






专栏 - 人间烟火


David Chard 2013年10月12日

查大伟(David Chard)是一位领导力培养顾问,在亚太地区拥有30年的从业经验。作为联心管理顾问有限公司(EngagingMinds)的创始人,他全身心致力于通过领导力和领导策略实现个人和组织向敬业型转变。他普通话流利,经常来往中国。他的联系方式是:info@engagingminds.biz
一旦我们转变观念,抛弃“我们”和“他们”这样粗暴简单的立场,转而接受“我们这个世界”和“他们这个世界”,从系统的角度来观察和处理各种关系, 人们就会对彼此产生新的认识,也会更加坚定地追求合作共赢。



    一旦我们都认识到了这一点,情形就会像是光明照进黑暗的房间。通过相互体会,我们眼中的对方将变得不一样,我们就会坚定不移地追求合作。我们由此将见证系统人(Homo Systemicus)的诞生——他了解、而且且能够体会整个体系,而且我们再也不会说:“我们遇到了敌人,因为他人就是我们自己。”


    我们的建议:身为领导者(我们每个人都是领导者),我们得慎重考虑自己要采取哪种立场。因为无论你选择哪种立场,你周围的人都会亦步亦趋地模仿你。他们不由自主,因为模仿是人类学习的方式。每次面对合作时你选择的立场都会被别人看在眼里。而且每一次,新的舞步都会变得更加容易模仿。这是顺理成章的事,对吧?听听,你能听到为新舞步伴奏的音乐吗 ?(财富中文网)


    The data show that businesses (and their leaders) are leaving billions of dollars on the table worldwide – in lost productivity, high employee turnover, and slow response times – and these are all examples of paying the Trust Tax. Our conversations with CEOs in Taiwan reflect that “high turnover” and “poor team communication” continue to vex organizations here.

    The Big Surprise? Most of what seems deeply personal to us is not personal at all. Instead of interpreting “Stuff” as if it was aimed directly at us, we can begin to understand that we are not merely relating “person to person” with others in the system, we are in truth relating “world to world” – from our world, with its own unique conditions, to theirs.

    When we all wake up to this it will be like the lights going on in a dark room. We will see each other differently, through the lens of empathy, with an unshakable stand for partnership. We will witness the birth of Homo Systemicus– a person that sees and has empathy for the whole system – and no longer will we say “we have met the enemy, and he is us.”

    Does this sound impossible? According to Barry Oshry, when people declare such a possibility “impossible,” it is simply “the sound of the Old Dance,” shaking. The implication is that the New Dance is already in the process of being born, emerging as the new path for human collaboration and effectiveness. If you take a stand that “it’s impossible,” that is a choice, and that choice has consequences. Some of our customers in China and Taiwan are already beginning to see the importance of providing a systemic perspective for their emerging leaders as a means to achieve better communication, collaboration, teamwork, and overall satisfaction among employees.

    Our advice: As a leader (and we are all leaders), consider carefully which stand you will take because, whichever one you are modeling, it will be copied and replicated by all those around you. They can’t help it, because people learn by copying others. Each time you choose to take a Stand for Partnership, that is going to be visible. And each time the New Dance steps become easier to follow. Makes sense, right? Can you hear the music?  

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