资者》授予的Best CEO及Best CFO奖项。
Jane Sun is the Chief Executive Officer and a member of the board of directors of Trip.com Group Ltd. She first joined the company as the Chief Financial Officer in 2005, later serving as the Chief Operating Officer and the Co-President, before moving into the CEO role in 2016. Founded in 1999 with the mission of bringing the best travel experience to travelers, the company effectively adapted to the rise of mobile Internet, growing from a small tech company into a one-stop-shop for travel services for 400 million users worldwide. As the only female CEO in China’s high-tech industry, Ms. Sun proactively advocates gender equality, and has made it her mission to empower women to achieve balance and success in both their career and family lives. For example, Trip.com Group is the first company in China to offer egg-freezing as an employee benefit. Other female friendly policies include birth gifts and commuter benefits for pregnant workers. At Trip.com Group, female employees represent over half of the total workforce and a third of senior management.
Ms. Sun is well respected for her extensive experience in operating and managing online travel businesses, mergers and acquisitions, and financial reporting and operations, having received numerous accolades for her work in the industry. In 2019, she was awarded an Asia Society Asia Game Changer Award and joined as a member of the Asia Society Board of Trustee. Forbes named her one of the Emergent 25 Asia’s Latest Star Businesswomen in 2018, and one of the Most Influential and Outstanding Businesswomen in China in 2017. She was also one of 2020 Fortune’s Top 50 Most Powerful Women in Business.
孙洁女士以其专业的在线旅游业务运营管理、财务运营、合并收购及投资者关系经验而备受尊敬。2019年,她获亚洲协会颁发“亚洲创变者奖”并受邀担任亚洲协会董事会成员。2018年,她被《福布斯》评为25位亚洲新锐女性之一。2017年,她被《福布斯》评为中国最杰出商业女性之一,获选《财富》全球最具影响力50位商业女性之一,同年也被美国著名财经媒体《快公司》评为全球最具创新商业人物。任职携程期间,她获得了国际知名财经杂志《机构投资者》授予的Best CEO及Best CFO奖项。
Jane Sun is the Chief Executive Officer and a member of the board of directors of Trip.com Group Ltd. She first joined the company as the Chief Financial Officer in 2005, later serving as the Chief Operating Officer and the Co-President, before moving into the CEO role in 2016. Founded in 1999 with the mission of bringing the best travel experience to travelers, the company effectively adapted to the rise of mobile Internet, growing from a small tech company into a one-stop-shop for travel services for 400 million users worldwide. As the only female CEO in China’s high-tech industry, Ms. Sun proactively advocates gender equality, and has made it her mission to empower women to achieve balance and success in both their career and family lives. For example, Trip.com Group is the first company in China to offer egg-freezing as an employee benefit. Other female friendly policies include birth gifts and commuter benefits for pregnant workers. At Trip.com Group, female employees represent over half of the total workforce and a third of senior management.
Ms. Sun is well respected for her extensive experience in operating and managing online travel businesses, mergers and acquisitions, and financial reporting and operations, having received numerous accolades for her work in the industry. In 2019, she was awarded an Asia Society Asia Game Changer Award and joined as a member of the Asia Society Board of Trustee. Forbes named her one of the Emergent 25 Asia’s Latest Star Businesswomen in 2018, and one of the Most Influential and Outstanding Businesswomen in China in 2017. She was also one of 2020 Fortune’s Top 50 Most Powerful Women in Business.

- 吴若兰
- 英国驻华大使
Caroline joined the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office in 1995 after qualifying as a Barrister-at-law.
She completed Mandarin language training at Beijing Normal University before taking up her first role overseas at the British Embassy in Beijing from 1997-2000.
Caroline was posted to the UK Representation to the European Union in Brussels in 2001 and served as Private Secretary to the Foreign Secretary from 2004-2006.
Caroline was then seconded to the Cabinet Office European Secretariat as Deputy Director. From 2008-12 she served at the British Embassy in Moscow as Minister Counsellor.
Caroline then went on to become Her Majesty’s Consul General to Hong Kong and Macao from 2012 to 2016.
Returning to London, Caroline was appointed Europe Director at the FCDO, a role she held from 2016 to 2019.
Caroline is fluent in Mandarin. Her Chinese name is 吴若兰.
Caroline joined the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office in 1995 after qualifying as a Barrister-at-law.
She completed Mandarin language training at Beijing Normal University before taking up her first role overseas at the British Embassy in Beijing from 1997-2000.
Caroline was posted to the UK Representation to the European Union in Brussels in 2001 and served as Private Secretary to the Foreign Secretary from 2004-2006.
Caroline was then seconded to the Cabinet Office European Secretariat as Deputy Director. From 2008-12 she served at the British Embassy in Moscow as Minister Counsellor.
Caroline then went on to become Her Majesty’s Consul General to Hong Kong and Macao from 2012 to 2016.
Returning to London, Caroline was appointed Europe Director at the FCDO, a role she held from 2016 to 2019.
Caroline is fluent in Mandarin. Her Chinese name is 吴若兰.

