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2023年10月22日,星期日,酿酒师斯科特·彼得森(Scott Peterson)在俄勒冈州波特兰市的冯·埃伯特酿酒公司(Von Ebert Brewing)酿造德式皮尔森啤酒时,测量麦芽汁样品。在过去几年里,这家精酿啤酒厂所依赖的来自欧洲的啤酒花受到了夏季炎热干燥气候的影响。这就是为什么一些研究人员正在研究能够更好地抵御夏季高温的啤酒花品种。图片来源:AP PHOTO/AMANDA LOMAN

在今年秋天一个天朗气清的日子里,拖拉机在盖尔·戈斯奇(Gayle Goschie)农场(距离俄勒冈州波特兰市约一小时车程)里来回穿梭。戈斯奇从事啤酒生意,是第四代啤酒花农场主。秋季是啤酒花种植的淡季,棚架都是光秃秃的,但最近,她的种植团队加入了冬大麦(在啤酒界相对较新的作物),并准备了大量大麦种子。

威拉米特山谷(Willamette Valley)是以种植啤酒花闻名的地区,面对人类造成的气候变化对水资源供应和天气模式的影响,戈斯奇需要采取一切新策略,以维持农场的生产,并为当地和大型酿酒厂提供原料。



全球变化研究所(Global change Research Institute)教授米雷克·特恩卡(Mirek Trnka)说,研究人员早就知道,啤酒产量会受到气候变化的影响。他和他的团队成员最近撰写了一篇模拟气候变化对啤酒花影响的研究论文(发表在《自然通讯》(Nature Communications)上)。根据该论文,预计到2050年欧洲的啤酒花产量将下降4%到18%。15年前,他对啤酒花的首次研究也发出了与最新论文类似的警告。





俄勒冈州立大学(Oregon State University)副教授、高级研究员肖恩·汤森(Shaun Townsend)说,这就是为什么一些研究人员正在研究各式啤酒花品种,以更好地抵御夏季高温、冬季变暖、病虫害变化和降雪量减少(这可能意味着灌溉减少)。汤森正在开展一个项目,在这个项目中,他让啤酒花承受干旱压力,以最终培育出更耐旱的品种。


更优良的啤酒花仍在研究中,但大麦改良的故事已经开始了。明尼苏达大学(University of Minnesota)农学和植物遗传学教授凯文·史密斯(Kevin Smith)说,虽然春大麦是美国啤酒业的主要作物品种,但由于气候、植物疾病和经济因素,中西部地区已经放弃了其他大麦品种,转而种植风险较小的作物,冬大麦(在秋季种植,在一年中最冷的月份留在田里)如今在中西部地区可能更可行。


但对于冬大麦的前景,人们并不总是完全一致。史密斯讲了一个关于他的前任的故事:他的前任长期从事春大麦育种工作。另一位科学家——俄勒冈州立大学教授帕特里克·海斯(Patrick Hayes)——向他描述了自己对未来冬大麦的憧憬。史密斯的前任在一张名片上写道:"这是不可能的",指的是他坚信冬麦不值得大费周章。


美国啤酒大麦协会(American Malting Barley Association)副总裁兼技术总监阿什利·麦克法兰(Ashley McFarland)说,现在美国几乎每个州都在开展冬大麦项目。她认为冬大麦永远不会成为美国啤酒作物的全部,但她说,生产者需要分散风险,以提高抵御气候冲击的能力。

美国最大的两家啤酒公司摩森康胜(Molson Coors)和百威英博(Anheuser Busch)每年都会发布环境报告,承诺以可持续的方式采购啤酒花和大麦,并减少用水量,但两家公司都没有回应美联社就这些努力的具体细节发表评论的请求。

康奈尔大学(Cornell)教授啤酒课程的高级讲师道格拉斯·米勒(Douglass Miller)说,啤酒花是一种对气候要求很高的作物,而没有水就无法酿造啤酒。他补充说,由于气候对供应链的影响,啤酒的价格可能会上涨,但菜单上其他所有东西的价格也会上涨。“所有饮料类别都受到了影响。”他说。



