






专栏 - 财富书签


Michael Schrage 2012年10月25日

《财富》书签(Weekly Read)专栏专门刊载《财富》杂志(Fortune)编辑团队的书评,解读商界及其他领域的新书。我们每周都会选登一篇新的评论。
本期《财富书签》为您推荐两部新书,分别是塞缪尔•阿贝斯曼的著作《事实的半衰期》(The Half-Life of Facts)和内特•希尔的著作《信号与噪音》(The Signal and The Noise)。这两本书认为,算法并不能完全代替人的判断。






    统计学家、《纽约时报》(The New York Times)网站 FiveThirtyEight博客撰稿人内特•希尔则采用了一种完全不同,但又与阿贝斯曼相互兼容的方式探讨知识、事实和可预见性等问题。通过有些过于繁多的详细例证和插曲,希尔的这部著作就预测的傲慢发出了一组发人深省的警告。希尔这样写道:“这本书讲述的与其说是我们知道的事物,倒不如说是我们知道的事物与我们认为我们知道的事物之间的差异。”


    What do we mean by "measurable" and "predictable?" Arbesman is quite good at describing the institutional, individual and probabilistic biases that skew how both science and scientists assess, publish and extinguish "facts."

    "The clearest example of this is in the world of negative results," Arbesman writes. He cites evolutionary biologist John Maynard Smith, who noted that "statistics is the science that lets you do twenty experiments a year and publish one false result in Nature. However, if it were one experiment being replicated by twenty separate scientists, nineteen of those would be a bust, with nineteen careers unable to move forward. Annoying, certainly … but that's how science operates. Most ideas and experiments are unsuccessful. But crucially, unsuccessful results are rarely published."

    The point is not that the science of statistics or the statistics of science are pathologically flawed but that known pathologies and flaws can create incentives to rethink, revise and redesign what we measure and test. We need "facts" to help us renew our insights and understandings about "facts." Science -- and the increasingly digital technologies that both drive and support it -- offers a powerful model for enterprises struggling to make sense of and add value to their growing mountains of data.

    In that respect, The Half-Life of Facts offers a pop science primer on the epidemiology of epistemology -- that is, the process by which ideas about the nature of knowledge and knowing spread throughout a discipline, a profession and a culture. Arbesman's work challenges decision-makers worldwide to rethink how they want their organizations to turn intriguing data into useful facts.

    Silver, a statistician who writes the FiveThirtyEight blog for the New York Times site, takes a different but compatible approach to knowledge, fact, and predictability. Almost overstuffed with detailed examples and vignettes, his book delivers a sobering portfolio of warnings about predictive hubris. "This book is less about what we know," Silver writes, "than about the difference between what we know and what we think we know."

    From weather to earthquakes to global warming to football to subprime mortgages to the global financial crisis, Silver explains how modelers and forecasters struggle to convert yesterday's data into tomorrow's "you can bet on it" predictions. These miniature case studies, while necessarily superficial, don't shy away from the math and consistently take a fair-minded view of the most important assumptions. A better editor might have pushed Silver to sacrifice quantity for keener insight, but the breadth of examples undeniably reveal a "pathology of prediction."

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