* 谷歌公司(Google)为了将Google+集成到搜索结果中,到底下了多大功夫?美国科技博客“搜索引擎天地”(Search Engine Land)的丹尼•萨利文对谷歌采取的推广措施逐一进行了分析。且听其一一道来。【搜索引擎天地(Search Engine Land)】 * 另据报道:谷歌这个互联网巨人开始重新大举进攻中国市场。谷歌在当地大量雇佣工程师、销售代表、以及产品经理,为的是在中国推广安卓市场(Android Market)和时惠(Shihui)等新服务,“时惠”为用户搜索具有本地商店折扣信息的网站。【《华尔街日报》(The Wall Street Journal)】 * 一篇报道对微软公司(Microsoft)首席执行官史蒂夫•鲍尔默及其重振微软的计划进行了深入详尽的分析。此外,据报道,微软目前计划在全公司范围内对市场部门进行全面重组,这意味着将有几百人下岗。【《彭博商业周刊》(Bloomberg Businessweek)】 * 微软Windows Phone部门副总裁乔•贝尔菲奥尔在国际消费电子展(CES)上发言时称,Windows Phone移动操作系统的定位界于安卓和苹果(Apple)iOS之间,他特别强调指出,该系统性能优异。【科技杂志《边缘》(The Verge)】 * 约翰•毕格斯在科技博客网站TechCrunch上撰文指出,作为主要电视厂商以及最为成功的手机制造商之一,三星(Samsung)有可能成为下一个苹果(Apple)。(科技博客TechCrunch)。 * 初创公司Pinterest发展迅速。利用该网站,用户可以收藏照片和各种产品的链接。它是否预示着互联网的未来发展方向?(在线知识论坛Big Think) *在汽车日益变成带有车载应用、游戏、音乐、以及电影的娱乐中心的同时,汽车厂商如何努力提升汽车的安全性能。【《纽约时报》(The New York Times)】 译者:大海 |
* Just how hard is Google pushing the integration of Google+ in search results? Danny Sullivan at Search Engine Land counts the ways. (Search Engine Land) * In other Google (GOOG) news, the Internet giant is renewing its push into China by hiring engineers, sales reps, and product managers to introduce features over there like Android Market or Shihui, a service that helps people search Chinese sites for local store discounts. (The Wall Street Journal) * An in-depth profile of Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer and how he plans to make the Redmond-based company "relevant" again. Also: Microsoft (MSFT) is reportedly planning a companywide restructuring of its marketing operations, which could mean hundreds of layoffs. (Bloomberg Businessweek) * Joe Belfiore, Microsoft VP for Windows Phone, talked about the mobile operating system at C.E.S., positioning it as a medium between Android and Apple iOS and playing up the emphasis on quality. (The Verge) * As the leading TV vendor and one of the most successful cell phone manufacturers, John Biggs over at TechCrunch argues that Samsung could be the next Apple (AAPL). (TechCrunch) * Has fast-growing startup Pinterest, which basically lets users collect photos and link to the products, "pinned" down the future of the Web? (Big Think) * How automakers are improving safety as cars move towards becoming entertainment hubs, with onboard apps, games, music, and movies. (The New York Times) |