






专栏 - 人间烟火


查大伟 2015年01月22日

查大伟(David Chard)是一位领导力培养顾问,在亚太地区拥有30年的从业经验。作为联心管理顾问有限公司(EngagingMinds)的创始人,他全身心致力于通过领导力和领导策略实现个人和组织向敬业型转变。他普通话流利,经常来往中国。他的联系方式是:info@engagingminds.biz


    • 利用吸引人的隐喻,迅速传递原本复杂的理念。

    • 使信息更为可信。

    • 激发所有利益相关者群体参与其中,并增加其信任感。

    • 传递价值、理念和热情,并使听者能内化于心

    • 随着听者欣然接受故事所要传达的信息,它还能减少阻力







    • 基于个人经历,想想过去的经历中,哪些事可以成为一个好故事的基础,养成撰写“个人故事笔记”的好习惯。

    • 当你分享故事时,你总会获得另一个故事作为回报……人们习惯于用一个故事匹配另一个故事。最重要的是,注意他人的故事中反映的价值、问题和热情,并且把它们整合到你自己的故事里。当你的故事反映了听者自身的价值时,注意观察他们的反应。

    • 对故事进行研究,读一些关于讲故事的书,注意收集和提炼你的故事,最重要的是:

    • 开始讲故事!故事可以改变你与人的关系,使你成为一名杰出的领导者。所以开始讲故事吧。


    *延伸阅读:Lori Silverman的新书《讲完数据之后再叫醒我:企业如何利用故事催生结果》(Wake Me Up When the Data is Over: How Organizations Use Stories to Drive Results)已经在亚马逊上有售。



    Stories can also:

    • Rapidly communicate complex concepts using compelling metaphors

    • Make information more believable

    • Stimulate engagement and trust across all key stakeholder groups

    • Convey values, ideas, and passion that listeners will internalize

    • Eliminate resistance as listeners willingly take ownership of a story’s message

    Case Study:Let me close with a true story that went viral in a company that was focused on pet care and helping customers effectively care for their pets. One of importantly the values in the company was “Do whatever it takes to help the customer.”

    One afternoon, a group of school children, aged 5-9 years, came into one of the company’s many stores, carrying a cardboard box full of newly born kittens they had found in the woods, abandoned by the mother. They had no money, and no experience, only a strong commitment to take care of the kittens, no matter what. In a pleading voice, one of the children asked, “Can you help us save these kittens? They’ll die if we don’t help them.”

    The store manager, without hesitation, immediately gave them two large kitten cages, a month’s supply of food, water dishes and some comfortable rags for the kittens to sleep in. She then coached them on how to care for young kittens and made sure they understood their new responsibilities. She also encouraged to ‘come back anytime if you need more help.’ With happy faces, and new confidence, the kids proudly took their kittens home.

    The next day, some of the parents came to the store, profusely thanked the manager, and happily paid for all the items that she had given to the children the day before. In addition, they bought a lot of other products that growing kittens would need. Most importantly, they praised the manager for taking initiative and they told the story to all their friends and neighbors. As a result, the store immediately gained a competitive advantage as “a business that truly cares for customers and demonstrates its values in action.”

    This story also went viral within the pet care company’s own organization and was proliferated on social media. Even the company’s CEO loves to share this story as a way of communicating their values and especially the message “take initiative” across all levels of the organization.

    Here’s a few action steps for you, once you decide to lead with stories:

    • Think back to situations in your own personal experience that could be the basis for a good story and keep a Personal Story Notebook

    • When you share a story, notice that almost always, you will get a story in return…it’s human nature to match a story with a story. Most important, notice the values, issues, passions reflected in other’s stories and integrate those into your stories. Watch how people resonate as their own values are reflected back to them via your stories.

    • Make a study of stories, read books about storytelling*, keep collecting and fine tuning your stories, and, most important:

    • Start telling stories! Stories can transform your relationships with people and make you a stand-out leader. So go for it.

    As Oprah Winfrey, a masterful entertainer and storyteller says at the end of every story, “That’s my story, and I’m sticking to it!”

    *See:“Wake Me Up When the Data is Over: How Organizations Use Stories to Drive Results,” a new book by Lori Silverman, available on Amazon.com

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