

TRISTAN BOVE 2023-06-03

乔·拜登戴着墨镜,模仿网络热梗“黑暗布兰登”(Dark Brandon)。摄影:ANDREW CABALLERO-REYNOLDS/法新社经盖蒂图片社提供

如果你对美国经济有某种强烈的感受,除了经济数据实际展现的情形外,这可能与你的政治派别有很大关系。密歇根大学(University of Michigan)颇具影响力的每月消费者信心调查显示,人们对于经济的负面或正面感受,恰好可以按照政治派别进行划分。这是一种相对较新的现象:民主党人和共和党人对经济的观点一直以来基本一致,直到2016年前总统唐纳德·特朗普当选,之后两党开始出现明显分歧。跨国投资银行瑞银集团(UBS)财富管理部门的调查显示,与特朗普执政期间民主党人的感受一样,现在,在民主党总统的领导下,共和党人更有可能对经济感到悲观,这可能让他们对通胀更加敏感,“这两个群体似乎生活在不同的世界里。”





马萨诸塞大学阿默斯特分校(University of Massachusetts, Amherst)的伊莎贝拉·韦伯,在2021年就指出公司的贪婪是通货膨胀的根本原因,她是最早提出这种观点的经济学家之一。当时她的观点遭到大部分经济学家的批评,但后来的事实证明她是正确的。在韦伯的研究发布几个月后,来自左翼智库经济政策研究所(Economic Policy Institute)的一项研究发现,自2020年年中以来,超过一半通货膨胀可归咎于公司追求更高的利润率。前美联储(Fed)副主席莱尔·布雷纳德是最近验证这种理论的代表人物之一。她呼吁人们警惕“价格-价格螺旋”可能正在导致通货膨胀。上个月,有159年历史的法国兴业银行(Société Générale)的首席全球策略师阿尔伯特·爱德华兹更进一步表示,“贪婪通胀”的规模“惊人”,这让他不由想到“我们可能正在见证资本主义的末日”。











乔·拜登戴着墨镜,模仿网络热梗“黑暗布兰登”(Dark Brandon)。摄影:ANDREW CABALLERO-REYNOLDS/法新社经盖蒂图片社提供

如果你对美国经济有某种强烈的感受,除了经济数据实际展现的情形外,这可能与你的政治派别有很大关系。密歇根大学(University of Michigan)颇具影响力的每月消费者信心调查显示,人们对于经济的负面或正面感受,恰好可以按照政治派别进行划分。这是一种相对较新的现象:民主党人和共和党人对经济的观点一直以来基本一致,直到2016年前总统唐纳德·特朗普当选,之后两党开始出现明显分歧。跨国投资银行瑞银集团(UBS)财富管理部门的调查显示,与特朗普执政期间民主党人的感受一样,现在,在民主党总统的领导下,共和党人更有可能对经济感到悲观,这可能让他们对通胀更加敏感,“这两个群体似乎生活在不同的世界里。”





马萨诸塞大学阿默斯特分校(University of Massachusetts, Amherst)的伊莎贝拉·韦伯,在2021年就指出公司的贪婪是通货膨胀的根本原因,她是最早提出这种观点的经济学家之一。当时她的观点遭到大部分经济学家的批评,但后来的事实证明她是正确的。在韦伯的研究发布几个月后,来自左翼智库经济政策研究所(Economic Policy Institute)的一项研究发现,自2020年年中以来,超过一半通货膨胀可归咎于公司追求更高的利润率。前美联储(Fed)副主席莱尔·布雷纳德是最近验证这种理论的代表人物之一。她呼吁人们警惕“价格-价格螺旋”可能正在导致通货膨胀。上个月,有159年历史的法国兴业银行(Société Générale)的首席全球策略师阿尔伯特·爱德华兹更进一步表示,“贪婪通胀”的规模“惊人”,这让他不由想到“我们可能正在见证资本主义的末日”。











If you feel strongly about the economy one way or the other, it may have as much to do with your political affiliation as what the economic data actually shows. Negative or positive feelings about the economy can be neatly sorted by political affiliation, as seen in the University of Michigan’s influential monthly survey of consumer sentiment. This is a relatively new thing: Democrats’ and Republicans’ views on the economy were more or less in line with each other until former President Donald Trump’s election in 2016, but since then have diverged significantly. Now, under a Democratic president, Republicans are much more likely to be pessimistic about the economy, just as Democrats were under Trump—and it might be making them more susceptible to inflation, according to the wealth management arm of UBS, a global investment bank: “The two groups appear to be living on different planets.”

