






专栏 - 向Anne提问


Anne Fisher 2013年09月29日

Anne Fisher为《财富》杂志《向Anne提问》的专栏作者,这个职场专栏始于1996年,帮助读者适应经济的兴衰起落、行业转换,以及工作中面临的各种困惑。


    可我的几位同事却并不同意我的观点。他们经常穿着各种奇怪的、随便的衣服出现在办公室。他们给出了两条理由:首先,只要你的工作很出色,无论穿什么都是明星。其次,既然Facebook进行IPO时,马克•扎克伯格能穿着牛仔裤和卫衣在纽约证交所(New York Stock Exchange)亮相,这便证明职场着装规范早已不复存在。您认为呢?——F.F.

亲爱的F.F.:这是一个很有趣的问题。在过去15年间,创业公司自由的办公室着装,逐渐在整个职场流行起来。劳伦•A•罗斯曼表示:“最开始是‘休闲星期五’,后来便逐渐成为职场的一种着装趋势。”罗斯曼是《职场着装圣经》(Style Bible: What to Wear to Work)一书的作者。

    罗斯曼是一位资深时尚达人,其咨询公司Styleauteur曾在《财富》500强( Fortune 500)和其他公司举办过成功着装研讨会。她经常被邀请指导高管如何塑造自己的形象,体现个人风格。她说道:“比如,有律师事务所和大型会计事务所对我说:‘你能帮一下某某人吗?他要想成为合伙人,起码要先看起来像一名合伙人吧。’”




Dear Annie: Please settle an argument. I work with a brand-management team of about 20, some of whom I really think take the notion of "business casual" clothing a few steps over the line. The question is, where is the line? I say acid-washed jeans (with holes), yoga pants, and tank tops just don't belong in the office. Not that everyone has to go back to the old days of wearing suits and ties all the time, God forbid, but it doesn't help a person's career prospects if they look like they just rolled out of bed, either.

    Several of my coworkers, who show up wearing all kinds of strange and sloppy things, disagree. Their argument is two-fold: First, if your work is really topnotch, it doesn't matter what you wear, you're still a star. And second, if Mark Zuckerberg can show up on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange for Facebook's (FB) IPO wearing jeans and a hoodie, it proves there are no more rules about clothes. What do you say? -- Fashion Fan

Dear F.F.: Interesting question. Slowly, over the past 15 years or so, startups' lack of office dress code has permeated the work world. "It started with 'casual Fridays' and devolved from there," says Lauren A. Rothman, author of a new book called Style Bible: What to Wear to Work.

    Rothman is a longtime professional fashionista whose consulting firm, Styleauteur, runs dress-for-success seminars at Fortune 500 companies and elsewhere. She's frequently called in to coach individual executives on sprucing up their personal style. "For instance, I've had law firms and major accounting firms call me and say, 'Can you work with So-and-So? He's not going to make partner until he starts looking like one,'" she says.

    There's a reason for that: "We'd all love to believe appearances don't matter, but the reality is, packaging counts. What you wear is part of your overall personal brand, your professional image. If you want to move up in your career at almost any big company, you have to look the part. The old adage 'dress for the job you want, not the job you have' is still true."

    In other words, if your boss and other higher-ups aren't coming to work in acid-washed jeans and tank tops, your colleagues might want to take the hint. And as for what Mark Zuckerberg wears, unless your coworkers also happen to be self-made billionaires, how relevant is that?

    Some uncertainty over how to dress for work springs from the fact that, although many companies do still have actual dress codes -- which tend to vary a lot from one industry, and one region of the country, to another -- "managers at most businesses don't do a great job of communicating what is expected, or what image the company wants employees to project," Rothman notes. "It's hard to hold people to a standard if you haven't told them what the standard is. Nevertheless, most employers do want you to dress differently than you would if you were just hanging out at home."  

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