据尼尔森公司(Nielsen)周一发布的调研结果看,在美国智能手机市场的统治权之争中,苹果公司(Apple)、谷歌公司(Google)和RIM公司(Research in Motion)已陷入一场三雄争霸式的僵持状态。 智能手机日益流行——在美国手机市场上的份额已达高37%——而搭载谷歌Android操作系统的智能手机又是其中最受追捧的。但是,与尼尔森公司上次调研这一领域的情况相比,四月份Android的市场份额并无增长。 在不到一年的时间里快速增长,夺得市场第一的宝座后——Android的市场份额从2010年6月的15%攀升至2011年3月的37%,谷歌公司在2011年2月到4月这三个月中市场份额始终稳踞36%。 苹果公司的份额同样稳固。过去三个月中,其市场份额稳踞26%——相比其一年多来在尼尔森公司的调研中所占的份额,仅略有下降。 就算是RIM公司的黑莓,或许也已开始止住长期以来的跌势,市场份额停留在22%到23%之间。 尼尔森针这份四月的报告中一大惊奇之处在于,Android的用户变得对数据是如此如饥似渴。 尽管与Android的拥趸相比,iPhone用户更倾向于下载应用程序、音乐或观赏视频,但Android用户在使用同类应用时,更倾向于大量获取数据。尼尔森公司在分析了美国近65,000份手机账单后发现,Android用户平均每月消费的数据量达到582MB,而iPhone的用户这一数字是492MB。请看下表所示: |
Apple (AAPL), Google (GOOG) and Research in Motion (RIMM) have reached something like a three-way stalemate in the battle for dominance of the U.S. smartphone market, according to survey results released Monday by Nielsen. Smartphones are increasingly popular -- they now represent 37% of all U.S. mobile phones -- and smartphones running Google's Android operating system are the most popular of all. But Android's slice of the pie was no bigger in April than the last time Nielsen surveyed the field. After having raced to the No. 1 spot in less than a year -- climbing from a 15% share in June 2010 to 37% in March 2011 -- Google held steady at 36% in the three month period from Feb. to April 2011. Apple also held steady. Its market share over the past three months weighed in at 26% -- within a few points of where it's been in Nielsen's surveys for more than a year. Even RIM's BlackBerry may have started to slow its long decine, settling in at 22% to 23%. The one surprise in Nielsen's report for April was how data-hungry Android users turn out to be. Although iPhone owners are more likely than Android aficionados to download apps, stream music or watch videos, individual Android users who do that kind of stuff tend to gobble up significantly more data. A Nielsen analysis of nearly 65,000 cellphone bills in the U.S. found Android owners consuming an average of 582 MB of data each month, compared with 492 MB for iPhone owners. See charts below: |