- 王凤英
- 总裁
Wang Fengying is one of China's most successful professional managers, a pioneer in exploring innovative business practice, and a key promoter behind transition of traditional manufacturing in the Internet era.
Wang Fengying joined Great Wall Motors in 1991. Great Wall Motors has also become the first Chinese automaker to realize sales of a million vehicles and revenue of over 100 billion yuan. Now Wang Fengying is leading Great Wall Motors to expand globally as a multinational manufacturing company.
Wang Fengying is a believer in “positioning” and “focusing” theorie. She gives priority to strategic innovation, pursues differentiated positioning, and constantly creates new categories. Great Wall Motors is committed to focusing strategy and has fostered two champion brands — HAVAL SUV and GWM Pickup.
Wang Fengying keeps a low profile and is sincere and enthusiastic. She has innovative ideas and sharp insights, while pursuing perfection. Wang Fengying encourages brainstorming and debates to inspire creativity and facilitate decision-making. Almost every fierce debate is based on her ambition to proactively seek changes.
In industrial Internet era, she uses her keen perspective to delve into digitalization and pushes the boundaries to propel the automotive industry to embrace the Internet with disruptive thinking. By doing all these, she has helped Great Wall Motors wrap up another major reform, renew the definition of emerging automakers, and create a new brand category targeting Generation Z..
Wang Fengying leverages women’s unique perspectives in aesthetics and courage to differentiate the corporate completely from others by creating its own competitive edge.
Wang Fengying is one of China's most successful professional managers, a pioneer in exploring innovative business practice, and a key promoter behind transition of traditional manufacturing in the Internet era.
Wang Fengying joined Great Wall Motors in 1991. Great Wall Motors has also become the first Chinese automaker to realize sales of a million vehicles and revenue of over 100 billion yuan. Now Wang Fengying is leading Great Wall Motors to expand globally as a multinational manufacturing company.
Wang Fengying is a believer in “positioning” and “focusing” theorie. She gives priority to strategic innovation, pursues differentiated positioning, and constantly creates new categories. Great Wall Motors is committed to focusing strategy and has fostered two champion brands — HAVAL SUV and GWM Pickup.
Wang Fengying keeps a low profile and is sincere and enthusiastic. She has innovative ideas and sharp insights, while pursuing perfection. Wang Fengying encourages brainstorming and debates to inspire creativity and facilitate decision-making. Almost every fierce debate is based on her ambition to proactively seek changes.
In industrial Internet era, she uses her keen perspective to delve into digitalization and pushes the boundaries to propel the automotive industry to embrace the Internet with disruptive thinking. By doing all these, she has helped Great Wall Motors wrap up another major reform, renew the definition of emerging automakers, and create a new brand category targeting Generation Z..
Wang Fengying leverages women’s unique perspectives in aesthetics and courage to differentiate the corporate completely from others by creating its own competitive edge.