美联社驻底特律记者迪安·德宾(Dee-Ann Durbin)撰稿。美联社驻芝加哥沃林(Walling)撰稿。



在今年秋天一个天朗气清的日子里,拖拉机在盖尔·戈斯奇(Gayle Goschie)农场(距离俄勒冈州波特兰市约一小时车程)里来回穿梭。戈斯奇从事啤酒生意,是第四代啤酒花农场主。秋季是啤酒花种植的淡季,棚架都是光秃秃的,但最近,她的种植团队加入了冬大麦(在啤酒界相对较新的作物),并准备了大量大麦种子。

威拉米特山谷(Willamette Valley)是以种植啤酒花闻名的地区,面对人类造成的气候变化对水资源供应和天气模式的影响,戈斯奇需要采取一切新策略,以维持农场的生产,并为当地和大型酿酒厂提供原料。



全球变化研究所(Global change Research Institute)教授米雷克·特恩卡(Mirek Trnka)说,研究人员早就知道,啤酒产量会受到气候变化的影响。他和他的团队成员最近撰写了一篇模拟气候变化对啤酒花影响的研究论文(发表在《自然通讯》(Nature Communications)上)。根据该论文,预计到2050年欧洲的啤酒花产量将下降4%到18%。15年前,他对啤酒花的首次研究也发出了与最新论文类似的警告。





俄勒冈州立大学(Oregon State University)副教授、高级研究员肖恩·汤森(Shaun Townsend)说,这就是为什么一些研究人员正在研究各式啤酒花品种,以更好地抵御夏季高温、冬季变暖、病虫害变化和降雪量减少(这可能意味着灌溉减少)。汤森正在开展一个项目,在这个项目中,他让啤酒花承受干旱压力,以最终培育出更耐旱的品种。


更优良的啤酒花仍在研究中,但大麦改良的故事已经开始了。明尼苏达大学(University of Minnesota)农学和植物遗传学教授凯文·史密斯(Kevin Smith)说,虽然春大麦是美国啤酒业的主要作物品种,但由于气候、植物疾病和经济因素,中西部地区已经放弃了其他大麦品种,转而种植风险较小的作物,冬大麦(在秋季种植,在一年中最冷的月份留在田里)如今在中西部地区可能更可行。


但对于冬大麦的前景,人们并不总是完全一致。史密斯讲了一个关于他的前任的故事:他的前任长期从事春大麦育种工作。另一位科学家——俄勒冈州立大学教授帕特里克·海斯(Patrick Hayes)——向他描述了自己对未来冬大麦的憧憬。史密斯的前任在一张名片上写道:"这是不可能的",指的是他坚信冬麦不值得大费周章。


美国啤酒大麦协会(American Malting Barley Association)副总裁兼技术总监阿什利·麦克法兰(Ashley McFarland)说,现在美国几乎每个州都在开展冬大麦项目。她认为冬大麦永远不会成为美国啤酒作物的全部,但她说,生产者需要分散风险,以提高抵御气候冲击的能力。

美国最大的两家啤酒公司摩森康胜(Molson Coors)和百威英博(Anheuser Busch)每年都会发布环境报告,承诺以可持续的方式采购啤酒花和大麦,并减少用水量,但两家公司都没有回应美联社就这些努力的具体细节发表评论的请求。

康奈尔大学(Cornell)教授啤酒课程的高级讲师道格拉斯·米勒(Douglass Miller)说,啤酒花是一种对气候要求很高的作物,而没有水就无法酿造啤酒。他补充说,由于气候对供应链的影响,啤酒的价格可能会上涨,但菜单上其他所有东西的价格也会上涨。“所有饮料类别都受到了影响。”他说。



美联社驻底特律记者迪安·德宾(Dee-Ann Durbin)撰稿。美联社驻芝加哥沃林(Walling)撰稿。



On a bright day this fall, tractors crisscrossed Gayle Goschie’s farm about an hour outside Portland, Oregon. Goschie is in the beer business — a fourth-generation hops farmer. Fall is the off-season, when the trellises are bare, but recently, her farming team has been adding winter barley, a relatively newer crop in the world of beer, to their rotation, preparing barley seeds by the bucketful.

In the face of human-caused climate change impacting water access and weather patterns in the Willamette Valley — a region known for hops growing — Goschie will need all the new strategies the farm can get to sustain what they produce and provide to local and larger breweries alike.

All of a sudden, climate change “was not coming any longer,” Goschie said, “it was here.”

