






专栏 - 财富书签


Daniel Roberts 2012年02月13日

《财富》书签(Weekly Read)专栏专门刊载《财富》杂志(Fortune)编辑团队的书评,解读商界及其他领域的新书。我们每周都会选登一篇新的评论。
在本期文章中,记者丹尼尔•罗伯茨点评了《有心者胜》(Who Cares Wins)一书。该书作者是广告业资深高管大卫•琼斯,他在书中提出了对企业社会责任和社交媒体的新看法。

    由于Twitter和Facebook的存在【琼斯对后者赞不绝口,可能因为他是Facebook客户委员会(Client Council)的成员】,催生出了一套新的CEO行为准则,简直就像是米兰达权利(Miranda rights)的企业版:高管的一切言行都可能会被公诸于Twitter和Facebook,成为舆论界用来指控高管的呈堂证供。

    这本书收录了大量富有启发性的案例研究。正面例子包括通用电气公司(GE)的“绿色创想计划”(Ecomagination),玛莎百货公司(Marks & Spencer)的“A计划”。反面例子则包括雪佛龙(Chevron)那句实在尴尬的广告语——“石油公司应该解决他们惹出来的乱子”,以及2009年丰田汽车公司(Toyota)对安全问题的拙劣回应。情节最恶劣的则有英国石油公司,以及美国设计师肯尼斯•科尔在Twitter上提及埃及政局的轻佻言论

    琼斯偶有自吹自擂的嫌疑。他所给的社交媒体领域的正面教材,不乏哈瓦斯集团的客户,比如法国依云矿泉水(Evian)找他们做的病毒式广告“旱冰宝宝”(Roller Babies),还有墨西哥Dos Equis啤酒找他们做的“世界上最有趣的人”(Most Interesting Man in the World)系列广告。不过,这在一本论及成功营销案例的著作而言或许不可避免,因为写这本书的人所经营的恰好是世界上最大的广告机构之一。

    琼斯在书中多次宣传哈瓦斯集团自身所做出的努力,以及由他发起的行动主义活动“环球青年领袖大会”(One Young World)。书中一段提及联合利华(Unilever)CEO保罗•波尔曼的章节中,琼斯称其为“环球青年领袖大会的顾问波尔曼”,不免多此一举。此外,全书的中间部分还插入了八张彩照,俱为琼斯与一些著名政客和企业高管的合影。这些照片有点不知所谓,这又不是一本自传。

    琼斯还写到了自己在社会化媒体方面的糗事,读来倒也令人开怀。《广告时代》杂志(Ad Age)在琼斯升任哈瓦斯集团CEO时曾发表了一篇文章,援引了他发在Facebook上的两条公开动态:“出席TED大会中,再往前数五排坐的是卡梅隆•迪亚兹——希望她不要一直盯着我看”;“时差反应的乐趣……#真他妈讨厌旅行”。他在这篇文章中看到自己所发的内容时,内心追悔莫及。这段写得风趣充实,并且自嘲得恰到好处。




    Thanks to Twitter and Facebook -- Jones heaps continual praise on the latter, perhaps due to his seat on Facebook's Client Council -- there are new laws of conduct for CEOs, almost like a corporate version of the Miranda rights: anything you say or do can and will be tweeted, Facebooked, and used against you in the court of public opinion.

    The book is fat with instructive case studies. Companies that have done it right include GE's Ecomagination (GE) campaign and Marks & Spencer's "Plan A." Those who haven't include "Oil companies should clean up after their messes," a particularly unfortunate marketing slogan from Chevron (CVX), as well as Toyota's (TM) clumsy response to safety problems in 2009. Some of the worst offenders have been BP, along with Kenneth Cole's (KCP) famously insensitive Egypt tweet.

    Jones can occasionally seem self-serving. His social media success stories include Havas clients, notably Evian's viral Roller Babies ad and the Dos Equis "Most Interesting Man in the World" campaign. Yet that's probably unavoidable in a book about successful marketing campaigns, written by a guy who happens to run one of the world's biggest ad agencies.

    Jones inserts repeated plugs for Havas's own outreach and activism program "One Young World," which Jones founded. In a section about Unilever (UL) CEO Paul Polman, Jones introduces him as "Polman, a One Young World Counsellor," which seems gratuitous. The middle section of the book features eight color photographs of Jones with famous politicians and executives. The photos are a bit baffling, as this is not an autobiography.

    Jones does write entertainingly about his own social media gaffes. An Ad Age article published on his ascension to the top spot at Havas quoted two of his public Facebook updates: "Sitting 5 seats down from Cameron Diaz at TED -- I wish she'd stop staring at me" and, "The joys of jetlag … #fuckihatetravelling." Seeing his own posts in the article made him regret them. The passage is funny, informative, and admirably self-deprecating.

    Who Cares Wins is mainly a warning to other executives that they need to get with the program, or else. Jones telegraphs this agenda with sub-headings like "You can't opt out" and "Be prepared -- social media is always on the record."

    Bottom line: Corporations need to be "fast, authentic, and transparent" on social media. As Jones told Fortune: "When something bad has happened, the company should not believe it has more than one minute to react and take proper action." Everyone from CEOs and marketing directors to bottom-rung employees should pay attention.

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