- 王静瑛
- 星巴克中国董事长兼首席执行官、星巴克全球执行副总裁
Belinda Wong oversees Starbucks business in the Chinese mainland, focused on driving performance through the lens of humanity, and charting its long term journey towards a people, profit and planet positive future. She is also a member of Starbucks global executive leadership team, contributing her more than 20 years of rich field knowledge and leadership in China and the Asia Pacific region to the company’s global decision making.
Starbucks has constantly redefined the retail and coffee experience in China under Belinda’s leadership. She was the architect behind the opening of the first international Starbucks Reserve® Roastery in Shanghai, and also led the launch of “Starbucks Delivers” and “Starbucks Now” digital ordering services, as well as the creation of Starbucks first express retail store format.
Most recently, Belinda led Starbucks China in navigating the unprecedented challenges caused by COVID-19, creating what became a playbook for other markets. Amid challenges brought by the pandemic, Starbucks began construction on a Coffee Innovation Park in China, its largest manufacturing investment outside of the U.S., which will set a new benchmark for sustainable manufacturing and smart supply chain innovation when operational in 2022. It also became the first to launch a plant-based food and beverage menu at scale market wide.
Belinda was named to Fortune magazine’s Most Powerful Women in Business (International) List 2020 and continues to be recognized as one of China’s most influential woman business leaders by Forbes China and Fortune China. In 2020, she was among only 10 recipients to be presented the “Magnolia Gold Award” by the Shanghai Municipal Government for her continued outstanding contributions towards Shanghai’s economic and social development.
Belinda Wong oversees Starbucks business in the Chinese mainland, focused on driving performance through the lens of humanity, and charting its long term journey towards a people, profit and planet positive future. She is also a member of Starbucks global executive leadership team, contributing her more than 20 years of rich field knowledge and leadership in China and the Asia Pacific region to the company’s global decision making.
Starbucks has constantly redefined the retail and coffee experience in China under Belinda’s leadership. She was the architect behind the opening of the first international Starbucks Reserve® Roastery in Shanghai, and also led the launch of “Starbucks Delivers” and “Starbucks Now” digital ordering services, as well as the creation of Starbucks first express retail store format.
Most recently, Belinda led Starbucks China in navigating the unprecedented challenges caused by COVID-19, creating what became a playbook for other markets. Amid challenges brought by the pandemic, Starbucks began construction on a Coffee Innovation Park in China, its largest manufacturing investment outside of the U.S., which will set a new benchmark for sustainable manufacturing and smart supply chain innovation when operational in 2022. It also became the first to launch a plant-based food and beverage menu at scale market wide.
Belinda was named to Fortune magazine’s Most Powerful Women in Business (International) List 2020 and continues to be recognized as one of China’s most influential woman business leaders by Forbes China and Fortune China. In 2020, she was among only 10 recipients to be presented the “Magnolia Gold Award” by the Shanghai Municipal Government for her continued outstanding contributions towards Shanghai’s economic and social development.

- 吴淳
- 董事总经理,全球合伙人,医疗保健专项中国区负责人
Dr. Chun Wu is a Managing Director and Partner of Boston Consulting Group (BCG). She leads BCG’s Health Care Practice in Greater China. Since joining BCG, Chun has served multinational and local pharmaceutical, medtech, and consumer health clients on strategic and operational topics. Dr. Wu has also served both hospital operators and investors. Currently, she spends significant time working with clients on big data in health care. Dr. Wu supports government and industry players in building regional health care databases and biobanks.
Prior to joining BCG, Dr. Wu was the COO of Beijing Genomics Institute. She was also the co-founder and COO of iCarbonX, a health care big data and artificial intelligence company.
Dr. Wu holds a B.S. degree in biochemistry from Peking University and a Ph.D. degree in Genetics from Yale University.
Dr. Chun Wu is a Managing Director and Partner of Boston Consulting Group (BCG). She leads BCG’s Health Care Practice in Greater China. Since joining BCG, Chun has served multinational and local pharmaceutical, medtech, and consumer health clients on strategic and operational topics. Dr. Wu has also served both hospital operators and investors. Currently, she spends significant time working with clients on big data in health care. Dr. Wu supports government and industry players in building regional health care databases and biobanks.
Prior to joining BCG, Dr. Wu was the COO of Beijing Genomics Institute. She was also the co-founder and COO of iCarbonX, a health care big data and artificial intelligence company.
Dr. Wu holds a B.S. degree in biochemistry from Peking University and a Ph.D. degree in Genetics from Yale University.