“Negative reported sentiment may make consumers more vulnerable to profit-led inflation,” Paul Donovan, chief economist at UBS, wrote in a note Friday. “Profit-led inflation episodes occur when consumers are told a story about why price increases are necessary. Consumers’ willingness to believe the story allows some companies to sneak in a profit margin increase.”

Is greedflation real?

What Donovan refers to as “profit-led inflation” is also known as greedflation. Unlike normal inflation, which stems from imbalances in supply and demand, greedflation happens when companies take advantage of economic conditions to improve their margins by raising prices under the cover of other inflationary factors. In the U.S., the U.K., and Europe, companies have raised prices citing higher raw material costs as a result of the pandemic and the war in Ukraine, but corporate profits have nonetheless surged to record highs over the past year.

Donovan argued that not only is greedflation real, it has a disproportionate effect depending on how consumers feel about the economy. In the U.S., Republicans have soured against the Biden administration’s economic policies, with only 8% of Republicans reporting they were somewhat or very confident Biden could make good decisions on economic policy compared with 69% of Democrats, according to an April Pew survey.

Isabella Weber of the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, was one of the first economists to call out corporate greed as an underlying force behind inflation in 2021. While she was largely criticized for her views by fellow economists at the time, she has been winning the debate of late. Several months after Weber’s research, a study from the left-leaning Economic Policy Institute found that more than half of inflation since mid-2020 could be attributed to larger corporate profit margins. Former Fed vice chair Lael Brainard was more recently a key establishment figure in validating the theory, as she called attention to a “price-price spiral” that could be causing inflation. Last month, Albert Edwards, chief global strategist at 159-year-old bank Société Générale, took it a step further, saying the “astonishing” amount of “greedflation” was prompting him to think “we may be looking at the end of capitalism.”

Pessimism and a lack of faith in government can make consumers more vulnerable and likely to accept corporations’ narratives that higher prices are inevitable, UBS’s Donovan argues off the back of this groundswell against greedflation.

“If some consumers are inclined to believe that everything in the economy is bad, they are likely to be more accepting of stories about the necessity of raising prices. ‘Of course prices are going up. What else do you expect with this government?’ becomes an accepted narrative,” he wrote.

To be sure, the shoe was on the other foot just a few years ago. In 2019, polls showed that 97% of Republicans were happy with current economic conditions compared with 62% of Democrats. And the Trump economy was objectively good in several ways. The S&P 500’s annualized returns grew 13.7% during Trump’s term in office, the third-fastest growth any president has overseen since 1929, behind Democrats Bill Clinton and Barack Obama. The divergence continued during the early days of the pandemic in 2020, when many Republican voters cited stock market gains as the reason behind their approval of Trump, despite the fact only around half of Americans own any stock at all.

And Trump was somewhat revolutionary in a macroeconomic sense, as he publicly campaigned for interest rates to remain low and continue fostering economic growth, with economists surprised that inflation didn’t get out of control as the economy “ran hot.” That looks a bit different a few years later, as inflation has hit several 40-year highs amid the pandemic, and some observers, including some Republicans, have argued that in retrospect, Trump’s strategy contributed to the inflation surge since 2021.

Donovan, for his part, is astonished by the Michigan survey. “The detail is hilarious. Michigan sentiment data identifies the reported sentiment of Republicans and Democrats; the two groups appear to be living on different planets. If your party is out of the White House, all is doom and despondency. If your party is in the White House, the U.S. economy is a perfect paradise,” Donovan wrote.

Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell and many other economists have long argued that rising wages, not fatter profits, are the root cause behind high prices, with former Treasury Secretary Larry Summers struggling to respond to Jon Stewart’s questions on the topic during a March interview. But despite the pushback, the greedflation argument is gathering steam.

Donovan wrote in a March report that we are in the last of three inflationary waves to have hit since the pandemic. The first two stemmed from supply-chain snarls and temporary disruption—the traditionally held causes of inflation—but fatter profit margins are fueling the current one.

Donovan wrote that companies are able to spin their own stories in the current inflationary environment, and are buoyed by political division and disdain for the government. He added that the Fed’s demand-side prescription for inflation of higher interest rates could eventually resolve the problem, but it would be a “crude and unnecessarily destructive policy approach,” while convincing consumers that they do not have to passively accept companies’ yarns of burdensome price increases might be a more effective strategy.
