






专栏 - 今日科技速递


JP Mangalindan 2012年04月27日


    * 谷歌(Google)一直在寻求与汽车厂商进行合作,以最终将其自动驾驶技术带进现实生活。不过,在这之前,谷歌必须进行“成千上万英里”的测试,而这一新技术距离商用可能仍需十年之久。【华尔街日报(The Wall Street Journal)】

    * 甲骨文(Oracle)与谷歌的诉讼大战给外界带来了意外惊喜。诉讼披露了有关Android的诸多内幕信息,其中包括谷歌最开始对Android的盈利预期,以及第一部“谷歌手机”的设计可以追溯到2006年。(科技网站The Verge)

    * 昨日,商用软件供应商SAP公布了上季度财报,营收达33.5亿欧元(44.3亿美元),销售额连续第九个季度实现了两位数增长。【《财富》杂志(Fortune)】

    * 商务社交网站LinkedIn表示,该服务的iPad使用量同比去年增长了250%,为此,LinkedIn发布了一款精致的全新版iPad应用程序。这款焕然一新的应用增加了很多功能,尤其是一个名为“全部更新”的功能,能在用户面板上显示显示约会、新闻、天气、同事的分享内容,以及大量与新工作相关联的信息。(LinkedIn)

    * 亚马逊(Amazon)似乎有能力将旗下电子书的售价降至9.99美元。这或许是件好事,至少目前是如此。此举若能成真,很大程度上要感谢美国司法部门针对苹果(Apple)和五大出版商涉嫌操纵电子书价格展开的调查。【美国有线电视新闻网财经频道(CNNMoney)】

    * 斯普林特(Sprint)打算继续提供无限制数据套餐,就算下一代iPhone将支持速度更快的4G LTE网络。(科技网站CNET)

    * 微软(Microsoft)计划在今年的E3大会上宣布代号为“Woodstock”的全新音乐服务。根据科技网站Verge的消息,Woodstock的运作方式或许与目前流行的流媒体音乐服务Spotify类似,将和Facebook深度整合,无需其它额外插件。(科技网站The Verge)

    * Square是目前炙手可热的移动支付新创公司,其年信用卡交易处理额目前已达50亿美元,与一年前相比,增加了25%。【彭博社(Bloomberg)】

    * (在线社交力评定网站)Klout在线得数有时真的有用,尤其是在参加一些工作面试的时候。原因何在?【《连线》杂志(Wired)】


    * Google (GOOG) is seeking partnerships with automakers to eventually bring its self-driving car technology to real-world drivers. Though, the company still needs to conduct "millions of miles" of testing, and it may take another decade to bring to market. (The Wall Street Journal)

    * One good thing to come out of the Oracle (ORCL) vs. Google trial? A wealth of new information about Android, including initial revenue expectations and designs for the first "Google Phone" dating all the way back from 2006. (The Verge)

    * Business software maker SAP (SAP) announced quarterly results yesterday, reporting its ninth consecutive quarter of double-digit growth in sales -- 3.35 billion euros ($4.43 billion) in total. (Fortune)

    * Capitalizing on 250% year-over-year growth in iPad usage, LinkedIn unveiled a slick new app for the tablet. The new app features, among other things, a section called "All Updates," where a dashboard displays appointments, news updates, the weather, what coworkers are sharing, as well as alerts of connections with new jobs. (LinkedIn)

    * Why Amazon's (AMZN) potential ability to lower e-book prices to $9.99 may be good news -- for now. The move may occur largely thanks to the Justice Department's suit against Apple (AAPL) and five major book publishers for allegedly fixing book prices. (CNNMoney)

    * Sprint (S) intends to keep offering Unlimited data plans, even if the next iPhone ends up supporting faster fourth-generation LTE network speeds. (CNET)

    * Microsoft (MSFT) plans to introduce a new music service codenamed "Woodstock" at this year's E3 convention. According to The Verge, Woodstock may operate similarly to the popular streaming service Spotify, will feature deep Facebook integration, and won't require additional plug-ins to work. (The Verge)

    * Hot mobile payments start-up Square now processes $5 billion worth of credit card transactions a year, a %25 increase from the year before. (Bloomberg)

    * Why your online Klout score may really matter, particularly during some job interviews. (Wired)





