
从Made for iPod到Made for iPhone/iPod/iPad再到2010的MFi,苹果公司(Apple)的外设认证计划在那之后就再没有传出多少新闻。 近十年来,那些可以插入火线接口、30针接口、4圈金属iPhone耳机插孔以及闪电接口等等苹果专有接口的设备制造商心不甘、情不愿地向苹果支付高达10%的版权费(后来减少至每件外设4美元),为的就是在自家产品打上苹果“Made for …”的标识。 现在,中国的海尔集团(Haier)也加入了MFi俱乐部——海尔是白色家电(这是英国叫法,美国称为大型家电)的主要制造商,2005年曾试图收购美泰公司(Maytag)。根据周三发布的一份新闻稿,海尔集团的天樽空调是全球首款获得MFi认证的白色家电。 这款空调是海尔“智能家电”家族的一员,这个家族中还包括一款云端控制的智能酒柜、一款云端控制的洗衣机以及一款云端控制的智能冰箱。 它到底只是个噱头,还是先发优势?我和大家一样不清楚。(财富中文网) |
Apple's (AAPL) peripheral certification program hasn't been in the news much since Made for iPod morphed into Made for iPhone/iPod/iPad and then, in 2010, to MFi. For nearly a decade, makers of devices that plug into Apple's proprietary ports -- FireWire, 30-pin dock, 4-conductor iPhone connectors, Lightning, etc. -- grudgingly paid up to a 10% royalty (since reduced to $4 per connector) to Apple for the right to carry Cupertino's "Made-for..." logos. Now China's Haier group -- a major manufacturer of what the Brits call "white goods" and Americans "major appliances" (Haier tried to buy Maytag in 2005) -- has joined the club. According to a press release issued Wednesday, the company's Tianzun air conditioner is the world's first major appliance certified to carry Apple MFi logo. The AC is one of a family of Haier "smart appliances" that includes an Intelligent Cloud-controlled Wine Celler, a Cloud-controlled Washer, and an Intelligent Could Refrigerator. A gimmick or a first-mover advantage? Your guess is as good as mine. |