
上周日,伊泰•克德伦和乔治•伊万克为投行Oppenheimer公司的客户编撰了一份报告,下面的柱状图即选自该报告(图表一为出货量,图表二为营收,图表三为利润——译注),它们或许能揭示智能手机市场的发展方向。 请重点关注代表苹果公司(Apple)iPhone的洋红色部分,以及代表三星公司(Samsung)的浅蓝色部分,三星是谷歌公司(Google)Android系统手机生产阵营中处于领导地位的厂商。市场份额正在增长的是谁?赚得盆满钵满的又是谁? 译者:清远 |
In the following bar graphs, lifted from a report issued Sunday to Oppenheimer clients by Ittai Kidron and George Iwanyc, may tell you all you need to know about where the smartphone market is headed. Keep your eye on the magenta bars representing Apple's (AAPL) iPhone and the light blue bars representing Samsung, the leading vendor of Google (GOOG) Android phones. See who is gaining market share. Note who's taking the profits. |
