






专栏 - 财富书签


Michael Schrage 2012年11月26日

《财富》书签(Weekly Read)专栏专门刊载《财富》杂志(Fortune)编辑团队的书评,解读商界及其他领域的新书。我们每周都会选登一篇新的评论。






    Is red light removal really "anarchic?" Or is the call to greater autonomy and accountability what's most important here? For all Scott's philosophizing about "anarchism," his book can and should also be read as a manifesto about how individuals should choose to govern themselves in organizations -- as citizens, not subjects; as employees, not wage slaves; as professionals, not rent-seekers. In this sense, Scott comes across more as a populist than an anarchist.

    Consequently, it's both a pity and a flaw that Two Cheers is written as if Twitter and the Internet didn't exist. Marx, whatever his shortcomings as a person and political economist, was an astute observer of technology and its implications. For whatever reason, Scott is not. Technology appears in the scenery rather than as a major character or context. Given that so many power relationships and so many opportunistic subversions are enabled by digital media (hello, Wikileaks and Anonymous!), Scott missed real opportunities to upgrade his politico-organizational insights for the post-industrial age.

    Similarly, the markets that most interest Scott are the black and gray ones. This would have been a better book had Scott recast at least a few of his everyday resistance arguments into more economic contexts. The maker movement and the rise of open-source technologies go unmentioned, although both support his anarchic arguments and sympathies.

    Nevertheless, Two Cheers for Anarchism deserves more than two cheers in review because Scott usefully expands the vocabularies that leaders and managers need to have around the critical issues of power, control, and resistance. Every effective leader I know loses sleep over how best to empower their talent and constructively align their people. And all the successful leaders I know -- especially the entrepreneurs -- have at least a little streak of anarchism -- of creative destruction -- inside of them. For this reason alone, they will find Scott's insights and incites worth their time.

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