- 谢菁炜
- 新媒体执行主编
Xie Jingwei (Yvonne Xie) is the new media executive editor of Fortune China. She previously served as the managing editor of the business department for China Daily’s website and as senior manager of global communications for the Dalian Wanda Group. Ms. Xie is the co-winner of the 20th China News Awards for Best Interview. She graduated from Nankai University and the Chinese University of Hong Kong.
Xie Jingwei (Yvonne Xie) is the new media executive editor of Fortune China. She previously served as the managing editor of the business department for China Daily’s website and as senior manager of global communications for the Dalian Wanda Group. Ms. Xie is the co-winner of the 20th China News Awards for Best Interview. She graduated from Nankai University and the Chinese University of Hong Kong.

- 原欣
- 微软中国企业商用事业部总经理
Bessie Yuan在IT行业有20多年从业经验,曾服务于甲骨文,海波龙等软件公司。历任技术总监,销售总监,事业部总经理等职。服务于制造,高科技,金融,零售,电信和服务等行业客户,主导过大量数字化转型,大数据,AI以及大型的企业应用项目。 拥有计算机学士学位和经济学硕士学位,曾任北京大学光华海波龙企业绩效管理研究中心理事。
Bessie Yuan has more than 20 years of experience in the IT industry, including working for Oracle and Hyperion, served as technical director, sales director, general manager of business group. She leads the Enterprise Commercial Group, serving enterprise customers in manufacturing, high-tech, financial service, retail, telecom and professional service industries, and she has extensive experience of leading critical projects such as Digital Transformation, Big Data, AI and enterprise application projects. She holds a bachelor's degree in computer science and a master's degree in economics. She was the committee member of PKU Guanghua-Hyperion BPM Research Institute.
Bessie Yuan has more than 20 years of experience in the IT industry, including working for Oracle and Hyperion, served as technical director, sales director, general manager of business group. She leads the Enterprise Commercial Group, serving enterprise customers in manufacturing, high-tech, financial service, retail, telecom and professional service industries, and she has extensive experience of leading critical projects such as Digital Transformation, Big Data, AI and enterprise application projects. She holds a bachelor's degree in computer science and a master's degree in economics. She was the committee member of PKU Guanghua-Hyperion BPM Research Institute.

- 周虹
- 总裁
Hong Chow joined Roche in March 2015, responsible for leading its pharmaceutical business in China with a wide range of products in key areas including oncology, virology, and transplantation. Roche is one of the first global pharmaceutical companies that have established a full value chain from Research and Development to Manufacturing, Marketing and Sales in China.
Hong is currently Vice Chair of RDPAC and was instrumental in leading its R&D Working Group to develop the white paper on “Driving towards a Sustainable Innovation Ecosystem”, in collaboration with domestic Industry Associations. Hong holds German citizenship and was honored with China's First Foreign Permanent Resident ID Card. She is the recipient of the Magnolia Award (Silver) from the Shanghai Government.
Hong Chow joined Roche in March 2015, responsible for leading its pharmaceutical business in China with a wide range of products in key areas including oncology, virology, and transplantation. Roche is one of the first global pharmaceutical companies that have established a full value chain from Research and Development to Manufacturing, Marketing and Sales in China.
Hong is currently Vice Chair of RDPAC and was instrumental in leading its R&D Working Group to develop the white paper on “Driving towards a Sustainable Innovation Ecosystem”, in collaboration with domestic Industry Associations. Hong holds German citizenship and was honored with China's First Foreign Permanent Resident ID Card. She is the recipient of the Magnolia Award (Silver) from the Shanghai Government.

