






专栏 - 向Anne提问


Anne Fisher 2012年02月16日

Anne Fisher为《财富》杂志《向Anne提问》的专栏作者,这个职场专栏始于1996年,帮助读者适应经济的兴衰起落、行业转换,以及工作中面临的各种困惑。

    3. 循序渐进,从微小的要求开始。平肖称:“最开始可以用点小窍门,只提出别人无法拒绝的要求。一步一步地推进,让别人慢慢习惯对你的要求给出肯定的大幅。”举例而言,不要一开始就要求指派专人协助你开拓新业务,而要做好准备,自己完成大部分的工作。平肖还说:“一下子提出不切实际的要求,只会促使别人跟你唱反调。不要给人口实,让别人有机会明正言顺地抨击你正在做的事情。”

    在此基础之上,新型IAC应用软件网站CrowdedRoom.com创始人麦克•克斯滕鲍姆还提供了另外几条建议。他曾经是一位投资银行家,2004年进入大型互联网公司IAC担任企业并购分析师(他曾帮助IAC公司收购了免费字典网站Dictionary.com和在线娱乐公司CollegeHumor Media)。







    3. Begin with small requests. "The trick in the very early stages is to always ask questions to which the answer will be 'yes,'" says Pinchot. "Take small steps. Get people used to saying 'yes' to you." For instance, instead of asking to have someone assigned to help you develop your new business, be ready to do the lion's share of the work yourself. "Asking for the moon right away" will just stir up naysayers, Pinchot says: "You don't want to give people a reason to attack what you're doing."

    To that advice, Mike Kestenbaum adds a couple more tips. A former investment banker who joined giant Internet company IAC (IACI) in 2004 as a mergers-and-acquisitions analyst (he helped IAC acquire Dictionary.com and CollegeHumor Media), Kestenbaum now runs a new IAC app he invented, CrowdedRoom.com.

    "Do your homework and know the market -- especially the potential customer base, and the competition -- inside out," he says. Overcoming skepticism about your idea requires that "you know more about the market for it than anyone else in the room."

    Kestenbaum also recommends "tapping into the skills of other people in your company. I was lucky in that IAC has so many people who are experts at making new sites successful," he says. "You can also get input from your in-house specialists in new product development, market research, or wherever your own skills aren't quite enough."

    Pinchot couldn't agree more, partly for an interesting political reason. "Asking for advice is a good way to get people on your side," he says. "So ask, and then be sure to thank them for their insights." This is especially helpful, he adds, if you can enlist the expertise of someone who is trying to block your idea. "Once you have involved that person in your project, you engage their ego. They're now contributing to it, so it must be good," Pinchot says. Expressing your sincere appreciation is essential, he observes: "Very few people can resist gratitude."

    Good luck!

Talkback: Does your company encourage "intrapreneurship"? If you've ever proposed a new product or service, what became of your idea? Leave a comment below.

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