  • D.R. Horton stock is hot

    财富中文网 2009-09-22 11:12

    Shares of the biggest U.S. homebuilder are in the midst of their biggest rally since 2005. But is it for real?By Scott CendrowskiThe housing market is...

  • 2010 Hyundai Tucson: Hot, hot, hot

    Alex Taylor III 2010-04-12 11:40

    Combine a hot car company, Hyundai, with a hot segment, compact crossovers, and you get the 2010 Tucson. Calling the Tucson scalding would be an overs...

  • Why bond funds are suddenly hot

    Mina Kimes 2010-04-15 06:50

    Mutual fund companies, just like individual investors, are prone to following the herd. So it's not surprising that, since bond funds attracted nearly...

  • Economic indicators: Hot or not?

    Kimberly Weisul 2010-06-08 02:16

    If you look closely, you can find economic indicators everywhere. Over the years, economists have examined everything from hemlines to men's underwear...

  • 沃伦·巴菲特刚对美国房地产市场投下重注

    LANCE LAMBERT 2023-08-18 03:30

    伯克希尔-哈撒韦公司(Berkshire Hathaway)刚买进房屋建筑商股票。图片来源:GETTY IMAGES周一,伯克希尔-哈撒韦公司向美国证券交易委员会(U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission)披露已投资美国三大房屋建筑商:霍顿公司(D.R. Hor...

  • The next 'hot' careers

    Anne Fisher 2010-05-11 05:23

    Dear Annie: I'm a sophomore in college, majoring in business. Even though I still have two more years of school ahead of me, I'm trying to figure out ...

  • Hardware nerds are hot

    财富中文网 2009-09-30 01:11

    Changes in computing mean software companies need hardware-savvy employeesBy Sam BlackmanWhether we knew it or not, we’ve all been relying on somethin...

  • Buffett in the hot seat on Moody's and housing bust

    Colin Barr 2010-06-05 01:53

    Warren Buffett said he wouldn't strip Moody's chief Raymond McDaniel of his job, arguing that neither he nor many others saw the housing bust coming.F...

  • 2024年财富世界500强分行业榜:房屋建筑商

    财富中文网 2024-08-06 01:14

    排名上年 排名公司名称(中英文)营业收入 (百万美元)国家434455D.R. Horton公司(D.R. HORTON) 35460.4美国453450莱纳公司(LENNAR) 34233.4美国以上所有内容未经书面许可,任何机构不得全部或部分转载。...

  • 房屋建筑类股票出乎意料地便宜,分析师称这4只股票现在最值得购买

    CHRIS TAYLOR 2022-04-19 03:30

    如果您想知道过去几年住房作为一种资产类别表现如何,只要问问任何潜在的买家就能知道了。他们的沮丧会告诉你所有你需要知道的事情。根据标准普尔-核心逻辑-凯斯席勒((S&P CoreLogic Case-Shiller)指数的数据,1月份年度房价涨幅达到了19.2%,是35年来第四高的数据。但有趣的是,从...