- 张家茵
- 首席执行官
张家茵女士是中国宋庆龄基金会理事会成员。在加入麦当劳之前,张家茵女士曾在多家国际广告公司工作。张家茵女士拥有香港中文大学的EMBA 学位,现居上海。
Phyllis is responsible for the overall business of McDonald’s in the Chinese mainland, overseeing the Company's business strategy and development.
Phyllis joined McDonald's in 2000 and had served as the managing director in the Chinese mainland, Singapore and Malaysia. In 2015, she became the CEO of McDonald's China. Under her leadership, the number of restaurants in the Chinese mainland has doubled with rapid expansion in lower-tier cities. She has led the company to establish comprehensive data system and develop digital transformation roadmap elevating customer dining experience through an omni-channel digital platform. While accelerating business development, Phyllis initiates various sustainable programs covering green restaurants, green packaging, child welfare, youth employment, etc.
Phyllis is a council member of the Soong Ching Ling Foundation. Prior to joining McDonald's, Phyllis had worked at multiple international advertising agencies. Phyllis holds an executive MBA degree from the Chinese University of Hong Kong and currently resides in Shanghai.
张家茵女士是中国宋庆龄基金会理事会成员。在加入麦当劳之前,张家茵女士曾在多家国际广告公司工作。张家茵女士拥有香港中文大学的EMBA 学位,现居上海。
Phyllis is responsible for the overall business of McDonald’s in the Chinese mainland, overseeing the Company's business strategy and development.
Phyllis joined McDonald's in 2000 and had served as the managing director in the Chinese mainland, Singapore and Malaysia. In 2015, she became the CEO of McDonald's China. Under her leadership, the number of restaurants in the Chinese mainland has doubled with rapid expansion in lower-tier cities. She has led the company to establish comprehensive data system and develop digital transformation roadmap elevating customer dining experience through an omni-channel digital platform. While accelerating business development, Phyllis initiates various sustainable programs covering green restaurants, green packaging, child welfare, youth employment, etc.
Phyllis is a council member of the Soong Ching Ling Foundation. Prior to joining McDonald's, Phyllis had worked at multiple international advertising agencies. Phyllis holds an executive MBA degree from the Chinese University of Hong Kong and currently resides in Shanghai.

- 章劢闻
- 执行主编
章劢闻,《财富》(中文版)执行主编。章劢闻2009年加入《财富》(中文版)(FORTUNE China),2013年开始担任执行主编,目前在领英的个人栏目拥有超过300万关注用户。在此之前,章劢闻曾任美国著名商业科技杂志InformationWeek中文版Managing Editor。2004年,曾被英国剑桥大学、牛津大学、帝国理工大学、和卡内基梅隆大学同时录取,最后转专业攻读牛津大学计算机科学硕士,全A毕业;同年,获得牛津大学赛德商学院高科技创业学课程学历证书。研究生毕业前被新闻集团所属的伦敦子公司录用;最后,仍决定回到国内继续从事媒体工作。章劢闻本科毕业于北京外国语大学英语系美国历史方向,早期曾加入China Daily。入社不到半年,即凭借两篇商业报道蝉联报社最优秀新闻奖,成为历史上最年轻获奖者之一;随后携手同仁创办教育类英语新闻报系。2013-2014年获得清华大学五道口金融学院“金融媒体EMBA奖学金课程”证书。
Zhang Maiwen, Executive Editor, FORTUNE China. Zhang joined FORTUNE China in 2009, and was promoted to Executive Editor in 2013. Zhang currently have more than 2.9 million followers on LinkedIn. Before joining FORTUNE China, Zhang was Managing Editor of InformationWeek China. In 2004, he was admitted by Cambridge, Oxford and Carnegie Mellon University and chose to pursue MSc of Computer Science in Oxford. In 2005, he graduated with straight “A”s from Oxford University, gave up an early offer from a sub company of News Corporation in West London and came back home to continue his career in China’s media business. Zhang has a BA in English & American Studies from Beijing Foreign Studies University and joined China Daily to work as reporter and editor. In his earlier days, Zhang won the “best story award” from China Daily twice and played a key role in creating the ELT weeklies for the group. Zhang also got the Certificates of "Building a Business" course from Said Business School, Oxford University, and Finance Media EMBA Fellowship Program from PBC School of Finance, Tsinghua University.
Zhang Maiwen, Executive Editor, FORTUNE China. Zhang joined FORTUNE China in 2009, and was promoted to Executive Editor in 2013. Zhang currently have more than 2.9 million followers on LinkedIn. Before joining FORTUNE China, Zhang was Managing Editor of InformationWeek China. In 2004, he was admitted by Cambridge, Oxford and Carnegie Mellon University and chose to pursue MSc of Computer Science in Oxford. In 2005, he graduated with straight “A”s from Oxford University, gave up an early offer from a sub company of News Corporation in West London and came back home to continue his career in China’s media business. Zhang has a BA in English & American Studies from Beijing Foreign Studies University and joined China Daily to work as reporter and editor. In his earlier days, Zhang won the “best story award” from China Daily twice and played a key role in creating the ELT weeklies for the group. Zhang also got the Certificates of "Building a Business" course from Said Business School, Oxford University, and Finance Media EMBA Fellowship Program from PBC School of Finance, Tsinghua University.