






专栏 - 财富书签


Caitlin Keating 2012年06月05日

《财富》书签(Weekly Read)专栏专门刊载《财富》杂志(Fortune)编辑团队的书评,解读商界及其他领域的新书。我们每周都会选登一篇新的评论。
为了改变当地公立教育落后的现状,美国妇女黛博拉•肯尼在纽约的黑人聚居区哈林区创办了一所私立学校。多年来她所经历的挫折,不亚于创办一家企业。她的新书《天生我才:哈林师生挖掘人生潜能的故事》(Born to Rise: A Story of Children and Teachers Reaching Their Highest Potential)或许能给我们一些启示。

    虽然相隔多年,黛博拉•肯尼依然清晰地记得那一天。她把车靠边停在了美国95号州际公路的路肩上,拿出笔记本写下了“教育不是开发产品,而是培育人”。当时,肯尼的丈夫刚去世不久,高薪工作让她郁郁寡欢,她渴望在纽约黑人聚居区——哈林创建一家新的公助私立学校。她确实做到了。在《天生我才》(Born to Rise)一书中,肯尼娓娓道来,回忆了多年致力于提供优质教育这段“亦师亦生”的历程。




    2001年哈林乡村学校(Harlem Village Academies)成立时,哈林区仅29%的四年级学生可以通过基本的阅读测试,16%的八年级学生能够达到该年级的阅读水平。五年后,肯尼的学生们创造了历史,成为哈林区首个八年级数学测试全部达标的班级。

    She pulled over to the shoulder on I-95, took out her notebook, and wrote: "Education is not about developing products. It's about developing people." Deborah Kenny was recently widowed, unhappy at her high-paying job, and eager to create a new public charter school in Harlem. Which she did. In Born to Rise, Kenny takes us on her long but rewarding journey to deliver great education, one teacher and student at a time.

    Kenny decided that the best way to build a quality school was to develop quality teachers.

    She firmly believed that socioeconomic circumstances shouldn't block any student from learning. Her naïve optimism helped her cut through New York City's stultifying educational bureaucracy and get the very best from her teachers and students.

    Like many successful entrepreneurs, Kenny had a clear vision from day one but often changed tactics along the way. She flew around the country to conferences, picking the brains of top experts in education, while figuring out how to start a school with barely any money in her bank account. Many experts warned Kenny that she could easily fail. At times she did, but only in small ways that strengthened her motivation to succeed.

    When Harlem Village Academies launched in 2001, only 29% of fourth grade students in Harlem could pass a basic reading test. Just 16% of Harlem eighth graders could read at grade level. Five years later, Kenny's students made history as the first Harlem class ever to achieve 100% proficiency in eighth-grade math.

    Kenny introduces us to kids who faced long odds in their pursuit of an education. Their successes and failures keep you turning each page. After President George W. Bush toured Kenny's school in 2007, he said on national television that schools everywhere should follow her example. Mayor Michael Bloomberg called the school "a national model of excellence." NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams called them "a lesson for America's schools about what works."

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