Climate change is anticipated to only further the challenges producers are already seeing in two key beer crops, hops and barley. Some hops and barley growers in the U.S. say they’ve already seen their crops impacted by extreme heat, drought, and unpredictable growing seasons. Researchers are working with growers to help counter the effects of more volatile weather systems with improved hop varieties that can withstand drought and by adding winter barley to the mix.

Researchers have known for a while that beer production will be affected by climate change, said Mirek Trnka, a professor at the Global Change Research Institute. He and his team recently authored a study modeling the effect of climate change on hops, out last month in Nature Communications, that projected that yields in Europe will decrease between 4% and 18% by 2050. His first study on hops 15 years ago issued a similar warning to his latest paper.

“If we don’t act, we’re just going to also lose things that we consider not to be, for example, sensitive or related to climate change. Like beer,” he said.

Climate change moves faster than we might realize — but still too slowly for many to notice, he said. The fact that researchers have started picking up on this means that there’s promise for adaptation and solutions in the form of farming changes, but Trnka still has his concerns.

Running out of water?

Hops declines in Europe mean changes for American producers too. One craft brewery that gets some of their hops from Goschie said that the company is trying to replicate the flavors of German hops using new varieties grown in the U.S. because the ones they depend upon from Europe have been impacted by hot, dry summers over the last couple of years.

That’s why some researchers are working on varieties of hops that can better withstand summer heat, warmer winters, changing pests and diseases and less snowfall, which could mean less available irrigation, said Shaun Townsend, an associate professor and senior researcher at Oregon State University. Townsend is working on a project where he subjects hops to drought stress to eventually create more drought-tolerant varieties.

It’s no easy task, one that can take a decade, and one that also has to take into account brewers’ main considerations, taste and yield. But the possibility of running out of water is a reality that’s on people’s radars, he said.

Better hops might still be a technology that’s a work in progress, but the story of barley improvements is already well underway. Kevin Smith, professor of agronomy and plant genetics at the University of Minnesota, said that while spring barley is the dominant type for the U.S. beer industry, winter barley — which is planted in the fall and kept on fields during the coldest months of the year — may be more feasible now in the Midwest, where other barley types had been given up due to climate, plant disease and economic factors in favor of crops that are less risky.

Winter barley may also be desirable for craft breweries that have started emphasizing local ingredients and who want something grown close by. And it can also be grown as a cover crop, meaning that farmers can prevent erosion, improve their soil health and keep carbon stored in the ground by planting it during the off-season when fields are normally bare.

But there hasn’t always been complete consensus on the promise of winter barley. Smith told a story about his predecessor, who was a longtime spring barley breeder. Another scientist – Patrick Hayes, a professor at Oregon State University – was describing to him his hopes for the future of winter barley. Smith’s predecessor wrote on a business card, “it can’t be done,” referring to his firm belief that winter barley just wasn’t worth the trouble.

Hayes kept the card in his office, and has made it his life’s mission to work on improving winter barley.

There are now winter barley programs at nearly every state in the country, said Ashley McFarland, the vice president and technical director of the American Malting Barley Association. She doesn’t think winter barley will ever be the entirety of the crop in the U.S., but says that producers will need to diversify their risk in order to be more resilient to climate shocks.

Molson Coors and Anheuser Busch, the two biggest beer companies in the U.S., issue annual environmental reports that pledge commitments to sustainably sourcing hops and barley and reducing water usage, but neither company responded to an Associated Press request for comment on the specifics of those efforts.

Hops can be a finicky crop when it comes to their climate, and without water, you simply can’t make beer, said Douglass Miller, senior lecturer at Cornell who teaches a class on beer. He added that the price of beer might rise due to climate impacts on the supply chain — but so will the price of everything else on the menu. “All beverage categories are being impacted by this,” he said.

No matter what farmers and companies do with hops and winter barley, climate change may affect what beer-lovers are able to buy in the future.

“It will be increasingly difficult for us as plant breeders to provide new varieties of barley and new varieties of hops that can meet, just, all of the terrors of the climate change process,” Hayes said. “And I say terrors because … it’s that volatility, which is so, so frightening.”


Associated Press journalist Dee-Ann Durbin contributed from Detroit. Walling reported from Chicago.


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